COD4 MP Live arranging thread

I admit that was a pretty **** poor mistake to make. I've never taken one down so quickly with the M16 :(

I stand by my defence though, it's the san miguels fault :)

Good games tonight, we lost far more than we normally lose even without Soulja and Wyrdo.
MP on your own is ****** ****, i always get stuck on a team full of people who have never played the game before and they just run around like headless chickens :mad: i thought the matchmaking was supposed to do even teams!
I dont think COD matchmakes as such, no real need as you rank up purely due to XP rather than skilled rankes like Halo.

The only balancing it does is the teams and balancing the ranks on either side, although that doesnt always work out great.

Random MP isnt too bad I find, aslong as you go on mercenary, atleast then you wont be playing against an OCUKesque massive.
Sorry about just leaving last night, I'd really had enough. I was having a terrible evening and just couldn't be bothered, especially with a private match.

Points make prizes!

We only played one private match. I think a lot of us had bad nights last night :D

Just making a cuppa then chuck us an invite.
Just booted up CoD to see that it thinks I am only rank 39 - when I know I finished last night at rank 50. Sure enough, I look on the leader borders and it has me as rank 50!!

It's locked up my P90 again, lost all the challenges I made. Weirdly enough, it's even reverted my custom classes back to what they would have been when I was level 39 :confused:

Anyone else had this before? I'm scared to play a game just in case I lose those 11 ranks permanently!!
Its happened to me again. So I managed to play a for an hour or so earlier, then turned it off for lunch. During that play I went up a level to 51.

Now when I tried to go back on, I was back down to 39. Restart the console and then I'm at 50!! Yet the leaderboards quite happily report me at being 51!!

Something is seriously screwed again.
Wanted to have a game buy can't sign in. Just getting the spinning icon on the dashboard.

MS can suck my ****

It's beyond a joke now, a month of ballache just trying to play a game online. A month to fix the problems due to "new members" BS, I don't even reckon they know how to fix it.
Wanted to have a game buy can't sign in. Just getting the spinning icon on the dashboard.

MS can suck my ****

It's beyond a joke now, a month of ballache just trying to play a game online. A month to fix the problems due to "new members" BS, I don't even reckon they know how to fix it.

I had that, just loaded the game up and it signed me in. Try that.
Its being really iffy.

Everyone on my friends list keeps signing in and out all the time. Namely HeyMikeyYoMikey every 10 seconds :p

Then again it is nearing the dreaded 10pm!

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