COD4 - seta com_maxfps "0"

Knifing is horriblely implented into cod4, if you miss your dead and sometimes your about a mile away and you still get the kill :/

CSS has the knife done properly

Its rather anoying the knife makes you lose control for a brief moment :/
How odd, none of the "lolzomg you have no frames noob" posters have come back to apologise for their idiotic behaviour.

Unfortunately all i can do is echo 125 fps from quake days.
The knife is pretty silly... you can kill people with whilst not really facing them and standing miles away. I wouldn't mind it so much but on one of the little tip things the game gives it says something like "if you really want to humilate someone, knife them!"... uh just no, as its easier to knife them than it is to shoot them in 4/5 cases it really is more humilating shooting them.
I have to disagree. Knife has to be the most humilating! Always has, always will :p


Doublejump on someone in Urban Terror and you kick them for 20% damage. Now *that's* a humiliating way to go :D
lol. Quick question. I got COD4 a few days ago and i was wondering if there is some sort of overall points rating? Or, is it server specific?
a lot of servers will have stats, some are even centralised so large groups of servers running the same stat mod will share the info... however the information is ropey at best, often the top of the servers will just be who has spent the most time on them, not who is actually the best and collating information between servers is difficult since player count / gametype / just the particular community of that server will have a dramatic impact on the amount of points you can expect to achive there... basically, outside of being in a team that competes in leagues / tournaments / ladders, you won't really know how well you are (or aren't) doing.
yep, didn't realise that such a simply question could have erupted into a series of flame posts followed by some really good answers.
I'd say priming a nade and running at them and taking them out terrorist style is a humiliating one too :D

Thats a very fun way to do it :p

Also on CSS, if you get the whole team on a server with FF, to run at the enemy /ambush them all with the pins pulled on nades, it's an awesome thing to watch as the whole team explodes, kills each other death nades kill more so on and so on. :p
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