Coffee table build

I could have just gone with one but I wanted to take up more room so I used 4 smaller ones, nothing more than that.

Thanks for the kind words guys.
Wow, I have seen where pc built in desk, but never a coffee table, really nice. Really creative. I like how you hidden the cables, really clean look. Question, what's the material you used to mount the components and with such GPU, do you just play videos??
I started playing a few games so added the second 290 card, I also watercooled it after having heat issues with the GPU seeing over 90c and shutting down (when running FAH), I guess this is partly due to the hot weather we have been having...Still I thought it would be ok to add another couple of radiators and some more fans, the upgrades will go below the main deck and should also hide the wires that can be seen if you look under the deck of the PC/coffee table so it will make it look a bit more pleasing to the eye.

I was going to have a custom made rad but a couple of off the shelf ones seem like they will fit ok so have gone with that.

I'll take some more pics of the PC after the upgrades now it is installed in it's home at the new house.
Thats a very nice build,

i couldn't help but notice the sound card is not plugged into an x1 slot, how do it work?

It's a x1 to usb adapter thing I got from ebay, cost about £10, I found that there is a limit to how far you can extend the soundcard/GPU away from the slot before it just doesnt work anymore and the wires are messy so I used that, I have for the moment removed it and relocated the soundcard to the slot due to some nasty interference noise I keep getting (not that relocating helped..)

Thanks for the kind words guys, this wasnt a very hard build and if you can operate a jigsaw and drill you could easily replicate it if you wanted to, the hardest bit was finding the table.
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