excuse for a day off or not?

I hate it when people with a bad cold come into work, because its an air-conditioned office and I'm so susceptible to catching them.

There again, I always have a cold of varying degree - usually just a sniffle - and so would be permanently off!
Depends on how bad you feel

I see little point going in then doing next to nothing and suffering all day just to show you're not a skiver, imo you're better off having a proper rest and probably get better quicker
Depends on how bad you feel

I see little point going in then doing next to nothing and suffering all day just to show you're not a skiver, imo you're better off having a proper rest and probably get better quicker

This. I quite enjoy my job and what I do so taking a day off for the lulz just doesn't really appeal to me.

If I genuinley don't feel well I will call in sick, if not I'll go in. I once was borderline with a massive caugh, cold symptoms and feelign achey but my boss was away and therefore kinda needed to be in.

I got sent home within the first 20-30 minutes by a director of the business on the basis that I looked like death and could pass it on to others.
If you are so ill that you can't concentrate and do the job you are paid to do then I just don't understand why people go in!

Not only are you wasting your own and your employers time, you're probably passing on your germs to other people in your workforce who maybe more, 'pathetic' in nature causing them to have time off work.

Agree with this and quite a few other similar views posted.

Very much dependant on severity, which does vary a lot.
Just a cold - I carry on as normal.

a heavy/bad cold - will consider taking a day off if it will effect my work / make me useless but I do just tend to plough on through.

Surely everyone knows that when you are ill you always go into work, that way, when you call in sick to spend the day at the pub, people think you are really ill and so don't question it.

Why waste sick days being sick after all? :p
First sign of a sniffle and im on the phone to work. Still get paid and there is no point in passing it to co-workers.

Then i get to watch films and drink tea. Good times.
Depending on how I feel I normally wouldn't go in to work but would work from home instead.
Affects people differently don't they so I suppose I can understand why weaklings :p ring in sick.

Only time I ring in sick is if I can't physically move. I had the flu 2 years ago over Xmas and went to get up for work and I actually couldn't lift my head off the pillow.
depends how bad I feel.

if I'm too rough to leave the house, I won't. I can work from home too, so I have this option if I'm just feeling semi rough

Been off with a cold too.

Small company so we can't afford to spread around the disease in case multiple people get ill.

I hate when people go to work when ill, it just increases the chance of passing it on to others.

Unless it is an emergency, staying home is the best typically for the company - saves others being ill and slowed down from feeling terrible.
You stay at home recover and thats it. Or you go to work pass it to 2 3 or 4 people and they are now off because you came in. Working while ill can be a risk to health and safety.

If you do not get sick pay I understand you going in if you can.
Wish people would stay at home when they have colds instead of infecting everybody else and making everyone miserable.
Depends on how bad the cold is .... if it's not that bad then I'll come in but if it's a really heavy one then I'll try and work from home or in the worse case call in sick.

Had to call in sick the other day for a cold as it was affecting me really badly, something which only happens that bad to me about once every 3 or 4 years, and I hadn't had any real sleep for 2 or 3 days. There was no point in coming in as I wouldn't have got anything done and would have just infected everyone else.

What with VPN and company mobiles I can do most of my job from the sofa if necessary as long as I have my laptop, unfortunately I couldn't that day as I didn't have with me.

I do work with a few people though who you wonder if they are taking the you know what at times ...
Unless I'm physically leaking from an orifice and it's noticable, I'll go into work. I'm supposed to tell my employers if I'm ill as "nasal discharge" due to a cold is considered enough to send me home, needless to say I don't tell them.
I'm supposed to tell my employers if I'm ill as "nasal discharge" due to a cold is considered enough to send me home, needless to say I don't tell them.

I don't know what you do but presumably there's a reason they'd want to send you home in this instance? You're probably best telling them, if you get sick pay I can't imagine why you wouldn't!
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