excuse for a day off or not?

Surely everyone knows that when you are ill you always go into work, that way, when you call in sick to spend the day at the pub, people think you are really ill and so don't question it.

Why waste sick days being sick after all? :p

Exactly what I do, bank the sick days for when I'm well. Pointless being off sick when your actually unwell :D
Nobody likes a mucus trooper, I personally hate it when someones in sniffling and dribbling out their nose in work. Odds are I'll have it in a couple of days and then spend several days feeling rubbish, normally a couple of others in the office are infected too. Bearing in mind some people may have it worse then you may end up making several people have to take time off sick rather than just you, the infected.
Unless i'm unable to control my nose from running, have an uncontrollable cough and as long as I won't disturb anyone else or make anyone sat next to me uncomfortable i'll go in.
Don't go in and spread disease! If I have to go somewhere though I take a couple of those codeine tablets, makes you feel much better.
Depends on how bad you feel

I see little point going in then doing next to nothing and suffering all day just to show you're not a skiver, imo you're better off having a proper rest and probably get better quicker

This. There's no point passing on the virus to my co-workers and those people unlucky enough to be sat near me on the train. If I'm sneezing/snotting everywhere (i.e. most contagious), I'd rather keep myself away for a day.
I would go to work, unless I am completely unfit to leave the house.

Also, some office jobs make you stay home to stop other people you come in contact with getting th flu/cold as well.
I've had full blown flu and gone to work, got sent home with half an hour of the day left because the manager caught me sitting out back shivering, and pretty much had to be removed before I agreed to leave :/

I don't do sick days
I go to work unless I am physically unable/unwell to leave the house.

This, I've had 4 days off in the last 5 years. Once for a bust knee and 3 days for food poisoning.

I severely twisted my ankle on sat night at the beginning of the shift and carried on, it's still swollen now and will be going in.

Although I can see the otherside that if you have a cold, then you should stay at home as not to spread it.
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[DOD]Asprilla;15030488 said:
Sickies are for pregnant women and the limp wristed.

Normally a cold won't stop me from going into work. However, people at work seem to be a bit woosy about it as they send me home about half way through the day.

Cold = no
Flu = yes

I view it from the school of shipping engineers.... If you arent dead, then you can make it into work.
Going to work while contagious with even a cold is the height of selfishness.

no the height of selfishness is sneezing without covering your mouth, not keeping you hands clean and leaving dirty tissues everywhere, theres nothing wrong with working with a cold so long as you pay a little thought for others while your there.
I phoned in sick with the cold(constant coughing and could barely speak) but in my other job I had to go in, if I don't go in nothing gets done and I don't get paid. Only is ever 2 of us on in that shop though.
It depends how bad the cold is, but my body can't handle fever properly (my temperature spikes like mad at even the slightest infection) so it's not often good.

To be honest, my work is achievement based, not bum-on-seat-time based. So if I'm not going to be productive there isn't much point me going in. But equally, I get absolutely no leeway for being ill, so I will have to make up the workload later. So there's really no upside to being ill in that respect. My work suffers exactly the same as if I had stayed at home playing games all day.
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