Command & Conquer: The First Decade

kreeeee said:
I don't focus on the era, setting etc. That's pointless. Balance, pace and competition is what I like.
I try not to, but I still have a much greater preference for Dune II's setting than for Age of Empires, or I prefer Z's setting to all of the Total War series, and so on. There are some exceptions though, games like Warcraft I were just awesome anyway :)
Age of Empires overtook C&C as my fav RTS of all time, but C&C:Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert hold so many memories for me so I'll never forget them. Anyone got their copies yet? I want a review! :D
DVD drive broke a few months ago and just bunged an old spare in there... been meaning to get a replacement for a long time.
got mine today, had a go at c&c 1, not as good as i remember it, i think its because of all the cut scenes thats putting me off, im much more happy with red alert 1 though, ( oh hell march song how i love you! ) which im gonna play all the way through i can feel, then onto the others! :)
Mason64 said:
cant seem 2 find any pics of this online?

It's just the old games, hence no new pics.

Edit: Well this is rather buggy. Some music is missing and RA1 and C&C 95 have no LAN or online play.
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Are the ingame resolutions still the same? I take it nothing has changed on that front.
they are basically identical to the original with an EA general loader and some reg tweaks to allow it to run on WinXP. That's it.... oh and they also broke a lot of stuff and neglected to put a few sound tracks in.
Sod getting that then. Can't beleive they spit in the faces of loyal fans by releasing a massive pack that they can't even get right. Cheers for the info.
I'll be buying this tomorrow. Waiting for it to appear in the shops, i'm told tomorrow is the official release date, so i'll pick up my copy asap :)

I'll just have to trust EA to patch it, I know it's asking a lot, but stranger things have happened.
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