Commodore Amiga owners thread!

The South West Amiga meet was very enjoyable. The organisers do a fantastic job every time, with tables, chairs, lunch and all details sorted for our arrival.

I took my 'CheckMate' "Amiga" along. This is shamefully a AMD MATX PC running Amiga Forever.

The other kit there was very fancy, all sorted of modified Amigas.

I took a few photos whilst I was setting up.
Very nice! I have a similar setup (same case, same mouse and a CRT) but with a MiSTer - I also have an Amiga 4000 keyboard hooked up to it via an Arduino :)
Ahhh nostaliga

I regret selling my Vic20 for a C64 then regret selling my C64 for a Amiga then regret selling my Amiga for a A1200. I still remember the selling point to my old folks, If I got this I wont spend so much money or time in the arcades...... Alas it was never the same they just saw less of me :)
Cant remember what happened to my C64, Amiga 500 or Amiga A1200 but the Vic 20 ended up running our central heating.
Cant remember what happened to my C64, Amiga 500 or Amiga A1200 but the Vic 20 ended up running our central heating.
I think my Vic 20 went in the bin, my C64 is down the cellar at my parents and the caps blew in the Amiga 500 and leaked everywhere so that went in the bin also. I still have the Amiga CD32 though which I kept as I loved playing Diggers.
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I sold my original ZX81 which was in mint condition to get a C64. I regretted that, but I now have a fully working and upgraded ZX81 with a tape emulator so I have been enjoying going back and playing the games I played 40 years ago and typing in simple programs. I just replaced the membrane keyboard as that was the original and the ribbon had fractured. I also have a refurbed rubber key ZX Spectrum, and I've loved playing that again as I never had one as a kid but played on my mates ones.

I still have my C64 system but it's a bit poorly, yellowing and the disk drive doesn't work, so I got a C64 Maxi instead which is a lovely way to get the C64 experience without all the hassle of keeping old hardware going.

I also still have my A1000 but without the monitor which was slightly faulty and I gave it away years ago, which I also regret as it could have been fixed.

However I recently got the A500 Mini which has been a good way to get back into playing Amiga stuff without getting my A1000 up and running again.

I would love to get hold of that new modded PC floppy drive that can read Amiga disks though, as i still have a bunch of Amiga disks I'd like to look through with my files on.
However I recently got the A500 Mini which has been a good way to get back into playing Amiga stuff without getting my A1000 up and running again.

Yeah I wouldnt mind getting the mini for curiosity value just dont fancy paying £100 for it. I can play Amiga stuff on my RG502. I've managed to find some of my old Utilities and cover disks I created, think it was for Ace magazine plus some of my old demos I made. Never thought I would as some of the demos were right pap. Trouble is I can only find the rubbish ones cant find any of my "better" ones when I figured out how to code a bit.
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What's an RG502?

Sorry meant RG503

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I still have the Amiga CD32 though which I kept as I loved playing Diggers.
Diggers was a nice game and it came out as both included in the CD32 launch bundle and later as a separate store release like the one I have.
I remember its sequel Diggers 2 (Extractors) sadly getting canceled while in development on the Amiga so only a demo ever made it out.

A full PC CD release did come out in 1995 called Extractors so if you want to dig even deeper, you should give this sequel a try :)





Funnily enough, i picked up a breadbin style C64 this morning with 10 games for 30 quid from the car boot, no power supply though. I've yet to test it, I've given it all day to dry out.
Funnily enough, i picked up a breadbin style C64 this morning with 10 games for 30 quid from the car boot, no power supply though. I've yet to test it, I've given it all day to dry out.

That's a bargain! Hppe it works. Even if it doesn't the parts can be used make a modern version or used to fix other C64's. With the C64 the PSUs can be unreliable and are not repairable (being encased in resin) so you'd be best sourcing a modern replacement for the missing one.
I would love to get hold of that new modded PC floppy drive that can read Amiga disks though, as i still have a bunch of Amiga disks I'd like to look through with my files on.
Amiga Drawbridge.

I have that floppy drive, you need to purchase the modified board then get the correct usb floppy drive from Amazon. It's easy to install just open up the floppy drive unplug the ribbon cable and remove the original board and just plug in the new board.
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If anyone is interested there is a North West Amiga meet up 25th Feb. I'll be going and David Pleasance is making an appearance too.

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