Community ! Can't believe there isn't a thread.

Watched it all up to date over the last 2 days, now the withdrawl sets in till next week!

Fav character was Abed but have to say I think Troy is the most consistent, some of the stuff he says is so dumb it has me in stitches :D

And Annie > Britta ;)
So until Community is back on with S3 I started watching Modern Family and going by episode 1 I see it's going to be a very amusing series :D
I think I love Alison Brie, I mean actually love her. The moment I meet a women anything like her, I'm proposing.
Girls aren't that hot, the blonde one has something wrong with her face and the brown one is just a bit meh.

a bit meh???

Yeah, don't think she is that great in Community. Eyes are like a bugs and a forehead that you could reasonably plant a flag in and claim as your own country. I guess she's got the girl next door look going on. Bit Katy Perry ish, and I don't like her either. Just not my type!
Girls aren't that hot, the blonde one has something wrong with her face and the brown one is just a bit meh.


It SHOULD be series, but in America it's season because take place in a season (Community starts in the fall season, for example. Louie in the spring season etc). The series refers to the entire length of the program I.E. Community is a TV series which is about to enter its third season. A shorter run of a season is usually called a midseason replacement cause of its length (up to 13 episodes but can and is shorter) and is typically broadcast in between scheduled seasons.

It's series in the UK because there are no "seasons" in the same way there is in America - there is no set pattern as to when a TV series can begin. In America TV series' begin at the start of a season, in the UK there's no set place for them. There is no "spring season" for example.
I know why it is season but it's an Americanism. Over here we call our Mothers Mum, our chips chips and our TV series series.

It'd be an Americanism if their TV series were the same length as ours. But they're not, so season is more accurate. I hate it too, but hey ho.
What is there to hate? It's a TV series where each season starts during an actual season, therefore it is a...season.

It works, why complain about it unless you're just a seasonal complainer.

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