I guess licensing is a good part of the cost but I'm in the wrong job if someone paid $100m to have this made, aside from animating stuff like humanoids, there isn't much in the footage of the game I couldn't do and in a lot less than 8 years. Someone could slap this together with UE5 and the marketplace and a bit of AI content creation.
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Would Sony seriously just write off a £100m game after just 10 days? 8 years in development, that would mean there would have been around 130 people on average working on this over that period and this was the best they could come up with?

It makes you wonder why there seems to be so little corporate oversight and governance going on at some of these big multinational companies. If I were a shareholder I would be calling for heads to be rolled over for such a disaster.

For the record Rockstar spent $250m on GTA 5 but that included marketing. I remember at the time Rockstar saying they had bet the whole company on the game being a success and had it flopped they would have been in serious financial jeopardy. Crazy how Sony can be so casual with Concord's fate.
could be used as a tax right off / loss
This will end up to the Go Woke Go Broke museum. A perfect specimen.

It failed for many reasons but you can't have heros that look like this and expect people to want to play them, some of them are beyond belief. DEI land whales, and every single one looks like an accident in the paint factory.
Not surprised, there are so many of these games and the 'vibe' I read is that people are now tired of live service games (rather than 'getting tired' which has been the last few years). Unfortunately the game industry is several years behind just because of how long it takes to make a game (eight years in this case).

Honestly I am not sure where the AAA / console/PC game industry goes from here. It takes such a long time to make an AAA game, a game needs to make so much revenue or profit in the eyes of publishers or investors that why would they bother? AA games don't really exist any more and those that do don't make enough money to satisfy publishers/investors or whoever. BG3 and Elden Ring etc are loved and I am sure sell well but I doubt they make the money of peak Destiny / GTA:O / whatever the popular mobile games are. I'm not sure there is a way of making more money that peak live service games and I am not sure decision makers will accept making less money.
^^ This. So much stuff gets shut down not because it isn't making money, it's just not making enough...maybe if live service dies a death, and investors take their money elsewhere (Nvidia shares??) we can get back to some good indie studios and AA games? Amazing GFX are great, but i got bored of Avatar and that looks amazing...
It will go down in the annals of history as one of the biggest gaming screw ups/failures of all time along with ET, Immortals of Aveium and Anthem.

What is a pity is that Sony invested so much into this but wouldnt give Days Gone a sequel. :(
^^ This. So much stuff gets shut down not because it isn't making money, it's just not making enough...maybe if live service dies a death, and investors take their money elsewhere (Nvidia shares??) we can get back to some good indie studios and AA games? Amazing GFX are great, but i got bored of Avatar and that looks amazing...
The gaming landscape is enormous these days. We got everything including hilarious and spectacular failures. A dozen of games release on steam every month that I would like to play. The biggest constraint is time not quality.
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