Confirmed: Windows Blue Will Be Free, to Be Called 8.1

Hi guys, here is a preview video of Windows 8.1. The stuff shown looks good to me in terms of improving the Modern UI which is good for my Surface tablet. Also I am pleased to here that RT is getting Outlook (not in video). I can pretty much ditch the laptop now.

Hmmmm coping Android again "moving wall paper is awesome" lmao we've had it for years.

Come on MS doing something original so we can get a mobile war going.
Wonder why they don't use a desktop in these kind of videos?
Hmmmm coping Android again "moving wall paper is awesome" lmao we've had it for years.

Come on MS doing something original so we can get a mobile war going.
Wonder why they don't use a desktop in these kind of videos?

They did do something original,they removed the old Start button menu,oh wait we all know what happened then ;) .
I love the way turning a desktop OS into something that is touch enabled and runs on tablets isn't original. So clichéd.

Linux been doing that for yonks :D Ubuntu touch anyone :) oh and it's FREEEEEEEE :D

MS should have used something like Aroma on android were you pick what you want install.
Why are they making PC's like phones :(

Because Apple and Android already had a massive user base when Windows Phone 8 was released. Everyone used either Apple services or Google services (like calendar, Gmail, etc); if anyone did use Microsoft services it was only corporations via Exchange.

What Microsoft did have was billions of Windows users. Exploiting their Windows users by turning Windows as a whole into a touch oriented OS, they have forced people to use Microsoft's apps (like People, Calander etc.) subsequently forcing their app user base to increase.

This is why the desktop computer is now just a big phone. Because Microsoft wanted a foothold in the Touch/Portable market but only had a Desktop userbase.
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This is why the desktop computer is now just a big phone. Because Microsoft wanted a foothold in the Touch/Portable market but only had a Desktop userbase.

Wait a minute... this isn't new, why is MooMoo444 acting like this is new? Skype has been on the go, when? 2005? people calling phones from their computer before Windows 8. Webcams... heck you see people on Sky News via Skype on their computers.

It's been a big phone for a long time.

Windows Vista and 7 were on laptops with touch pads... it's not exactly any different. It's just more refined now.
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Smartphone = Phone that can also do PC functions.

PC = PC that can also do phone functions.

There's your difference.
Microsoft had no choice, they were losing marketshare hand of fist it makes. The markets have been merging for years both functionality, os and hardware.
Desktops simply don't have the functionality of a mobile os
Mobile os don't have the functionality of full blowen windows.

Now we have one which does both, something I've wanted since before the first ipad came out. Been a long time waiting for Ms to catch up and it's a decent solution, which will only improve.

Staying on pure old fashion desktop would have been suicide for MS, it's why they've lost so much in the last couple of years.
I agree with the crux of your post, however:

1) They're arriving awfully late to a party that Apple and Google have enjoyed the lion's share of. This should have been done when the first iPad was launching.

2) They've still mucked up availability of the hardware.

3) I still think they should have forked development into two separate OSes (phone/desktop PC) and I still believe they eventually will have to. Apple and Android have both done this.
Agree with the first two, totally disagree with the last.
That would be the same as when they didnt compete several years ago. You need cross compatability. Many companies already are using mobile devices are even more are coming on board. You need a seamless experience accrosss all devices. This is what MS have done visually and stirivng to do completely.

By forking it would have been only marginally better than not doing anything.

Apple and android are both adding mobile stuff to the desktops, so no I can't see them having to do this. Just at a far slower rate.m
What we will end up with on all sides is unification across all platforms.
MS will be ahead of the game in this regard which is a good thing, it'll be the other playing catch up for a change.
What Microsoft did have was billions of Windows users. Exploiting their Windows users by turning Windows as a whole into a touch oriented OS, they have forced people to use Microsoft's apps (like People, Calander etc.) subsequently forcing their app user base to increase.

If Windows 8 was a mandatory update for every existing Windows user, and blocked all non-store apps from running, then you would have a point.
Doesnt matter if they are late to the party as at least they have arrived! I for one am looking forward to the upgrade to 8.1
Been using Windows 8 for a while now, initially I hated it, only installed it due to needing to learn where everything was and how to troubleshoot it for people, now I can safely say I actually prefer it, though I an 98% on the desktop. Very much looking forward to this update :)
I agree with the crux of your post, however:

1) They're arriving awfully late to a party that Apple and Google have enjoyed the lion's share of. This should have been done when the first iPad was launching.

2) They've still mucked up availability of the hardware.

3) I still think they should have forked development into two separate OSes (phone/desktop PC) and I still believe they eventually will have to. Apple and Android have both done this.

4) the only way to come back from this is to sell mobile hardware very cheap.
**Drunkenmaster post**

4) the only way to come back from this is to sell mobile hardware very cheap.

As Google does, subsidising the manufacturers with their Nexus range, particularly the Nexus 4 and Nexus 7.

I agree with that. Microsoft RT will die unless they offer a massively discounted deal on either all devices or their Surface range. Not necessarily Nexus-challenging, but enough to entice. It (Modern UI rather than Windows 8 generally) hasn't hooked into the market. My own experiences of Modern UI have been very poor until now, with even the built-in apps refusing to work properly initially, especially and most critically the Store, and while those bundled apps appear to be generally stable now, they don't appeal to me in the slightest. Had the Modern UI apps been brilliant out of the box, then it (Modern UI) would have been fine for me, but the general opinion (even excluding the desktop fanatics allergic to change) seems to be mediocre at best, appealing most to business users who work both in the office and the field, which would be OK on paper if a) that was a big market and b) businesses would actually buy into Windows 8, which they don't seem to be doing.*

While I'm fine with Windows 8 as a desktop OS (personally the only thing I miss is pinned documents in the Office suite), I still don't think it offers anywhere near enough as a tablet OS (RT or standard) and in terms of app availability, that will reflect badly on Windows Mobile 8, which sadly seems quite a good, solid and well-thought-out mobile OS.

* Don't get me wrong, I get to decide in which direction we go in at work (a Middle School) and I'd love to go Windows 8 both personally and from a hardware perspective (it working well on older hardware much better than Windows 7), but I already know how many issues other staff would have. The 9-13 year old kids would be fine as kids learn very quickly, but some of the staff would struggle to adapt at the moment. It's a planned upgrade, but not yet and not with 8.1. Perhaps Windows 9 if it starts to introduce logic to the Modern UI/desktop mishmash.

All that said, on Windows 8 in desktop mode, I wish they'd left the hotspot for the Start Screen rather than reintroducing the Start Button. It's a step backwards. Again though, you had a total contrast from the bottom-left corner to that of the top and bottom right corner (click on one, hover/click on the other - come on Microsoft, the Office 2007+ ribbon, as ridiculed as it was from some, was logical - this very much isn't).
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