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Conroe is hype

17 Oct 2002
Richdog said:
Good for you, it means you were struggling along with a P4 fror ages while the rest of us were enjoying A64's which at the time were obscenely fast. :p
my p4 2.8c (3yrs old) clocked to 3.5ghz destroys my work athlon 3000+ (1yr old) clocked to 2.25ghz and the multitasking on the amd is crap, I wish I'd bought a p4. Even benchmarks on the athlon which has a pcie 6600gt are slower than my p4 with a 6800le AGP. (p4 - 11000-3dm03 | amd - 9000-3dm03) :confused:
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
No, I dont think you get how things have gone for me...

I am pretty much an AMD fanboy... Or rather I have just upgraded bits on my AMDs and did this until I ended up with enough bits to build another up kind of thing rather than avoid Intel.

I have also converted my house so its now got a LAN room and for that, when I get mates round, and my kids and we hammer it out, I need more rather than les good ones... As I said, what I got is more than I need already. MY slowest PC is an NF7S with an XP1700 @ 2.4 ( Goes higher, but its Air, and its hot even for october ) and all I need it to do, is UT2K4 which it does every bit as quick as any other 64Bit PC... Not quite, but not that far out.

I have many times thought of flogging off a PC or two, and concentrating on a real good PC, but then when I look at things, I also consider a few obvious facts.

As soon as I do that, the PC that I have just built up will only be the best for 10 minutes until another one comes out. I done it before and I will no doubt do it again, but not right now.

Right now I feel that I would much prefer to have a few PCs and be more than happy with them, than one PC thats king of the hill for 10 minutes, cos after the 10 minutes is up, I will be back to square one again.

In the last few weeks, I have bought myself quite a few parts... Most of it now will be interchangeable when I do get a Mobo for the intels... I got a choice of GFX, I got RAM that I forgot I had, a pair of Kingston DDR2 that I hope will be ok for it, Enough PSUs to choose from, but no doubt I will use a good one just in case, at this moment, I am using a Fortron Source 400 and I doubt thats any cop cos the thing gets seriously hot.

I have a fair few HDs ready to use, both Sata and Pata, and well, all I am waiting for is the Mobo, but I am spent up this month.

Like I have said before, I tried to up the P4 when I had it, but gave up when I realised the Mobo was simply a load of old cadge, and its just been better for me to up another AMD or two knowing that they are running sweet, than risking wasting more money on an intel, which for me is an unknown.

So, the Conroe is going to be done up soon, but not yet.
17 Feb 2006
mortals said:
my p4 2.8c (3yrs old) clocked to 3.5ghz destroys my work athlon 3000+ (1yr old) clocked to 2.25ghz and the multitasking on the amd is crap, I wish I'd bought a p4. Even benchmarks on the athlon which has a pcie 6600gt are slower than my p4 with a 6800le AGP. (p4 - 11000-3dm03 | amd - 9000-3dm03) :confused:

Thats because the 6800 is faster than the 6600gt mainly because its only 128bit.

Plus, that AMD3000+ would pretty much destroy that P4 at any game if you clocked it to as high as it could go (like you did with the p4) which would be 2.6Ghz.
17 Oct 2002
UKTopGun said:
Thats because the 6800 is faster than the 6600gt mainly because its only 128bit.

Plus, that AMD3000+ would pretty much destroy that P4 at any game if you clocked it to as high as it could go (like you did with the p4) which would be 2.6Ghz.
I didn't clock the AMD too much as it's only my work pc, but the p4 isn't "struggling" compared to the AMD64.

Also the multitasking on the AMD is noticably different to the P4, especially when running something like autocad or photoshop (which unfortunately is what the system was built for).
11 Feb 2006
mortals said:
Also the multitasking on the AMD is noticably different to the P4, especially when running something like autocad or photoshop (which unfortunately is what the system was built for).

Hyperthreading is the difference between the two!

But in gaming, the A64 would rip the P4 to pieces.
17 Feb 2006
mortals said:
Also the multitasking on the AMD is noticably different to the P4, especially when running something like autocad or photoshop (which unfortunately is what the system was built for).

P4 w/ HT all the way then if thats whats the system is for :)
10 Apr 2004
mortals said:
my p4 2.8c (3yrs old) clocked to 3.5ghz destroys my work athlon 3000+ (1yr old) clocked to 2.25ghz and the multitasking on the amd is crap, I wish I'd bought a p4. Even benchmarks on the athlon which has a pcie 6600gt are slower than my p4 with a 6800le AGP. (p4 - 11000-3dm03 | amd - 9000-3dm03) :confused:

Im sorry, but the AMD is just as fast as that P4 in games, the difference in cards don't help either.

2004 = AMD Over Intel with XP-M and AMD64
2005 = AMD Over Intel with AMD64
2006 = Intel Over AMD with C2D.
2007 = 1st/2nd quater = Intel, whens K8L released?

Man of Honour
14 Nov 2005
Up North
Richdog said:
The only reason AMD released AM2 was because Intel had DDR2 and AMD didn't want to be seen as technologically inferior by sticking with DDR. Pure marketing, performance was never the goal.

So AMD simply wanted to release a new cpu with a new skt simply for marketing purposes? Come on, get real. That must have been the biggest promotion boo-boo of all time then as all they have 'promoted' is a cpu that is inferior to intel. Performance was obviously an issue otherwise there is no real reason for any buyer to upgrade.

OC_A64 said:
Yea, course they did. AMD thought Intel would NEVER pull out a chip quicker than the P4.
AM2 is AMD's "latest" chip but the arcitecture is 2 years old... You really can't say AMD is getting beaten "this round" since their tech is 2 years old, whereas intels is 2006...
But yea, believe whatever you want...

I never said AMD were getting beaten this 'round' - define 'round', if your are comparing chip for chip intel wins, I actually stated that AM2 is AMD's latest chip/skt and C2D is intels...intel wins hands down. If you are saying its unfair to compare C2D to AM2 then what else can we compare it to? K8L? K8L which will be here for Q1 2007 at the earliest? How can we compare a current CPU to one that isn't due to be released for over 6 months later? K8L will be compared to Kentsfield cores anyway, not allendale/Conroe. I really do hope K8L trounces the Kentsfield core (Which I think it will btw) and AMD regain its performance crown as I will be first in the que(fx64 x4!!!) but for now (and referring to the OP statement/thread title) the conroe is not hype, it is the performance king of CPU's, comparing it to a chip that isn't yet released (officially or unofficially) is simply futile. I am not justifying my conroe purchase or posting blind fanboy crap, I'm just stating a fact.
17 Oct 2002
Concorde Rules said:
Im sorry, but the AMD is just as fast as that P4 in games, the difference in cards don't help either.

2004 = AMD Over Intel with XP-M and AMD64
2005 = AMD Over Intel with AMD64
2006 = Intel Over AMD with C2D.
2007 = 1st/2nd quater = Intel, whens K8L released?

I wasn't putting the AMD down, just making a point that the P4 wasn't "struggling". Also in some aspects it is better.

I like both AMD and Intel and have had loads of AMDs and also intels. It's good to have competition.



20 Jun 2006
Capital of The North

I see people laughing at people for sticking with AMD, cause Intel have 'beaten them'

Dnt worry, AMD will bounce back. I got am2 system for future upgrades, screw conroe.

I get my 150fps maxed out on css, i get my 333fps coduo maxed, and i get my 150fps on RO maxed out too. Multitasking is great aswell.

Intel can suck it.
24 Dec 2005
Thorpy said:

I got am2 system for future upgrades, screw conroe.

Intel can suck it.

Do you think they care about you?

Do you think AMD care about you?

They couldn't care less.And if you were smart you wouldn't either and just get the fastest for your money.

Foolishly you spent your hard earned cash on slower technology just because of brand loyalty.

Its laughable IMO.
Its pathetic and its just plain stupid.

AM2 can suck it cause its carp pure and simple.
When they get something as good and faster than conroe then I'll switch back.

But AM2 offers no performance gain over s939 so I'm not going to spend good money on DDR2 and a get a similar perfroming chip as my old opty 170.

I wanted an upgrade.Conroe gave me this upgrade and took processing power to a whole new level.It makes AM2 look like old technology and wipes the floor with it over and over over.

As Gibbos says....Anyone buying a new system now thet gets AM2 is just badly informed or just plain daft!
Last edited:
10 Oct 2003
Gibbos post was spot on.

Just to add to it.. people who are buying AM2 motherboards for "the next big thing AMD have up their sleeve" are conveniently assuming that Intel are just going to rest on their laurels now.

Gibbo said it best really: AMD are a company - they're not a charity, they're not donating millions to starving children, they certainly don't care about what you, I or anyone else thinks about them one way or the other. Like most businesses they care about their bottom line, and whatever PR and "friendly face" imagery they project is simply a means to an end - making more money. Intel is no different. ATI and Nvidia are the same too. They're all the same.

It is foolhardy to buy a motherboard now in anticipation of technology that may well not come out until late next year or beyond - for all we know AMD might need to move to a different socket to compete with Conroe, or there may be any number of technological developments between then and now which make changing motherboards, memory, etc a necessity. Just assuming that "AMD have something up their sleeve" is folly.

You should just buy whatever is the fastest/best bit of kit around for the price you're able to afford - regardless of the manufacturer logo stamped on the packaging.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!

Been piddling about with the Intels just now.. Last few hours anyway.

With the prescot, I Seem to have sorted out a few issues and gained one silly one too!

First off, I have used a set of brand new OCZ RAM PC3200. I also checked up on the PSU and its a 350 not a 400 as I first thought, so I put a hyper 530 in there.

A Fresh install of MCE ( cos thats *** cum viw it ) but annoyingly I cant find the original installation DVD ( the Fuji one ) and when I used a stock MCE installation disk, it would not accept the serial thats on the case? - Bloody fujitsu, so I have used a naughty oen instead ( Just for the trials until I find the original DVD that does not even need a serial?? - go figure? )

Anyway, couple of things I keep noticing in the BIOS is that the disk access keeps resorting to 16bit instead of 32, so thats obviously an issue.

The PSU alone also definitely helped the performance and I recon the RAM too!

I am also using a brand new Seagate 250GB SATA, and I have opted to use the X1600 cos thats also fairly new too.

Seems to be running just fine actually. Not as sloppy as before.

Fresh install though, so pinch of salt with that.

SuperPI gave me 36seconds on the 1MB and 1min20 on the 2MB, so *** 2MB was an improvement but the 1MB is about the same.

Not much apps in there right now, so cant say too much as of yet, but what I am seeing is a vst improvement on the last install.

PSU, RAM, HD, 32Bit... Each help of course to boost it a bit more, so perhaps, just perhaps???

So far anyway, its defininitely faster than the single core systems I have ( Winchester, Newcastle, Venice & obviously the semprons ) when stock, but not yet when clocked, but I dont expect that... Wit ha better Mobo I can clock this a fair bit cant I? perhaps 4GHz so thats going to beat the AMDs.

If thigns keep improving tomorrow, then I will definitely be getting a better Mobo for the conroe sooner than I think. I have not yet played with that properly, but I will update you when I have.

Oh, another thing I found in the BIOS that this thing had set too, was that the CPU keeps resorting to a kind of safe mode rather than full speed, which is an annoyance. I do set it, but it keeps going back all the time... I think this might mean something other than it just needing a new battery.
26 Dec 2002
Thorpy said:

I see people laughing at people for sticking with AMD, cause Intel have 'beaten them'

Dnt worry, AMD will bounce back. I got am2 system for future upgrades, screw conroe.

I get my 150fps maxed out on css, i get my 333fps coduo maxed, and i get my 150fps on RO maxed out too. Multitasking is great aswell.

Intel can suck it.

Typical Steroe type FanBoy !
5 Oct 2005
makes you think why AMD bought ATI... maybe to boost profits and because the have the disposalable income now... they know that they have lost this war with Intel?

I'm not saying that they have and if they come up with better good for them... I love this... all this competition creating innovation getting me faster chips :)

3 May 2006
Can't actually believe what people are starting to post now... Why the hell do these threads ALWAYS turn into a slagging match?

Really can't understand why some of you seem to have such a huge issue with people buying AMD/AM2 kit at the mo...
Conroe IS quick, but 99% of people don't actually need that much speed. They won't actually use it. Ok, they can encode a DVD a bit quicker, or maybe their F@H output will increase, but for 99% of people it doesn't actually matter.
If you've got a lower end gfx card too the performance increase over say AM2 is going to be practically non existant.
If Joe blogs want's to build himself an AM2 system then well that's his choice. He shouldn't be made to feel like a tit, it's HIS baby. If you have comments/don't like his system/think he wasted his money then at least attempt to word it in a nice way..

FWIW I've got probably one of, if not the quickest conroe systems on the boards. It's a stunning piece of kit. Do I use it 24/7? Nope. Do I game on it? Nope. Why? Well A64 3800 @ stock is plenty enough. I'm hard pushed noticing the peformance difference (unless I actually run benchies etc) with the work I do - office, Web, light gaming etc.
10 Oct 2003
Whether you need the speed or not, surely you can see the benefits of paying £130 for a chip that, when overclocked very easily, beasts the entire AMD FX and X2 range?

If someone is upgrading anyway it's a no-brainer.
24 Oct 2005
OC_A64 said:
Really can't understand why some of you seem to have such a huge issue with people buying AMD/AM2 kit at the mo...
Conroe IS quick, but 99% of people don't actually need that much speed. They won't actually use it.... ....If Joe blogs want's to build himself an AM2 system then well that's his choice. He shouldn't be made to feel like a tit, it's HIS baby. If you have comments/don't like his system/think he wasted his money then at least attempt to word it in a nice way..

FWIW I've got probably one of, if not the quickest conroe systems on the boards.... ....with the work I do - office, Web, light gaming etc.

Well, I would have agreed with a lot of the above if the thread had been entitled 'AM2 is all hype', except it wasn't was it.

How people are saying it aside, all that we are reading here is a robust defence of the original statement that 'Conroe is Hype' towards some folks who are proclaiming the CPU is rubbish (which it clearly isn't) or that AM2 is the future. Given that it seems likely that there is probably an AM3 socket on the way for AMD's next gen chips anyway, I would have to question that thinking.

Of course people can spend their cash on whatever setup they like, but some people are only pointing out that if you're buying a new system now, it would be a bit daft to get AM2, assuming that most new purchasers want the fastest system available for their budget at the time.

Most people don't need Conroe, as you rightly point out, but your own post suggests that often people want the fastest rig available anyway.

Indeed, why would you have a Conroe if your other setups do everything you want them to?

This forums a bit like panning sometimes, you have to sift through an enormous amount of rubbish to find the gold!

All the fan boy comments aside (and what's wrong with being a fan of something anyway?!), the bit of gold within this thread is that whatever people are saying, the FACTS show that currently Allandale/Conroe chips are the fastest mainstream CPUs available, and if you're building a new system, you'd be a bit mad to discount them just because they're made by Intel...
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