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Console vs PC

Because you can do more than play games on a PC.

I use mine for all my multimedia purposes, I don't even own a TV just a 32inch monitor.

Maybe if you have kids still living with you a console is mor beneficial, especially in a living room
Yes ive used the PC " can do more " excuse as well. Thinking about it though. The over expenditure when buying a new PC is for gaming only. We could all buy a basic Internet system for the other stuff and a console for the gaming itch but we are like children aren't we. My going on 10 year system still does the job but just wanting the latest and greatest to play a couple of games now and again.
I own both and there are pros and cons to both. PC generally just has better performance depending on what you spend, and using a mouse and keyboard for certain keyboards certainly feels MUCH better. Main downside for me is that it can be very unstable sometimes whereas consoles rarely ever has stability issues.

In all honesty they are getting more and more similar, but if you care about performance, graphics and being able to customize certain things then PC will always be superior. Not to mention that PC you can do pretty much anything outside of gaming as well
There aren't the same number of console exclusive games anymore, I think someone has realised PC gamers generally won't buy a whole console just for 1-2 games. The Last Of Us was the one game I wanted to play for a long time, I nearly got a PS4 (but too noisy), then waited for the PS5, then the PS5 slim, then - oh it's on PC now, never mind.

I had a PS1 (and before that an Amiga), it was great, Wipeout, Resident Evil etc, then sold it the following year to check out what all this 'internet gaming' was all about. Quake 2 CTF was only on PC I think or at least gl trying to be grapple monkey using a controller. Plus a config to drop items.

Then later on Steam games like TF2 were PC only, I used a config a mate made to quickly switch classes using the numpad, quick enough to make a different in a round and win the game etc. Stuff like that just wouldn't exist on consoles (I assume).

But if you don't care about framerates and are good with controller then consoles can be good.
Not the same, pc for me isn't just better graphics and higher fps, it's the openess and customisation.

I can use whatever controller I want.
Mods, even simple QOL mods like skipping intro movies are great.
I can adjust settings to my liking, if there is an effect I don't like, I can turn it off.
I can backup my saves locally
I tend to play more indie games than AAA these days, and those are often on pc first.

I do still play on consoles for exclusives (getting rarer now), but I won't make them my main platform because they just don't offer the options I want.
I've seen console gamers complain that keyboard/mouse gives players an unfair advantage. So even console gamers agree that the controller is inferior. My PS4 is sat in a corner gathering dust because I find shooting games are unplayable. It's great if you like beat-em-ups, Fifa, racing sims etc. Recently I've been playing Command and Conquer Red Alert 2. I don't even what to imagine how bad that would be with a controller.
PC games are much cheaper. Such a vast catalogue of games going back 30+ years. Some games have huge libraries of amazing mods etc. Each of these advantages is a game changer.
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For as long as I've been gaming, I always had 2-3 consoles (Sony, MSFT, Nintendo... Sega, 3DO) with PCs. The ease of use and ecosystem on consoles, as well as platform exclusives made them worth having. And for a while, consoles were really great for running a home media system. PC on the other hand has a far, far larger library of games, better performance, and better control for the games I play the most (RPGs, Strategy).

Now however, there are less exclusives on consoles and there's good controller support for almost all PC games. Moreover, consoles habe fallen way behind in terms of graphical power from where they once were. I'd much rather play games on my PC.
There are a lot of games which are exclusive to pc or much better on pc, e.g total war, crusader King's, civilisation, football manager.

I also need some kind of a pc for work.

It's also nice to have another way of playing games when there are 4 people in my house who might want to be able to play a videogame or watch TV.

I expect to always have both.
It's probably a bit less relevant these days compared to the days when I played things iike CS:S, TF2 and such, but for me, the answer will always be mods. The ability and smarts of people to be able to fix issues, add functionality, customise to your own liking (custom soundtrack etc), or even full on mod expansions for added gameplay will always amaze me. Fallout 4 would've been a way different experience for me had it not been for the mods.

That aside, performance with a half decent PC will almost always match if not surpass the quality of console graphics, and is scalable and easily upgradable to stay relevant.
Console is for real gamers, dedicated hardware for a dedicated purpose! PC needs to be ported over to work on their generic hardware, and then there's all sorts of performance issues. Get a laptop for your spreadsheets and a real gaming machine (a console) for gaming, doesn't seem difficult :p
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Funny, Im in the progress of switching from xbox to pc, I like the thought of having a bit more flexibility on what I can do/play, especially with games like MSFS.

I still have a PS5 though, so I think the ps5/pc combo is good.

I also don't mind the more finicky process of pc, updating drivers, graphic settings and what not, it seems fun to me :D
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I would say there is also an age thing.

People of a certain age grew up with the PC being used for everthing...and given it has also been technically ahead in terms of spec, the games remained the better experience. Unless there were kids in the picture, there was zero reason for a console, and even if there are kids, probably the dad (and lets be honest most of us here are male) would still be locked into pc gaming. As the kids grew up around PS2 xbox etc, then they probably identified consoles as their gaming platform as that is what they grew up with and therefore continued to see that as the default way of gaming.
Consoles are a closed and very limited platform, which is only designed to do one thing at a time unlike a PC. It's simplified for non techies but that has big drawbacks. Anything you can do with a console, you can do using a PC. So if you own a gaming PC you don't really need a console as well.

Also online gaming services on console aren't free lol.
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Bought my 12 year old an Xbox for his birthday (he's got Intel 13th Gen, 3070 GPU etc and has had a gaming PC or laptop since he was 5) in July cos most of his mates play on console so he could play with them. Fast forward to Christmas just gone and all his mates with consoles got PC's for Xmas! Some on his advice spec wise.
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I've totally checked out of high end PC gaming. It's just too expensive and for what? There has honestly been no games I've been interested in that require fast hardware since Cyberpunk. Most modern triple A games excluding Nintendo games are just boring to me. They are either all infested with micro transactions or release broken.

I decided to go the complete opposite direction and am focusing on low end gaming and I have been having a blast playing more games than I ever have and it is so cheap too. I sold my gaming PC and bought a Steam Deck OLED, a Super Famicom and a Wii U and I have more games than I know what to do with. I could buy every single previous gen console going from PS4 Pro / Xbox One X / Nintendo Switch back all the way to the NES and Master System and still have spent way less money than the cost of a 4090. I have done the sums and that is not an exaggeration.

My plan going forward is to keep collecting retro consoles and upgrading Steam Decks when new versions come out. I doubt I will ever feel the need to ever build a gaming PC ever again. Keeping up with the latest gaming PC hardware is a rich persons hobby now.
Console is gaming for the masses with next to zero issues for the end user-controller>Home button>Play, something goes wrong press the home button.

PC is advanced gaming at a cost-with lots of irks and occasional migraines cured by decades of self taught knowledge.
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I've totally checked out of high end PC gaming. It's just too expensive and for what? There has honestly been no games I've been interested in that require fast hardware since Cyberpunk. Most modern triple A games excluding Nintendo games are just boring to me. They are either all infested with micro transactions or release broken.

I decided to go the complete opposite direction and am focusing on low end gaming and I have been having a blast playing more games than I ever have and it is so cheap too. I sold my gaming PC and bought a Steam Deck OLED, a Super Famicom and a Wii U and I have more games than I know what to do with. I could buy every single previous gen console going from PS4 Pro / Xbox One X / Nintendo Switch back all the way to the NES and Master System and still have spent way less money than the cost of a 4090. I have done the sums and that is not an exaggeration.

My plan going forward is to keep collecting retro consoles and upgrading Steam Decks when new versions come out. I doubt I will ever feel the need to ever build a gaming PC ever again. Keeping up with the latest gaming PC hardware is a rich persons hobby now.

A PC with a 4090 is too expensive so you bought a Steamdeck instead? That doesn't make any sense.
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A PC with a 4090 is too expensive so you bought a Steamdeck instead? That doesn't make any sense.

That's not what I said at all.

But now that you mention it, it's not just the 4090 that is expensive though is it. Even the mid range is expensive. You can't even buy a 4070 Super for the same price as an OLED Steam Deck, which might I remind you is a complete PC with an OLED screen, speakers and controller all built in. If you are not chasing the upper end of graphics performance why bother with a gaming PC at all? I can play most new PC games on the Steam Deck with reduced settings and it's just fine for me. Stick it on the dock and I have keyboard, mouse and monitor.

To answer the OP's question, in the current climate of ridiculously expensive gaming PC hardware, the best option, if money is limited is a Steam Deck plus your choice of console. There is over 30 years of amazing games available. Why spend over a grand on a gaming PC when the game of the year last year is a card game that can be played on a mobile phone! For the price of two triple A modern games, you can buy a retro console of your choice and a flash cart / ODE!
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