There aren't the same number of console exclusive games anymore, I think someone has realised PC gamers generally won't buy a whole console just for 1-2 games. The Last Of Us was the one game I wanted to play for a long time, I nearly got a PS4 (but too noisy), then waited for the PS5, then the PS5 slim, then - oh it's on PC now, never mind.
I had a PS1 (and before that an Amiga), it was great, Wipeout, Resident Evil etc, then sold it the following year to check out what all this 'internet gaming' was all about. Quake 2 CTF was only on PC I think or at least gl trying to be grapple monkey using a controller. Plus a config to drop items.
Then later on Steam games like TF2 were PC only, I used a config a mate made to quickly switch classes using the numpad, quick enough to make a different in a round and win the game etc. Stuff like that just wouldn't exist on consoles (I assume).
But if you don't care about framerates and are good with controller then consoles can be good.