Convince me to buy a 360 (or not)

I know you are a Sony fanboy TheMagicPirate, but are you really THAT disappointed the PS3 is so far away when you have an Xbox360?
Also, theres a lot of games on the Xbox360. I can't remember any other console with as many games out at this point?
(Just to play devil's adovate...)

Why would you be glued to the PS2? It's quite laughable compared to Xbox360

Hardware-wise, yes. But I think it would be very hard to argue that the Xbox 360 currently has a better games line-up than the PS2.

Pro Evolution 5, and even FIFA 2005, on the PS2 (and Xbox 1) comfortably offer a better gaming experience than FIFA: RTWC on the Xbox 360.
Yes, but Fifa is also one of the worst games on the Xbox360 :).
Just to play Devils Advocate back,
It definitely has a higher percentage of top class games than PS2 :p .
bingham67 said:
Thats not true graphics are awesome on a normal set dont let that put you off purchase just a HDTV is more sharper and clearer picture. Depending on what tv set you got i have a Bush 20" tv video combi and it is fine graphics are amazing and ps2 and normal xbox graphics are no way near. :)

Agreed, i thought it would look cack on a std TV, and you needed a HDTV, but you don't, using a 28" Sony Trinitron Widescreen here, and the picture is ******* amazing using the advanced Scart. :cool:
I wouldn't advise anyone to get one just yet, unless either you have pots of cash and/or are desperate to play some of the 360's early release titles right now. Wait until the hardware faults are fixed in future revisions, better titles have come out and prices on the console and games have dropped. That's what I'm doing.
dirtydog said:
I wouldn't advise anyone to get one just yet, unless either you have pots of cash and/or are desperate to play some of the 360's early release titles right now. Wait until the hardware faults are fixed in future revisions, better titles have come out and prices on the console and games have dropped. That's what I'm doing.

Everytime I think about taking the plunge, the thread of returns on av forums gets bigger...

"First time was ok - quick turn around and new unit sent out.

Second time the sub human I "spoke" to - i think he was on very strong medication - didn't even log the call. I waited a few days, rang again, a different muppet told me it could take 10 working days to get the coffin. In the end I waited over a week for it.

third machine - crappy scratched up refurb with early build date. Played hell. Refused refund, refused compensation, refused access to manager, refused complaint procedure. Hung up, rang again. Spoke to really nice guy who aranged a new machine for me and APOLOGISED the firt one to do so.

Now waiting for fourth machine.

Bought original 36 days ago. Had use of it for 13. spent £500. Lost cound of phone calls. Taken 3 days holiday to wait in for DHL.

Had enough - if this machine is not right or break will go to trading standards and watchdog."

I really don't have much faith that the current build will go the distance and I dont have the time to keep waiting in for Dhl. Gutted because i'm desperate for one but not for the faults.
Probability theory dictates that certain events will have a tendency to cluster together. You'll find the same story with most products, some people having multiple dodgy Ford Focuses, multiple dodgy TVs, etc. Then you'll get the people who bought a product from a known bad batch, and it work perfectly for many years. Suffice it to say a thread dedicated to faulty 360's will rank up high in Google, so when someone has a problem they'll search Google for 'faulty Xbox', 'Xbox 360 red lights', etc. and come across that thread. Many will sign up on the forums and join in the 'discussion'. I've seen many threads in other forums praising the Xbox 360, are these just the anomolies?

Baring in mind 500,000 Xbox 360s were sold in Europe in December, if there are 2.5% faulty consoles, then that should mean 12,500 consoles are faulty in Europe alone. Similiar % fail in all electronic products, it just happens that the 360 community is very vocal right now. More than 500,000 will have been sold in Europe by now too, so the faulty number will be increasing. However, its still just 2-3%. You have a significantly higher chance of having an accident in your own home than getting a faulty Xbox 360.
Boogle said:
You have a significantly higher chance of having an accident in your own home than getting a faulty Xbox 360.

Hmm I dunno about that :)

I'd have more confidence that there weren't serious issues if people weren't finding that their 2nd or 3rd replacement console was also faulty.

Personally as well, I am waiting to see what happens in the summer when we have 30c+ indoor temperatures. Will the 360s take it in their stride or get all hot and bothered. I'm waiting with interest to see.. and with my wallet firmly staying in my pocket.
must admit i think if i had the choice again i would wait. yes PGR3 is amazing, and so is XBOXlive and the whole HD experience. but my XBOX is borked after only around 10-20 hours of use. i know 2 other people who have an xbox360, and both of them have had to get replacements. Im not saying its not a fantastic console, it is. it just needs a few tweeks I feel. if you are also going to be using it as a media centre extender as I am. then it also needs quietening down. the racket it knocks out make late night, low level listening impossible.

just my 2 cents
Look at it this way, there are WAY more people on this forum with fine console to bad ones. I'd say 20-1 and thats 5% which is a target for hardware developers.
NokkonWud said:
Look at it this way, there are WAY more people on this forum with fine console to bad ones. I'd say 20-1 and thats 5% which is a target for hardware developers.

Anecdotally, it seems like rather more than 5% of 360 owners who also post in the console forum have had problems. It seems more like 15-20% to me.

It would be interesting to have a poll actually. If this was done it should be non-anonymous so that people who don't own a 360 can't vote and skew the results.
NokkonWud said:
Look at it this way, there are WAY more people on this forum with fine console to bad ones. I'd say 20-1 and thats 5% which is a target for hardware developers.

Get us a poll to prove it ;)
how many people post in here on a regular basis? Unless you have over 100 (or at least 50) the poll would be too small.

Personally I know 2 people (me and a mate!) that have 360's from launch day and both of ours are still fine, so thats 100% reliability (see what I mean?)
Yeah a poll would be good, there does seem to be a lot of people with faulty machines, though as with most things those with faulty 360s are going to be a lot more vocal than those with 360s that are working fine.
Anecdotally nice word I'll have to remember that one :p
I'm too scared to comment on the reliability of my X360 as I feel if I do I may jinx something lol.

Had it about a week so far (managed to find a premium pack in the local Dixons)
All launch consoles have problems. The ps2 IIRC were even worse.

I am personally on my second 360 and apart from the occasional freeze during load where it has mis read the disc nothing has gone wrong with it *touch wood*.

Turns out however the problem I had was a faulty psu and not the console itself.

If you really want the console then get it. If you want to wait a while for some more games to come out do that.
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