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Core 9000 series

you said it how it is, its what adoredtv keeps trying to put across in his videos as well.

The review industry would only be fixable (and could easily stay broken) if reviewers brought everything they reviewed, no freebies, no pre launch kit, no special access to PR departments, just buy from a retailer, and review the damn thing. The problem is I expect 90% of them would quit in that scenario.

So much web links are tracked/intercepted now days, on the rain forest site they heave featured products which go through a 3rd party tracking provider only to lead back to the same site, I mean completely ridiculous, if you see a url in a video text box to a product, its probably going through a referral link.

The problem is how would you fund reviewers? Most of the YT guys are at the mercy of sponsors because their actual ad revenue they get from YT isn't enough to pay the bills.

A lot of the time sponsors are the same companies that supply the hardware you see in the same video or a latter one (think Asus, Corsair, Intel etc). Have you every wondered why in nearly every project or custom build someone like LLT does 99 times out of 100 he uses the same Intel/Asus branded parts (even if the specific model is varies)? With the way the whole industry is structured and the relationships between the manufacturers and 'review industry' there is a fine line between review content and glorified marketing promotion.
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My first response would be you would do it for fun and not for profit, in the early days of the internet a lot of websites were not put online with them needing to make a profit. People paid for hosting, and just took the cost on their chin, but if you are reviewing parts with that attitude to costs then yes you going to need to be affluent.

If you tried to run it as a business, then I think its doable if you already popular. New reviewers dont get free kit anyway, so startups have always struggled in that respect.

Someone like gamersnexus could probably garner a fair amount from patreon funds, live stream donations, and then just sell hardware after the review is done to get 80-90% of the money back. So e.g. the cost of reviewing a £1500 card is £150 not £1500.

Your point on advertising is right as well of course, I think I remember a game developer once stating the reason they pulled their ads from a gaming media outlet was "why would we provide money to someone giving us bad publicity".

Its one of the reasons I said it would not necessarily fix the problem, but I think its a required step.

Also there is no real benefit having 10 reviewers instead of say 2 reviewers if they all publishing the same stuff, like publishing on the same embargo date, patting each other on the back and providing duplicated results. So it wouldnt be the end of the world if most quit given they mirrors of each other.

I feel we would also see more low end stuff been reviewed as well as high end stuff has higher capital outlay, think how often e.g. non flagship motherboards get detailed analysis now days, its one of the reasons why standards have dropped so much on non flagships as lately all the attention goes to flagship kit.
you cant say budget and 4k in the same sentence yet its often the first thing amd pro people will bring up.

You also can't say 'budget' and '9700k/9900k' in the same sentence, a fact you seem to be repeatedly ignoring. The point is that you can build an amazing gaming system with AMD, saving significant money in the process, and unless you're frame chasing for the sake of it or benchmarking for e-peen waving, this will more than satisfy anyone.

You're posting in the 9000 series thread, which is NOT a CPU for gamers at 1080p unless they have more money than sense. Go spout your Intel fanboy cries in the budget build threads where you can extol the virtues of their last gen i5 CPUs, although as you've pointed out, for anyone interested in tasks other than gaming, AMD is going to be the preferred route there by far.
where did i say 9700k or 9900k are budget processors ? they are cpus for 1080. the very fact they are the best cpus for that very resolution shows you have no idea what you talking about.

your the one talking about budget and value. :confused: intel is proven by surveys to be the most used cpu at 1080 :p . seriously you have no clue. saying that no one with a 9 series cpu at 1080 just makes it even funnier.
intel is proven by surveys to be the most used cpu at 1080 :p . seriously you have no clue. saying that no one with a 9 series cpu at 1080 just makes it even funnier.
The gazillion of 10+ year old dual cores and Atoms are included to those surveys......

91% are the dual and quad cores alone while 80% of the GPUs are sub £230 or IGPs with many being 10y+ old.

Also Steam survey is bit weird on results, when AMD 8800 series having more owners than the whole RX series combined. 8800 was used only on 2 laptops 6 years ago.
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I don't understand how he cant see the lack of correlation

Just because most intel gamers game at 1080p DOES NOT MEAN that people who buy the 9900k are gaming at 1080p! They are totally separate entities.
What you are trying to say is. Most people who drive mercedes drive on the public highways. Therefore the new Mercedes F1 car must be mostly driven on the highway.
You also can't say 'budget' and '9700k/9900k' in the same sentence, a fact you seem to be repeatedly ignoring. The point is that you can build an amazing gaming system with AMD, saving significant money in the process, and unless you're frame chasing for the sake of it or benchmarking for e-peen waving, this will more than satisfy anyone.

You're posting in the 9000 series thread, which is NOT a CPU for gamers at 1080p unless they have more money than sense. Go spout your Intel fanboy cries in the budget build threads where you can extol the virtues of their last gen i5 CPUs, although as you've pointed out, for anyone interested in tasks other than gaming, AMD is going to be the preferred route there by far.

Surely it’s what ever the person wants it to be? Why are you stating like it’s a fact that it’s not a 1080p CPU! We should leave that decision to the purchaser right?

Also doesn’t the 9900k win in non gaming tasks as well?
where did i say 9700k or 9900k are budget processors ? they are cpus for 1080. the very fact they are the best cpus for that very resolution shows you have no idea what you talking about.
Says this...
:confused: intel is proven by surveys to be the most used cpu at 1080 :p . seriously you have no clue
Then says this a sentence later...


I'm gonna need more coffee and popcorn, cos this guys a bloody comedian :p
where did i say 9700k or 9900k are budget processors ? they are cpus for 1080. the very fact they are the best cpus for that very resolution shows you have no idea what you talking about.

your the one talking about budget and value. :confused: intel is proven by surveys to be the most used cpu at 1080 :p . seriously you have no clue. saying that no one with a 9 series cpu at 1080 just makes it even funnier.

Jeez, I never said you said that, but you brought up 4K and 'budget', and no one has said that either!

Apart from the obvious that it's very fast, how is a 9700k/9900k "for 1080p" exactly when the VAST majority of gamers at 1080p are using 1060 GPUs and running CPUs under 4Ghz?? Clearly you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. These CPUs only exist in the dreams of 1080p gamers, spoiled kids with rich parents or those who have more money than sense! How can you not understand something so fundamentally obvious as this?? It's backed up by the very surveys you've previously quoted!

Intel may be the most used CPU at 1080p, but what does that have to do with anything? It's only recently AMD have actually had CPUs worth buying after years in the dark. You will find a significant percentage of those Intel CPUs being used at 1080p pre-date Ryzen and were purchased when Intel were the only sensible option for gaming.

It also may surprise you to learn than 'budget' and 'value' are primary considerations for the majority of people building PC's, yet you seem very dismissive of these factors for reasons that aren't at all clear, other than your apparent infatuation with all things Intel and what I assume to be a very large bank account (either yours or your parents').
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base i5 beats even top end amd chips in gaming 99 percent of the time. so where is the value amd wise ? :confused: even on a rearly low budget id pick a low i5. its quicker better for literally not much more.
Interesting watching the HU review again. In most of the AAA games even the 9900k won’t max out a 144hz monitor at 1080p and it’s the only resolution where there is any significant difference in performance.

If you like those frames.
Jeez, I never said you said that, but you brought up 4K and 'budget', and no one has said that either!

Apart from the obvious that it's very fast, how is a 9700k/9900k "for 1080p" exactly when the VAST majority of gamers at 1080p are using 1060 GPUs and running CPUs under 4Ghz?? Clearly you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. These CPUs only exist in the dreams of 1080p gamers, spoiled kids with rich parents or those who have more money than sense! How can you not understand something so fundamentally obvious as this?? It's backed up by the very surveys you've previously quoted!

Intel may be the most used CPU at 1080p, but what does that have to do with anything? It's only recently AMD have actually had CPUs worth buying after years in the dark. You will find a significant percentage of those Intel CPUs being used at 1080p pre-date Ryzen and were purchased when Intel were the only sensible option for gaming.

It also may surprise you to learn than 'budget' and 'value' are primary considerations for the majority of people building PC's, yet you seem very dismissive of these factors for reasons that aren't at all clear, other than your apparent infatuation with all things Intel and what I assume to be a very large bank account (either yours or your parents').

Unfortunately one of AMD biggest problem has been how to break the spell other companies have over the zombies even when they have a competing product. How many times have AMD released a good CPU or GPU for people to shy away from them because of intel and nvidia marketing, heck there was a time when AMD GPU competed with NVIDIA( i think 10% slower) and nvidia had power hungry card and outsold AMD many times over. AMD at one point even had a faster card and could not dent Nvidia sales.

I see kids as young as 5 demanding designer cloths and iPhones. Its years of social conditioning, subtle manipulation and careful advertising that has lead to this not just in the pc industry but across the board. The new generation of zombies must have the best at ALL COST even if it mean incurring large amounts of debt. Shameless to admit even i have not been immune from this effect at time during my life.:o
Some of you need to relax, if the childish bickering continues I will be removing permission to post in the thread.

If you don’t agree on a point then discuss/argue the point. If you can’t then simply ignore it.
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