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Core 9000 series

There was a canadian retailer that put the 9700k up at $411 USD (533 CAD) but previous rumours I saw were 9700k $350 & 9900k $450 if they were accurate will snap up a 9900k but only time will tell I guess..
If we are led to believe everything the media has told us then in recent years all the following have happened.

NAND shortages in manufacturing affecting SSD's
Shortages in DRAM manufacturing affecting RAM.
Shortages in chip manufacturing affecting CPU's.
Shortages in GPU manufacturing affecting GPU's (with nvidia now apparently sitting on massive unsold stock, strange eh?)

What next shortage in plastic affecting keyboards, mice etc? so the input device market can jump on the bandwagon.

I simply find all this too much to believe, it would amount to incompetence across almost the entire sector.

Also remember the PC market is supposedly in stagnation as well for several years and seen as a dead market by some vendors, yet manufacturers cannot keep up with this dead market?

I read an interesting story in the bbc today, the perfume manufacturer burberry or whatever its called, burnt/destroyed 18 million of stock last year to "protect its brand", basically if they gave it away or sold it discounted it would have lowered price expectations so they chose to destroy it to maintain existing margins. Its all about the margins now and whatever is needed to be done will be done to protect those margins.
Nothing wrong with wanting the latest and greatest!
There seems to be some very biased opinions here based on the fact that i keep seeing the same few names consistently trying to devalue, put people off or slate Intel from any possible angle whilst having what appears to me to be a totally biased looking pro red spec sig.

I am sure i had a conversation with you a while back now, supporting your views in a thread associated with the pre-ordering of the 8700ks with retail packaging being opened for binning purposes prior to fulfilling peoples pre paid pre orders.

If this wasn't you then i apologise, but either way, just to stay on topic, i also support your views here as well and i think if the 9900k is priced reasonably and you can afford it, it will be a total no brainer for any enthusiast. It will be one hell of a chip for absolutely any task.
Intel have shot themselves in the foot, actually both feet and are in for a deserved and probably well overdue hard time. Intel hasn't been interested in the PC enthusiast for 5 years. Intel must do better, much better and any true PC harware enthusiast should demand they fix the multitude of problems.

The Intel defence force are mostly just people terrified of AMD's position in the CPU market and what that means for the GPU market. Probably worth mentioning that.
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Intel have shot themselves in the foot, actually both feet and are in for a deserved and probably well overdue hard time. Intel hasn't been interested in the PC enthusiast for 5 years. Intel must do better, much better and any true PC harware enthusiast should demand they fix the multitude of problems.

The Intel defence force are mostly just people terrified of AMD's position in the CPU market and what that means for the GPU market. Probably worth mentioning that.

I'm far from scared. I actually supported AMD and purchased 3 ryzen cpus. However they failed to meet my expectations, and still do.
They work well sometimes and fall over in others.
I'm far from scared. I actually supported AMD and purchased 3 ryzen cpus. However they failed to meet my expectations, and still do.
They work well sometimes and fall over in others.

And this chip will be more, more of the same. More broken for more money and offering performance we've already seen.
I'm far from scared. I actually supported AMD and purchased 3 ryzen cpus. However they failed to meet my expectations, and still do.
They work well sometimes and fall over in others.

But even you must admit Gavin you take every opportunity in any thread that promotes or praises AMD to slate their products and praise how great Intel is...

I'm not the only person that see's this.. but don't worry you are definitely not alone.
Intel have shot themselves in the foot and are in for deserved hard time. Intel hasn't been interested in the PC enthusiast for 5 years. Intel must do better, much better and any true PC harware enthusiast should demand they fix the multitude of problems.

The Intel defence force are mostly just people terrified of AMD's position in the CPU market and what that means for the GPU market. Probably worth mentioning that.

Intel have been top for the best part of a decade and that is why they have had little need to innovate or release tomorrows tech today, unfortunately when you are a clear market leader, you can charge and will charge a premium for what is currently top of the charts. I dont like clear market leaders whether that would be Intel or Amd, it does little for innovation and only hurts us the consumers. When you say 'hardware enthusiast' surely anyone classed as one can appreciate or want to have the very latest cutting edge tech and can appreciate the specs regardless of whether it is in their budget or not?

There is better and more relevent competition in AMD lately and this does indeed help us see things such as 8 core chips from intel and more competitive pricing accross the board, it is good for us all but AMD also have issues and they are just behind in terms of current core for core performance, this is not me being fanboyor intel defence force, this is fact and i quote 'fact' knowing i can provide an array of readily available evidence to prove my points.

AMD had issues with memory, is behind in terms of overall oc headroom and slightly behind on IPC, if this changes then i will happily swap to AMD. I am hardware enthusiast, not an Intel enthusiast, but i will argue and debate when i can see which is a clear better chip, i dont dispute there are probably better alternatives in terms of bang for buck and budgeting, but this is not associated with the threads title or the debate in question. The 9900k will be the best mainstream chip, regardless of its RRP or it's value for money.

I am not at all afraid of AMD, why would i be? They make hardware and i'm a hardware enthusiast. I actually appreciate that they have come from out of the woodwork and probably pushed Intels next 5 years of releases forward to 2017/2018 and all be it at better pricing than they probably would have been otherwise.

As for GPUs, again, this is off topic but NVIDIA are only doing the same as Intel did for the best part of a decade, they will also charge what theylike and can do based on their position of power and dominance as the current clear market leader, i only hope they do the same as Intel and become dispondant and let AMD or even Intel themselves take them by suprise and we end up with a similar situation in the GPU market as we now have with the CPU market.

But as a Hardware enthusiast, Nvidia currently has best performance for gaming GPUs the same as Intel do for CPUs (that may change at some point of course).
I want the best of everything as an enthusaist but i cant always afford it all myself, Nvidias pricing and for its performance increases are very much becoming a bit OTT and £1100 minimum for a 35% (ish) increase over a 1080Ti that can now be purchased for as little as 450-550 (meaning you could even sli x2 for the same price) is something i have to think about.

I WANT an RTX 2080Ti as an enthusiast and appreciate that it has the latest cutting edge real time ray tracing (even if it is currently only viable at 1080p) and i also want the latest and greatest in top games performance at 4k, even if it is at most just a 35% increase, i appreciate the latest tech no matter who the manufacturer.
To prove my point, i really dont think i can afford a 2080ti and will unfortunately have to likely save a bit or opt for the 2080, my heart says go for the 1080ti for the bang for buck but as an enthusiast i want the 2080ti (what i likely wont be able to afford). The i9 however i hopefully can afford.
Intel have been top for the best part of a decade and that is why they have had little need to innovate or release tomorrows tech today, unfortunately when you are a clear market leader, you can charge and will charge a premium for what is currently top of the charts. I dont like clear market leaders whether that would be Intel or Amd, it does little for innovation and only hurts us the consumers. When you say 'hardware enthusiast' surely anyone classed as one can appreciate or want to have the very latest cutting edge tech and can appreciate the specs regardless of whether it is in their budget or not?

There is better and more relevent competition in AMD lately and this does indeed help us see things such as 8 core chips from intel and more competitive pricing accross the board, it is good for us all but AMD also have issues and they are just behind in terms of current core for core performance, this is not me being fanboyor intel defence force, this is fact and i quote 'fact' knowing i can provide an array of readily available evidence to prove my points.

AMD had issues with memory, is behind in terms of overall oc headroom and slightly behind on IPC, if this changes then i will happily swap to AMD. I am hardware enthusiast, not an Intel enthusiast, but i will argue and debate when i can see which is a clear better chip, i dont dispute there are probably better alternatives in terms of bang for buck and budgeting, but this is not associated with the threads title or the debate in question. The 9900k will be the best mainstream chip, regardless of its RRP or it's value for money.

I am not at all afraid of AMD, why would i be? They make hardware and i'm a hardware enthusiast. I actually appreciate that they have come from out of the woodwork and probably pushed Intels next 5 years of releases forward to 2017/2018 and all be it at better pricing than they probably would have been otherwise.

As for GPUs, again, this is off topic but NVIDIA are only doing the same as Intel did for the best part of a decade, they will also charge what theylike and can do based on their position of power and dominance as the current clear market leader, i only hope they do the same as Intel and become dispondant and let AMD or even Intel themselves take them by suprise and we end up with a similar situation in the GPU market as we now have with the CPU market.

But as a Hardware enthusiast, Nvidia currently has best performance for gaming GPUs the same as Intel do for CPUs (that may change at some point of course).
I want the best of everything as an enthusaist but i cant always afford it all myself, Nvidias pricing and for its performance increases are very much becoming a bit OTT and £1100 minimum for a 35% (ish) increase over a 1080Ti that can now be purchased for as little as 450-550 (meaning you could even sli x2 for the same price) is something i have to think about.

I WANT an RTX 2080Ti as an enthusiast and appreciate that it has the latest cutting edge real time ray tracing (even if it is currently only viable at 1080p) and i also want the latest and greatest in top games performance at 4k, even if it is at most just a 35% increase, i appreciate the latest tech no matter who the manufacturer.
To prove my point, i really dont think i can afford a 2080ti and will unfortunately have to likely save a bit or opt for the 2080, my heart says go for the 1080ti for the bang for buck but as an enthusiast i want the 2080ti (what i likely wont be able to afford). The i9 however i hopefully can afford.

I think a clear distinction has to be made between PC enthusiasts and PC master console builders.
And this chip will be more, more of the same. More broken for more money and offering performance we've already seen.
since when did intel have an 8 core 16 thread mainstream chip that was soldered and looking thermally capable of being well into the 5 ghz on all cores (and most likely capable of a couple of hundred mhz over their last best 6 core/12 8700k)?

You could say AMD is great value for money and is excellent value for multicore workloads, but for a decade now they have been really the only ones to have offered more of the same thing in my eyes. I'm not saying this to be a fanboy because i can find and provide all evidence you need here if required, but Amd for generations now have simply offered more of the same second place performances in games, more of the same second place performances in terms of IPC, more second place Stock clocks, more second place potential overclocking headroom percentages, less support out of the box for an array of hardware and software, memory issues out of the box and even incorrect temp readouts.

Amd have their very own flaws and what's more is that i cant find or see anything concrete that suggests AMD has been fully and extensively tested and cleared of the security issues Intel are bashed for having, either way these also become irrelevent to 99.9% of people due to windows update patches and bios fixes. The performance losses from any legitimate testing source online seem to indicate it is extremely low performnce losses with fixes (1-2% in some specific tests) to literally no perfomance losses for other workloads, so as i say, it is kind of irrelevant to most people, especially that even with the loss of performance, that performnace will still likely be better than the competitors anyway.
But even you must admit Gavin you take every opportunity in any thread that promotes or praises AMD to slate their products and praise how great Intel is...

I'm not the only person that see's this.. but don't worry you are definitely not alone.

I probably do bang on about them more than others, maybe because I got burnt and lured into the trap. I did the same with the FX. AMD are great at creating hype, I and many others were expecting great things. But when it failed to beat an old locked 4770 in many tasks, coupled with the bugs I simply had enough.
I try to warn people off making the same mistake I did.
I have actually stated that if ryzen 3 can reach anywhere near 5ghz I'll be all over it. But I'll be waiting for decent reviews and won't be falling for the hype again.
I probably do bang on about them more than others, maybe because I got burnt and lured into the trap. I did the same with the FX. AMD are great at creating hype, I and many others were expecting great things. But when it failed to beat an old locked 4770 in many tasks, coupled with the bugs I simply had enough.
I try to warn people off making the same mistake I did.
I have actually stated that if ryzen 3 can reach anywhere near 5ghz I'll be all over it. But I'll be waiting for decent reviews and won't be falling for the hype again.

It's odd as I upgraded from a 4770k @ 4.3ghz to a 1700 @ 3.9 and I find my Ryzen rig a ton smoother than my Intel one, plus I went from a 290 with freesync to a 1070 on the same monitor.

I do miss freesync though, the 1070 gives decent frame rates but I do notice the freesync smoothness is not there

Overall though the 1700 just handles everything I throw at it, no more stutters when I have chrome open with 12 tabs including a YouTube video while I'm tabbed out of WoW or Grim Dawn etc.

I used to have to run an app that aggressively culls memory usage when only having 8gb of ram on the Intel platform or games would really suffer when I had a ton of other things going on.

Since I had Ryzen I don't even have the app installed anymore, admittedly though I've gone to 16gb of ram so that is also helping.

It's odd how people just have different experiences, I'm also running ripjaw5 ram at 3200mhz which a lot of people struggled with.

All in all Ryzen gas bern a massive positive for me, but I'm not against getting the 9900k as after using 8/16 I'm not going lower, and if Intel can bring their IPC lead to the platform I'm happy to swap, the kids will get my Ryzen Rig and if 7nm trump's the 9 series it's an easy swap back :)
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