** Corsair Carbide 540 High Airflow ATX Cube Case - NEW COLOURS **

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If you look closely at the front of my build you will see exactly that... I have a Blu-Ray drive and a hot swap bay... mine is for 4 laptop drives but you could easily do the same for 3.5" drives, although you should allow for better cooling on desktop drives.

I mean no drive bay at all, completely empty. I prefer the clean look.
Not sure that would sell well tbh. I too won't be using the bays but I'd still want them there for future fan controllers that hopefully look ok placed that way.
Good you have stock coming and lowered the price.You need to be quicker on the ball guys other places had them at that price with free p&p.

So to those that got them Simon and co how do u find the dust? Is the dust filter good and are you worried about future long cards with the 360 rad up front?

Im going to be using potentially the same rad as simon front mounted with 3 sp120's.And maybe a res mounted sideways too i hope the sideways res wont be a problem :(
Quicker on the ball? Have you read the thread?-

I flicked through it from the first few to the last.I only just saw the bit about Corsair being the problem after you posted.I just saw that they were on stock elsewhere and cheaper when i last browsed.I believe the price was higher before the 26th though and showing up as not in stock versus in stock and cheaper elsewhere.There is even one with pre order status but crucially free delivery and £113.OCUK price is still £113 + P&P.

Sorry if that upset you take it out on Corsair i would as it sounds like a disaster!
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Seems like a long drawn out "case" ..

Any update for these long suffering people.

Seeing complete builds pictures will be awesome.
i contacted corsair about the technical issues with the dvd drive and having it side mounted and possible dvd media issues with loading and unloading disks.

this was a 24 hr reply support line ... 2 days later :p

no reply. comedy gold.
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