Corsair keyboard dead LEDs, RMA is a joke.

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1 Oct 2009
Norwich, UK
Just a heads up, I bought a Corsair K70 from overclockers, this is a £120 keyboard! The LEDs started to die after just a few weeks.

I've opened up an RMA with Corsair who have so far taken nearly 2 weeks to give me an RMA address and it turns out I have to ship internationally back to the Netherlands at my own expense.

I feel disgusted with Corsair right now and feel completely ripped off, especially considering that if I take this cost on the chin and grit my teeth and just let them rip me off further, I might just be shipped another defective product, based on their support forum complaints lots of people have had multiple defective keyboards RMA'd back to them.

I feel so stupid, I got well and truly ripped off. Last time I ever buy Corsair, that's for sure.
Because it's not OCUK fault the product is faulty, it's Corsairs, they need to step up and take responsibility for their defective hardware, preferably in a way which doesn't massively rip off the consumer.

Just reading more peoples feedback on this and youtube videos people have made about their keyboards, somone is up to their 3rd RMA of the K90 keyboard because of dead LEDs.

Just to clarify I'm not mad/disappointed at overclockers, this is just a PSA to them and their shoppers that these keyboards are frequently defective and they should probably be pulled as a product from the store.
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That's all well and good but if it's under a month old then you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face really.
It's older than a month, the LEDs died after something like 6 weeks.

Why should I pay to return it to OCUK anyway, when any replacement I get has a high chance of more LED failures leading me to have to return that again at my expense until I eventually get a working one.

Or maybe the defective product should be pulled from the store?
If you returned it to OcUK they refund postage on RMA's iirc, and I don't see how one faulty product is suddenly a whole faulty product line.
I've researched the issue on all their LED backlit keyboards and they're all faulty, there any many reports of them failing, some people are going through 3 or more RMAs and getting 3+ faulty products in a row, eventually running out of warranty and being unable to return them.

Basically the whole line has a high failure rate, if they were £10 keyboards I might expect that, but this products in this range are £120 or more, which is insane. For £120 I expect a working, reliable, keyboard.

If you care to look into it, just google the issue, you'll see the magnitude of the problem pretty quickly, don't take my word for it.
Well if you'd spoken to OCUK and had a few replacements off them, then they would most likely have let you have a refund (which would have included postage), and they would have complained to Corsair they'd had a lot of returns.

By returning to Corsair, you've effectively hidden the problem from OCUK, and prevented them from helping in the way a good retailer should (and is required to by law).
In some cases it can take longer to RMA back to OcUK (as they then need to pass it on to Corsair). So that's probably why OP went straight to Corsair.

If you contact RAM GUY on Corsair forums, I'm sure he'll sort you out.
Well I've specifically submitted a complaint to overclockers mentioning the prevalence of the issue and Corsairs terrible customer service.

They've offered to RMA this for me even though it's over 28 days old, that gives me a return address that's at least in the UK and so won't cost me a small fortune to ship overseas.

I'll probably follow through with the RMA still at my own expense and see where it goes. If the replacement I gets fails again I'm not shopping at overclockers or buying corsair ever again. I'm sick of being messed about and it costing me more and more money every time someone else Fully star out swear words..

My advice still stands, this product needs to be pulled from the store as they have a known high failure rate and it's unreasonable to expect people to repeatedly pay shipping to keep sending these back until you happen to get one that lasts more than a few weeks.
If you'd spoken to OCUK, they would have paid your return postage for a repair/replacement, or offered you a refund, thus making sure you're not out of pocket. I don't think you'll get either from any manufacturer, even if something is only six weeks old, and that's why you should contact the retailer in the first instance.

Even after you've already got an RMA with Corsair, OCUK have offered to sort this problem for you, but you've decided to stick with RMAing direct to Corsair and then complain about the cost. It seems to me like you're more interested in kicking up a fuss than getting your problem sorted. <shrug>
If it is indeed faulty, OCuk will refund the shipping cost as long as you provide a receipt.

I don't get why you're getting so mad, you're meant to research things before you buy them. Either way, I'm sure there are also plenty of people with said keyboard who have no issues whatsoever. Maybe it's just a faulty batch?
always go with retailer and not manufacture directly. Works out better for you. Especially in the future if you have any further issues with this the retailer will normally tell you to jog on and you will ALWAYS have to go direct because its out of their hands once the main company get involved (serial codes/stock etc etc)
I never said I'd stick to the corsair RMA, you assumed that. My intention is to determine the cost to me to return to OCUK and then balance that against the probability of getting another defective, or possibly worse product the 2nd time around and then having to spend yet MORE money by sending that back and rolling the dice again.

Yes I'm kicking up a fuss, absolutely. This product line is known to be problematic and I'm raising awareness so other people don't fall for the same scam. If I'd visited the forums prior to purchase and seen a thread like this I'd have known to stay away from corsair keyboards.
If it is indeed faulty, OCuk will refund the shipping cost as long as you provide a receipt.

I don't get why you're getting so mad, you're meant to research things before you buy them. Either way, I'm sure there are also plenty of people with said keyboard who have no issues whatsoever. Maybe it's just a faulty batch?

I'm getting mad because I've been screwed out of a load of money and the only recourse for me is to be screwed out of yet more money. OCUK have not said they'd refund shipping costs.

You do realise that researching these sorts of issues requires that users post these kind of issues exist in the first place. And that's exactly what I'm doing right now, so that if anyone else buying this product wants to research the issue then they can help determine the scale of the issue by the number of reports.

It's not just a faulty batch, the entire line of keyboards that are LED backlit have this problem, the K70, K90, the corsair support forums and loads of other places are packed with reports of the LEDs dying. It's just not acceptable for a £120 keyboard.
When you say you've researched this and there are loads of people complaining about problems, you do realise that these people complaining are a very small number of people? I was in your boat as well for their PSUs and while many complained about coil whine, I was informed that I am only reading the critisism and not the praise. Why else would most people post their positive experience? Since thats what supposed to happen right? Most people tend to be happy with the product and get on with their lives or they get a faulty one and get mad over it (understandable). This is probably why you think MANY people have this problem

They sell far more boards than they receive RMAs (says the reps on the Corsair forums).

Those people including you may have gotten a bad batch of K90s but its so small that Corsair wouldnt even think of removing these from retailers. This is NOT a scam and they are perfectly good keyboards that they sell.

I see people have told you to speak to OCUK about the shipping fees and have you done it yet?

Also, over at the Corsair forums, RAMGuy says that you pay the shipping fees and they refund you back. Once again, talk to the people about the shipping fees etc. Nothing to get so mad about really.

If you get word that they say they will NOT reimburse your shipping fees, then theres something in all this that i can feel for you

EDIT: Forgot to mention, most people highly rate Corsairs RMA service and when people do get repeated faulty batches, upgrades are normally given out.
When you say you've researched this and there are loads of people complaining about problems, you do realise that these people complaining are a very small number of people? I was in your boat as well for their PSUs and while many complained about coil whine, I was informed that I am only reading the critisism and not the praise. Why else would most people post their positive experience? Since thats what supposed to happen right? Most people tend to be happy with the product and get on with their lives or they get a faulty one and get mad over it (understandable). This is probably why you think MANY people have this problem

They sell far more boards than they receive RMAs (says the reps on the Corsair forums).

Those people including you may have gotten a bad batch of K90s but its so small that Corsair wouldnt even think of removing these from retailers. This is NOT a scam and they are perfectly good keyboards that they sell.

I see people have told you to speak to OCUK about the shipping fees and have you done it yet?

Also, over at the Corsair forums, RAMGuy says that you pay the shipping fees and they refund you back. Once again, talk to the people about the shipping fees etc. Nothing to get so mad about really.

If you get word that they say they will NOT reimburse your shipping fees, then theres something in all this that i can feel for you

EDIT: Forgot to mention, most people highly rate Corsairs RMA service and when people do get repeated faulty batches, upgrades are normally given out.

Precisely, I have a K90 and it works absolutely fine and for the amount of usage it has it's still like when it was new.
When you say you've researched this and there are loads of people complaining about problems, you do realise that these people complaining are a very small number of people? I was in your boat as well for their PSUs and while many complained about coil whine, I was informed that I am only reading the critisism and not the praise. Why else would most people post their positive experience? Since thats what supposed to happen right? Most people tend to be happy with the product and get on with their lives or they get a faulty one and get mad over it (understandable). This is probably why you think MANY people have this problem

They sell far more boards than they receive RMAs (says the reps on the Corsair forums).

Those people including you may have gotten a bad batch of K90s but its so small that Corsair wouldnt even think of removing these from retailers. This is NOT a scam and they are perfectly good keyboards that they sell.

I see people have told you to speak to OCUK about the shipping fees and have you done it yet?

Also, over at the Corsair forums, RAMGuy says that you pay the shipping fees and they refund you back. Once again, talk to the people about the shipping fees etc. Nothing to get so mad about really.

If you get word that they say they will NOT reimburse your shipping fees, then theres something in all this that i can feel for you

EDIT: Forgot to mention, most people highly rate Corsairs RMA service and when people do get repeated faulty batches, upgrades are normally given out.

I'm basing my info on the sheer number of complaints I read though pages and pages of them when I google this issue. Added to the fact that some individuals are on their 3rd+ return that is defective.

I've worked in IT for nearly 10 years, and I've built my own and many other peoples computers by hand for 18 years now. I've only ever had to RMA a handful of things all of which were replaced with working products, most of those RMAs had local return address and the good businesses with actual good RMA departments dispatch a courier at THEIR expense to fix THEIR mistake.

I've literally NEVER before now heard of anyone having to RMA something 3 times in a row to get a good product, much less MULTIPLE people having to do this. It's clearly more than just a few dodgy products, the odds needing to RMA something 3x in a row are astronomical for a supposed small failure rate. What compounds this is that a £120 keyboard should be a reliable product, it should have good build quality because this is a LOT of money for a god damn keyboard.

I've badgered Corsair about this, they told me to **** off essentially, so I told them it's unreasonable to expect me to ship this back internationally, they don't care. They just do not care.

I'll speak to OCUK later about this, right now I'm too infuriated about being constantly messed around to possibly be polite, and OCUK staff don't deserve that.

Yea it is a scam to sell a low quality product at a high price premium, then when customers want to return it tell them they have to phone customer services overseas on a premium rate number, and then ship the product back internationally at my expense, basically deliberately awkward RMA process designed to just suck more and more money out of the customer until basically it becomes more money than it's worth to actually replace the product.

This is the worst RMA process I've dealt with by a country mile, in my 18 years of hand building PCs for myself, many friends and family members.
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Damn, kinda glad I didn't get a k70 in the end!

FYI what colour was the keyboard, it seems to be specific to the Silver keyboard / blue LEDs
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Well, i cant really be bothered to argue since it seems like youre not having any of it.
I do wish you the best on sorting out this problem though.
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