Corsair keyboard dead LEDs, RMA is a joke.

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Can't the mods lock this thread?

I have many corsair products (touch wood have been excellent),corsair have offered help if this nutter doesn't want to take it, thats his loss!
I must say. I enjoy coming back to the thread to see what nonsense he comes up with! Really started to lighten my mood!
Frosty, I am truly sorry to hear that you feel that way, but I think at this point, closure is maybe something that you may want to consider. Both Corsair James and Yellowbeard has offered you resolution, in which to most is considerably generous. I'd strongly recommend that you take that offer (which still stands) and get your K70 replaced. Otherwise, posting and repeatedly calling us scammers won't really gain you anything at this rate.
I get the feeling he's making such a fuss and drama about it because he's angling for a free keyboard without having to send the existing one back.

He's already mentioned that they're making him out pocket because he has to buy another keyboard in the meantime.

Seriously, I think this was the plan from the off, especially considering screaming about them being scammers.

I know people who vehemently accuse others of things that they do themselves.
Frosty, I am truly sorry to hear that you feel that way, but I think at this point, closure is maybe something that you may want to consider. Both Corsair James and Yellowbeard has offered you resolution, in which to most is considerably generous. I'd strongly recommend that you take that offer (which still stands) and get your K70 replaced. Otherwise, posting and repeatedly calling us scammers won't really gain you anything at this rate.

I appreciate your concern Greybeard. You'll be happy to hear that I have closure, I've already made my decision to cut my losses and search for a new mechanical keyboard with another manufacturer - I hear good things about the Ducky keyboards.

As previously discussed the resolution offered both comes at cost and inconvenience to myself and carries an element of further risk based on the history of RMAs where faulty products have repeatedly been shipped back to Corsair customers. It's personally more convenient for me to continue to use this keyboard while I await the arrival of a new one.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on scammer issue, no point in further discussion, neither of us are going to change our minds. Best just move on, you're happy this has all been resolved, I'll be happy when my new keyboard arrives and I finally have a working one :)

Thanks for your concern though, it's appreciated.
I posted the facts, the facts aren't nonsense.

Unless you care to refute them?

You bring NO facts to this forum. You simply bring problems other people are having. Every product in the world will have numerous problems with it and like many people have said, its normal to see these complaint threads more than positive threads.
I cant refute something when you will not listen to me and a bunch of others.
I wish you good luck in your search for a new keyboard.
I own a Ducky keyboard (YOTS DSIII) and it is superb. But I will not retract my initial thoughts on Corsairs wonderful products and CS.
Good luck.
They've offered to pay the return postage. What costs are you incurring?

Probably trying to claim the cost of inconvenience....He's going to be without a keyboard. I think it's a subtle way of asking for a free keyboard, because he's been stressed out so much by all this :rolleyes:

He's also claiming Corsair knowingly send faulty products to resellers! Ignoring the fact everything has a fail rate and he's unlucky enough to be part of the 1%.
I get the feeling he's making such a fuss and drama about it because he's angling for a free keyboard without having to send the existing one back.

He's already mentioned that they're making him out pocket because he has to buy another keyboard in the meantime.

See, being accused again :rolleyes:

I'm not going to dignify this mindless speculation with a rebuttal. I think that's pretty disgusting behaviour to be honest, I have all the issues and I'm the bad guy :rolleyes:
They've offered to pay the return postage. What costs are you incurring?

I've already pointed this out several times. Are large parts of my posts suddenly becoming invisible or something? Not sure why I have to keep repeating this.

1) They asked me to contact CS to arrange the label which I cannot do without calling AMERICA, lol, or buying a microphone to use with skype.
2) I have to buy packaging materials to pack the keyboard in because their rules state that it has to be packaged so it's not damaged. I do not have the original packaging.
3) I have to buy a replacement keyboard to use while this is being ferried off internationally to the Netherlands.

I've explained repeatedly both here, on their forums and in the RMA ticket system I'm not willing to spend any more of my money, this is THEIR fault and me being made to go out of pocket to fix it is unreasonable.

It's the principle, I believe it's reasonable to hold people and businesses accountable for their mistakes and expect them to fix their mistakes on their dime.
I've already pointed this out several times. Are large parts of my posts suddenly becoming invisible or something? Not sure why I have to keep repeating this.

1) They asked me to contact CS to arrange the label which I cannot do without calling AMERICA, lol, or buying a microphone to use with skype.
2) I have to buy packaging materials to pack the keyboard in because their rules state that it has to be packaged so it's not damaged. I do not have the original packaging.
3) I have to buy a replacement keyboard to use while this is being ferried off internationally to the Netherlands.

I've explained repeatedly both here, on their forums and in the RMA ticket system I'm not willing to spend any more of my money, this is THEIR fault and me being made to go out of pocket to fix it is unreasonable.

It's the principle, I believe it's reasonable to hold people and businesses accountable for their mistakes and expect them to fix their mistakes on their dime.

1) They asked me to contact CS to arrange the label which I cannot do without calling AMERICA, lol, or buying a microphone to use with skype.

As for spending money, you can use the FREE ticket system OR you can use FREE SKYPE for a free call if you prefer. This has all been explained to you more than once.
You can use skype to send text based chats as well FYI.

2) I have to buy packaging materials to pack the keyboard in because their rules state that it has to be packaged so it's not damaged. I do not have the original packaging.

£1 tops...If you're spending more than that, you're doing it wrong.

3) I have to buy a replacement keyboard to use while this is being ferried off internationally to the Netherlands.

1 x OcUK USB Keyboard - Black £4.99
Total : £8.90 (includes shipping : £3.26).

Good to have a spare, so not money wasted.

I've explained repeatedly both here, on their forums and in the RMA ticket system I'm not willing to spend any more of my money, this is THEIR fault and me being made to go out of pocket to fix it is unreasonable.

It's the principle, I believe it's reasonable to hold people and businesses accountable for their mistakes and expect them to fix their mistakes on their dime.

There's a reason a warranty is on everything, some things fall through the net of QC, you're part of the unlucky few and from the sounds of it you're the one being unreasonable...would you prefer them collect in person at your house? Or would that be an inconvenient for you because you happen to be out that day?

I personally thinks its unreasonable to hold people/businesses accountable for mistakes that are out of their control...leave that for their insurances/RMA....
You bring NO facts to this forum. You simply bring problems other people are having. Every product in the world will have numerous problems with it and like many people have said, its normal to see these complaint threads more than positive threads.

And I was specific in my video and my posts to point out that odds of getting a defective product 2-5 times in a row, which some of their RMA processes have, which I cited, is extremely unlikely for a small failure rate, it's suggestive that there's an inherent problem with the build quality.

But I will not retract my initial thoughts on Corsairs wonderful products and CS.

I don't expect you to, you may have had a perfectly brilliant experience with them, it doesn't magically make mine any better. It's not refuting anything I've said nor does it challenge the facts of my situation.

He's also claiming Corsair knowingly send faulty products to resellers! Ignoring the fact everything has a fail rate and he's unlucky enough to be part of the 1%.

1% huh. How do you know this?

If 1% was correct then it's a 1 in 100 (0.01) chance of having one fail, people with 2 RMAs fail in a row would be 0.01 * 0.01, or 0.0001 which is 1 in 10,000

Chance of getting 3 RMAs in a row is 0.01 * 0.01 * 0.01 which is one in a million. 4 defective in a row would be 1 in 100,000,000. Chance of getting 5 in a row is one in 10 Billion. LMFAO.

HAHAHAHAHA, 1% failure rate xD

When the first page of their tech support forum yields people with all of the above issues, again I've cited my sources direct from their forum, in my prior post, I invite you to investigate that yourself, don't take my word for it. I bet if I was to go back further than just their first page I'd find more and more of these incidents.

When people claim this is an inherent issue (and others have before me, those on multiple failures certainly have, go read their very own forums), it's actually based on some good reasons.

Everyone expects SOME failure rates, I said in my video I've had rare occasions over my many years doing this that I've had to RMA defective products. This is why I left out citing the countless other people on their forum who had only RMA'd the product once. Every link I posted above is to someone who is on their nth RMA and the odds of that happening are slim to none, certainly with a 1% failure rate, it's NOTHING of the sort.
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That whole post is you essentially agreeing with me that it's going to cost me money.

I said I'm not going to do that to solve Corsairs defective product, I think it's unreasonable, which is what lead me to close the ticket.

Ducky keyboard ordered :D

Whoop whoop :)

P.S your repeated attempts at trolling aren't working :)
While I sympathise with and even to a degree agree with you principles you seem to have decided to stand on them relatively early on in this case and no longer listening to reason and in reality on a list of companies that are bad for customer service Corsair would be a very very long way from the top. (Thats not to say I don't think they could do better but they certainly aren't out of line with most average to good companies for customer service).
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While I sympathise with and even to a degree agree with you principles you seem to have decided to stand on them relatively early on in this case and no longer listening to reason and in reality on a list of companies that are bad for customer service Corsair would be a very very long way from the top.

In your experience. Good for you, I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone. But it doesn't help me any I'm afraid.

I'd like to remind you I had the ticket open for nearly 2 weeks before they finally gave me an RMA address, I think i'd been messed around and left waiting for quite long enough by that point.

Fact is that I was told in the RMA ticket there was nothing that could be done, the only reason they offered what they did, is because I made a fuss and they don't want the bad publicity.

Anyway water under the bridge, I've fixed the problem now.
That whole post is you essentially agreeing with me that it's going to cost me money.

I said I'm not going to do that to solve Corsairs defective product, I think it's unreasonable, which is what lead me to close the ticket.

Ducky keyboard ordered :D

Whoop whoop :)

P.S your repeated attempts at trolling aren't working :)

It will cost you a quid to post, and a fiver for a spare keyboard. Certainly wasn't agreeing with you, not by a long shot. Showing how petty you are, yes....

As if you've not got a spare keyboard somewhere, what tosh. You're making waves and hoping for free stuff. If you were honest in your intentions that would be fine, instead you're making it out as if Corsair - whose CS is actually pretty good out as the bad guys lmao.

Good luck, you're going to need it.
It will cost you a quid to post, and a fiver for a spare keyboard. Certainly wasn't agreeing with you, not by a long shot. Showing how petty you are, yes....

I said I wasn't going to spend any more money fixing their problem. What you listed costs money. Not sure how you don't get that...but anyway, best of luck to you as well, good sir. :)
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