Corsair keyboard dead LEDs, RMA is a joke.

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It looks to me like Yellowbeard is taking ownership of your issues, so why not say to him "Yes, I accept your shipping label", give him your email address so he has somewhere to send it and make use of it?

So again, I'm unsure why you're still moaning. He's given you a solution on the corsair forums, and again here. Take it and get your keyboard replaced.

He's said to me no such thing. He's told me to contact CS, i've said that's unreasonable for me, there was not further communication.

he has my forum account, he has my forum email account, he has my RMA number and he has my RMA number account, all 4 of which can be used to send me any details he wishes, yet he decides to have me contact CS by phone on an international charge.

No thank you.

The whole point is that having Corsair replace their defective product shouldn't cost me an arm and a leg, I'm not going to let them scam me out of any more money, I refuse.

If they wanted to send me a prepaid shipping label they would, but they insist on messing about over and over and over again so that dealing with them makes your head spin.
Can you explain to me, how pointing out that you're having a tantrum requires me to grow up? Do you understand what it means to say grow up? I suspect you don't, I think you're using it in the generic way that most people do, where it has no meaning at all.

I've clearly explained my issue, you've not rebutted this, you've just posted unhelpful rubbish in large font and repeatedly accused me of rubbish, yet my point still stands, I have a legitimate issue which no one has addressed.

I'm not a corsair shill either, I'm not bothered about Corsair, I find your behavior in this situation ridiculous. I'd have the same stance regardless of what company you were crying about.

Well i find Corsairs behaviour what? Somehow your opinion is superior to mine, you get to come in to my thread where I voice a legitimate complaint and you just mock it constantly.

You also don't know what trolling is either. I've asked you questions that you seem unable to give a direct response to.

I've answered all your points, name a single one I've not addressed.
Where have you accepted the offer of a label? From what I can see it's just you complaining that they expect you to pay to send it, and that they haven't offered you anything else.

I don't think you understood that you were being offered a pre-paid label, because otherwise what would you have to get so angry about?

They asked you "contact CS", they didn't demand it was by phone. Why not ask yellowbeard nicely if he is willing to see your issue through to completion?

He seems very willing to help you. So go on, tell them that you accept their label and instigate the receipt of it. I can't see anything that suggests you've done that yet.

Also, the whole time you've been ranting, the option of sending it back to the retailer at minimal cost has been there, something you've deliberately refused to do, despite it being standard practice for purchases within the UK.
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Where have you accepted the offer of a label? From what I can see it's just you complaining that they expect you to pay to send it, and that they haven't offered you anything else.

They asked you "contact CS", they didn't demand it was by phone. Why not ask yellowbeard nicely if he is willing to see your issue through to completion?

Again, you've not read the history correctly otherwise you would know.

I've been told repeatedly I have to contact CS because for some reason the RMA tickets cannot deal with advanced concepts like sending out labels. My only options for contacting CS I have already previously said cost me unreasonable amount of money and so I'm unwilling to be scammed out of any more money, £120 was enough, no more.

I've said this like 3 times now and every time you ignore it.

He seems very willing to help you. So go on, tell them that you accept their label and instigate the receipt of it. I can't see anything that suggests you've done that yet.

If he had any interest in helping me, he'd just PM me a label I can use to return the product and have done with this hours and hours and hours of endless messing about.

But nooooooo, that would be too simple to send me something like that I have to contact CS via Usbekiztan or some rubbish that costs me a fortune, no thank you, I've already been scammed out of £120 and I REFUSE



To be scammed out of any more money. They've had enough from me already, if they want to contact me they have ALL my details as previously supplied through the RMA ticket and various other means of messing about.
I'm not ignoring anything, I'm pointing out that you're still continuing to rant AFTER you've been offered this label.

The latest was that you were offered a label, you haven't accepted this and just continued to rant elsewhere once your thread was locked.

You aren't doing a good job of explaining what happened after you refused the offer.

Standard RMA policy has always been that the customer ships the product back to us, and we would pay to ship it back to you. This is why if the retailer can process it locally for you, we recommend that as the quickest course of action. If they cannot help you, then we will always step in to do so. In this case, if the LED's died within 30 days of purchase (or if you spoke with customer service and explain to them your situation), we would be more than happy to assist with the return postage given the issue you are experiencing. I would not recommend returning this to us at your cost until you get the label as we would not be able to refund any postage costs.

In this case, given the difficulties you already have experienced, go ahead and give me your RMA number and I will personally request a label be sent to you, and have our RMA team process you a new keyboard ASAP.

What has happened since then? Yellowbeard is here posting that the offer still stands, and you haven't shown that you are willing to accept it, which is why I've been saying you should tell him that you accept it.

They aren't going to generate a label that you might not use. Why not ask him to deal with your situation personally so you don't have to be passed around, have everything go through him? What's the issue with that?

Also, the point about you refusing to answer something, you still haven't really given a reasonable answer as for why you are dead against sending it back to overclockers, when that is standard procedure?
I'm not ignoring anything, I'm pointing out that you're still continuing to rant AFTER you've been offered this label.

So what you're saying is that you acknowledge that.

1) I said I wasn't going to pay any more money to fix Corsairs problem.
2) Corsair offered me a solutions which requires paying yet more money
3) I have no way of fixing this issue without paying more money.

Just making sure we're on the same page.

The latest was that you were offered a label, you haven't accepted this and just continued to rant elsewhere once your thread was locked.

You aren't doing a good job of explaining what happened after you refused the offer.

I've clearly explained, several times. It's all available in the thread here and in their forums to read. They're asking me to contact CS AFTER i'd already explained I wasn't prepared to be scammed out of more of my money.

What has happened since then? Yellowbeard is here posting that the offer still stands, and you haven't shown that you are willing to accept it, which is why I've been saying you should tell him that you accept it.

No he's posted for damage control only, his job is to make sure the company looks in the best light possible, he's done nothing to actually address my needs which are perfectly simple.

Here I'll list them in a basic list for you.

1) Give me an RMA route that doesn't scam me out of more money.

Easy, huh?

They aren't going to generate a label that you might not use. Why not ask him to deal with your situation personally so you don't have to be passed around, have everything go through him? What's the issue with that?

Also, the point about you refusing to answer something, you still haven't really given a reasonable answer as for why you are dead against sending it back to overclockers, when that is standard procedure?

I generated an overclockers RMA. Actually I lodged a complaint with overclockers but instead of addressing it, they asked me to file an RMA with them, so I did anyway, and was told that I had to pay yet more money to ship Corsairs defective LED mechanical keyboard back to them.

I'm not spending any more money on being ripped off, I've been ripped off enough for 1 year so far, I'd prefer that someone simply send me the details I need via email or RMA or PM so I can post this piece of rubbish back.

They've had my RMA ticket details for TWO WEEKS now and they're still messing about.
I am still at a complete loss as to why we're even discussing this, and on a second forum even.

1. You have 2 tickets in our ticket system. It's free to use. No money needed. I reminded you of this in this in your RMA thread. It's still there unedited.

2. You have been offered a free shipping label, free being the key word. You have not used the free tool (Corsair Force) to update your account and accept the offer. As it stands now, we cannot process your ticket.

3. We cannot process your ticket because you have requested 3 different addresses to be used in your RMA file. We can ship to the address that you specify that is a legitimate address on this planet. We cannot ship to the Sea of Tranquility, The Moon as you requested.

Here is your ticket # in case you don't have it handy. 6195549
1) As I've said already, the thread on Corsairs forum was locked, so I don't have any choice. More to the point this thread was to point out the ongoing issues with Corsairs products to warn other users, this is what the great PC community is known for, spreading the reputation by word of mouth on tech forums which I continue to do on all those I'm a member of.

2) I have 2 tickets because one is asking for details on how to submit a formal complaint since there's no official channel for this listed on your website I have to open a ticket to try and get this information. This ticket has still not been addressed.

3) I've not been told about Corsair Force, whatever that is, up until this point, last I was told by a Corsair rep was to contact CS which I've already said I won't do at expense to myself because it means spending a small fortune calling the US.

4) I asked you to ship to the moon as a joke to make a point, I can't believe I have to spell this fact I won't bother because I know that you "get it" you're simply being awkward and nitpicking to cover your own back at this stage. I'm not stupid sir, and I know you're not stupid, I know you "get it", and so I know this is just to shift blame to me.

I've mulled this over and based on the fact that I'd have to buy a replacement keyboard to use while I RMA the defective one back, and have to buy P&P materials, and I have no guarantee of actually getting a working one back based on the evidence:

Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -
Here -

This is a list of people who have had dead LEDs on your keyboards NOT JUST the first time around but on the replacement also, and in some cases 3rd and 4th time around. This is just the first page of your support forums, I could go on to page 2,3,4 etc, but I think we all get the point.

I'm done with Corsair for good, I will not be using any of your components in any of my future builds for me or anyone else. I appreciate you trying to help me but I think given the issues above I'll cut my losses and simply pass. Good day, sir.
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This has blown way out of proportion. Posting the video on numerous sites to combat taking it down? You are just being paranoid. The Corsair staff as well as many other reps from other companies roam forums to ensure complaints are dealt with.
This is yet another one and quite an unreasonable one. They are not here to remove your video that will attract a minor amount of attention. They are here to help.
He clearly states that you refuse a label, probably because you're so stuck up with youre opinions. All these points you come up with are all opinion based and all due to what has happened to your one keyboard.
Like i said earlier, you are in a minority. Not many people have this problem with Corsair. You are just reading the down sides of it. Yes, you may see 100 threads (doubt it) of this problem, but if everyone posted their positive experience, it would probably greatly outlarge the problem which is why the line of keyboards are still sold and liked. Check OCN? Many people have one and love theirs.
I have a feeling you are here just to attract attention. There's no need for any of this.
1) As I've said already, the thread on Corsairs forum was locked, so I don't have any choice. More to the point this thread was to point out the ongoing issues with Corsairs products to warn other users, this is what the great PC community is known for, spreading the reputation by word of mouth on tech forums which I continue to do on all those I'm a member of.

2) I have 2 tickets because one is asking for details on how to submit a formal complaint since there's no official channel for this listed on your website I have to open a ticket to try and get this information. This ticket has still not been addressed.

3) I've not been told about Corsair Force, whatever that is, up until this point, last I was told by a Corsair rep was to contact CS which I've already said I won't do at expense to myself because it means spending a small fortune calling the US.

4) I asked you to ship to the moon as a joke to make a point, I can't believe I have to spell this fact I won't bother because I know that you "get it" you're simply being awkward and nitpicking to cover your own back at this stage. I'm not stupid sir, and I know you're not stupid, I know you "get it", and so I know this is just to shift blame to me.

1: Your thread was locked because of your repeated violations of forum rules. This was explained to you so when you spread the word, please tell the entire truth. Same goes for your video. Yes, I deleted it. I explained to you that we will not allow a video that is filled with PROFANITY to sit on our forum.

2: Both tickets have been addressed. Our attempt at resolution has been to offer you a shipping label on 2 different forums now. You'll need to use that same ticket using the number you provided and that I copied again here for your convenience.

3: Corsair Force IS the ticket system you have been using. If you'd simply click on the link and take the next step, you'd see that. As for your last contact, that has been with me and with Corsair James. If you remember, James is the nice fellow that offered you the shipping label.

As for spending money, you can use the FREE ticket system OR you can use FREE SKYPE for a free call if you prefer. This has all been explained to you more than once.

4: You have given us 2 different addresses on this planet. We cannot send you a shipping label without you verifying which address you would like to use. We absolutely do NOT want to send the KB to the wrong address at this point.

I really hope this clears this situation up.
Hey Corsair,

Love your products and love your customer support. Rest assured I am not put of your products based on this thread, far from it lol

I love threads which require popcorn, this probably beats the thread where the guy blew up his CPU, cried and cursed OCUK and when it was inspected his application of liquid thermal compound was all over the CPU pins lol
^ +1. Love the CS that you put out. Dont worry, im not phased by those threads. I once was with the coil whine in PSUs but I bit the bullet and went for it and have been buying PSUs from you ever since with no problems.
Keep up the good work over there!
I feel sorry for Corsair, that they actually have to deal with people like this :(

Last time i had to RMA with Corsair (OCUK done it obviously....not an idiot!!) was flawless, so much so i couldn't be arsed to get my £26 postage refunded, within the space of 2 hours they had received my item and sent out the replacement for next day delivery. Can't ask for much more than that :)

Sounds like this bloke wants to cause a fuss in hopes of getting some compo (i.e something brand new for nothing)
I feel sorry for Corsair, that they actually have to deal with people like this :(

Last time i had to RMA with Corsair (OCUK done it obviously....not an idiot!!) was flawless, so much so i couldn't be arsed to get my £26 postage refunded, within the space of 2 hours they had received my item and sent out the replacement for next day delivery. Can't ask for much more than that :)

Sounds like this bloke wants to cause a fuss in hopes of getting some compo (i.e something brand new for nothing)

Maybe he's out to take advantage of the brilliant CS and hope to get an upgrade out of this.
Dave, we make excellent keyboards. Like ANY electronic device ever made, there are occasional failures. But, we back them with an excellent warranty and excellent customer service.

Keep in mind that if you look at support forums, of course you are going to see people with issues. That's why they are in forums and not playing LoL or BF4 etc. We have never claimed that every device we make will never fail. It's simply not possible. That's why we do the best we can at every level from R&D to manufacturing to tech support and customer service.

Thanks for considering Corsair in your future purchases. Good luck and have tons of fun with whatever brand of KB you decide to use.

Precisely. Always remember that what you see on the internet will most likely be negatives of a product since people who are enjoying the product dont have a reason to post anything.
Every product ive owned from Corsair (PSUs, RAM, Speakers, Cases, Coolers) i have never had a problem. Shows that they do make reliable products. My Air 540 had broken trays when it came to me and then sent me replacements, an additional one, and an extra ssd mount.
Goes to show they have excellent CS
1: Your thread was locked because of your repeated violations of forum rules. This was explained to you so when you spread the word, please tell the entire truth. Same goes for your video. Yes, I deleted it. I explained to you that we will not allow a video that is filled with PROFANITY to sit on our forum.

2: Both tickets have been addressed. Our attempt at resolution has been to offer you a shipping label on 2 different forums now. You'll need to use that same ticket using the number you provided and that I copied again here for your convenience.

3: Corsair Force IS the ticket system you have been using. If you'd simply click on the link and take the next step, you'd see that. As for your last contact, that has been with me and with Corsair James. If you remember, James is the nice fellow that offered you the shipping label.

As for spending money, you can use the FREE ticket system OR you can use FREE SKYPE for a free call if you prefer. This has all been explained to you more than once.

4: You have given us 2 different addresses on this planet. We cannot send you a shipping label without you verifying which address you would like to use. We absolutely do NOT want to send the KB to the wrong address at this point.

I really hope this clears this situation up.

1) The thread was locked for calling you scammers, that's the truth. Corsair have scammed me out of £120, repeatedly sending their customers defective products as replacements for defective products until no one can deal with you any more because it's just not worth our effort or our money.

I've cited my sources above to show that even when you RMA products they still come back dead, and some people are on their 5th RMA.

You disagree of course, that's your job so I expect that bias, but they're the facts never the less.

2) The RMA ticket was never replied to after I gave you my address, other than to say that I need to contact CS which I said I won't do because my only options are to spend loads of money to do that. My last request was to close the ticket, which was ignored and it was left open. The ticket regarding making a complaint never received a response, so I closed that. Both tickets were unsuccessful at being resolved. I'm done, I've closed them myself, you win.

3) I've told you MORE THAN ONCE and this has been repeatedly ignored. I cannot use skype without buying a microphone as I do not currently have a working one. I explained several times that I was not going to spend money calling you guys to the US or buy more kit just to call you over skype, I told you I'm not spending another penny of my money when I've been scammed out of £120 because there's no guarantee that I won't get scammed more.

4) I was asked in the ticket ONCE for my address, I gave that in the EXACT FORMAT that was requested, go and look at the ticket, if you have a functioning eyesight, and basic english comprehension you will see the RMA rep ask me for my address, give me the format, and my response with my address in that exact format. There's no way I can defend myself if you're going to be dishonest, I did EXACTLY what the rep asked, down to the exact instruction regarding giving you the address in the exact format.

Is that or is that not true?!
I feel sorry for Corsair, that they actually have to deal with people like this :(

They wouldn't have to if they had working products, if they had an RMA department that treated customers with some respect, if they actually provided good RMA support to the UK, if they were reasonable.

I've been building systems for 18 years now, I've dealt with multiple RMAs, across a whole host of businesses and they've all been extremely helpful, corsairs is objectively the worst experience I've ever had.

Maybe he's out to take advantage of the brilliant CS and hope to get an upgrade out of this.

No, and I deeply resent that insinuation, it's bad enough having to deal with their rubbish RMA department and reps, but then to be told that somehow I'm trying to scam them.

That's just disgusting quite frankly. I'm a honest, hard working guy, trying to make me look like the bad guy after all's just the icing on the cake, it really is :rolleyes:
On a more lighthearted note, this reminds me of an excellent part of Bill Burrs stand up comedy routine dealing with customer services.

Hahaha, reminds me of this situation down to nearly every detail. Get CS saying they can't help you in the RMA ticket, well it's another person who deals with that if you just phone around the other side of the world I'm sure they can help you. LOL

You get so mad at being messed around that you rant and swear, then they use that an excuse to shut you down. LMAO. See Bill knows the score with bad CS :)

Ah gotta love this guy.
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