1: Your thread was locked because of your repeated violations of forum rules. This was explained to you so when you spread the word, please tell the entire truth. Same goes for your video. Yes, I deleted it. I explained to you that we will not allow a video that is filled with PROFANITY to sit on our forum.
2: Both tickets have been addressed. Our attempt at resolution has been to offer you a shipping label on 2 different forums now. You'll need to use that same ticket using the number you provided and that I copied again here for your convenience.
3: Corsair Force IS the ticket system you have been using. If you'd simply click on the link and take the next step, you'd see that. As for your last contact, that has been with me and with Corsair James. If you remember, James is the nice fellow that offered you the shipping label.
As for spending money, you can use the FREE ticket system OR you can use FREE SKYPE for a free call if you prefer. This has all been explained to you more than once.
4: You have given us 2 different addresses on this planet. We cannot send you a shipping label without you verifying which address you would like to use. We absolutely do NOT want to send the KB to the wrong address at this point.
I really hope this clears this situation up.
1) The thread was locked for calling you scammers, that's the truth. Corsair have scammed me out of £120, repeatedly sending their customers defective products as replacements for defective products until no one can deal with you any more because it's just not worth our effort or our money.
I've cited my sources above to show that even when you RMA products they still come back dead, and some people are on their 5th RMA.
You disagree of course, that's your job so I expect that bias, but they're the facts never the less.
2) The RMA ticket was never replied to after I gave you my address, other than to say that I need to contact CS which I said I won't do because my only options are to spend loads of money to do that. My last request was to close the ticket, which was ignored and it was left open. The ticket regarding making a complaint never received a response, so I closed that. Both tickets were unsuccessful at being resolved. I'm done, I've closed them myself, you win.
3) I've told you MORE THAN ONCE and this has been repeatedly ignored. I cannot use skype without buying a microphone as I do not currently have a working one. I explained several times that I was not going to spend money calling you guys to the US or buy more kit just to call you over skype, I told you I'm not spending another penny of my money when I've been scammed out of £120 because there's no guarantee that I won't get scammed more.
4) I was asked in the ticket ONCE for my address, I gave that in the EXACT FORMAT that was requested, go and look at the ticket, if you have a functioning eyesight, and basic english comprehension you will see the RMA rep ask me for my address, give me the format, and my response with my address in that exact format. There's no way I can defend myself if you're going to be dishonest, I did EXACTLY what the rep asked, down to the exact instruction regarding giving you the address in the exact format.
Is that or is that not true?!