Steady on. It was certainly better than now but 'amazing' is a bit of a stretch.
Compared to now it was amazing. My food shop cost 1/2 what it does now - hell my entire monthly bills were about half - fuel was cheaper & I could have the freedom to roam to any country in Europe for as long as I wanted, had human rights up there with European human rights, I could live and work in any of 27 countries without any hassle at income was proportionally way higher than it is now vs my living costs & thats with my income increasing way more than it was back then, the money just doesn't go anywhere now.
Oh I also had hope as well! Now the UK is going to have to implode before it gets better again because stupid people also have the right to vote.
So yeah, it was amazing, how I long for those days!
Side note, corporate profit was relatively sensible as well, not outrageous without limits as it is now - again, Brexit let the corp and torys off the leash without any checks & balances - who knew the House of Lords would be the last line of defence for the common man of the uk.
You know its bad when a bunch of rich old school tory white guys are the ones saying 'steady on now that human abuse in the uk is getting abit much' & are the ones talking way more common sense than what we have in gov now - i.e. tory/ukip/ultra right party
EDIT: Oh & back then you could phone an ambulance and chances are, one would turn up ! Oh and health care wasn't an underfunded lottery! - I needed an ambulance back in September, 3 hours later they phoned back and said there wasn't one, and just told me to cope - thanks torys! Do you mind funding the nhs properly now? stop back door selling it? they had 15 years now to sort it out and have done nothing, in fact only encouraged its destruction.
Shrinkflation on your food is one thing - shrinkflation on the NHS is life & death - but thats literally whats happening - torys want us all to do more with less until we reach this point where there is not enough to go around - yet still refuse to tax billionaires properly, who'd easily pay for the nhs 10x over and still be billionaires, not seeing the issue here - rich stay rich, NHS works as it should, why stop it.