Poll: Could eat 330's!!!!

What car should baldy go for?

  • P1

    Votes: 89 52.0%
  • Type R

    Votes: 82 48.0%

  • Total voters
Trojan said:
Maybe so, but countering that the P1 was designed for the UK and as such the suspension etc is better suited to our country roads than that of the Type R.

The gearbox is also better suited to the UK but both of these issues are easily sorted. Although fitting a UK 5th to a type R box can be quite costly.

Personally, having seen the insurance quotes Will has, I'd have to change my mind and go with the P1. Considering the Type R insurance is more than double the P1 and if it were me the car would probably never be sold on, I'd set aside what I saved in insurance and come the day the 'box lets go (which it probably will) I'd then change it for a full 6 speed DCCD-A box probably from a newage (£3K fitted)

P1 then :) Unless I'm completely loaded, I refuse to pay mroe than £1000 a year for car insurance.
EddScott said:
Personally, having seen the insurance quotes Will has, I'd have to change my mind and go with the P1.

I agree. I couldn't justify an extra £900 on insurance for what is a 'similar' car.

I imagine the P1 will also enjoy better residuals than the Type R, not least due to the fact that insurance is so much cheaper, but also that the P1 is more iconic.

I have a feeling that neither of these points is likely to bother Will too much though. ;)

P1 please, with STI Rear clusters, 18's and Type R foglight covers. I think the nose of the Type R is so much nicer than the P1 for this simple point.
Poll closed, got the folding, P1 wins 78/76 :)

anyone give me a lift to cardiff tomorrow if not I have to use British Rail and ill never get there on time :D :D
You remember the last time you ignored my advice, you ended up being a balding man in a VTEC S2000 :p

Seriously though, the P1 is a special car [insert speshul driver joke here], and will be good fun, means they'll be more scope for modding too ;)
andi said:
You remember the last time you ignored my advice, you ended up being a balding man in a VTEC S2000 :p

Seriously though, the P1 is a special car [insert speshul driver joke here], and will be good fun, means they'll be more scope for modding too ;)

just ordered my defis

speaking to a mte about which stereo to buy (gonna spend £1000-1500 on it)

td05/06 is a definite consideration too, especially as I could get it remapped at the RR :D
Good lad :D

I love defis, I'd buy some for mine if I had the cash, totally pointless but I could sit there and watch them for hours :D
Good to hear the decision has been made. Think poll or no poll the insurance issue (for me anyway) made the difference.

Not sure on the TDO5 personally. Lots of tales about lag etc and off-boost driving being annoying.

Much prefer the VF28 its already got. That and a newage TMIC is my future plan - low lag, quick spool *** :D

PS - if you change, can I get first dibs on the 28?
EddScott said:
Not sure on the TDO5 personally. Lots of tales about lag etc and off-boost driving being annoying.

Most of the people I know who've gone up to a TD05 have also gone front mount - and I suspect most of the lag is there. I presume it also depends on whether you're talking 16, 18 or 20G. Talking to Paul Blamire (Pavlo) he reckoned that the TD05/20G is a bit laggier than (say) my VF35, but not by much.

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