Poll: Could eat 330's!!!!

What car should baldy go for?

  • P1

    Votes: 89 52.0%
  • Type R

    Votes: 82 48.0%

  • Total voters
EddScott said:
Only just seen this back through the pages.

If ever there was a car to tempt me to the dark side.


considered an evo, just the thought and expense of servicing it every 2000 miles put me way way off.

glad to see its still a dead heat with regards to the voting :D gonna be a close one

The type R would lose the wheels and go back to blue, I have to say its winning the battle in my mind at this time, although the guy is proving hard to get hold of due to health problems.
paradigm said:
Unfortunately scooby, your photoshopped effort still has what looks to be a small roof scoop (which is forgivable as it was probably a rush job), but worse, it still has those utterly ranlk alloys. :(

yeah sorry, was a 2min job at work ! :(
painted the type R with new wheels would look like




second one has the wheels I want to buy for it too, just so you have some idea in case the stick on tat is clouding your judgement, and the third one too (edit)
Will Gill said:
painted the type R with new wheels would look like




second one has the wheels I want to buy for it too, just so you have some idea in case the stick on tat is clouding your judgement, and the third one too (edit)

Say it with me, an-thra-cite. ;)

Your old wheels ruled the world. twice.
I've never seen an Impreza in my life that wasn't ugly.

They're all disgusting. But that's not the point - you look at them and they just say "hey dude, jump in and let me RIP YOUR MOFO'IN FACE OFF"!!!!!
Will Gill said:
ffs :p

50 / 50 almost literally

at least its a bit of fun for the week, funds clearing soon, when they do I will buy the winner :D

Take them both for spin :)

Then buy the one u like best
Imo it's a tough choice, because the P1 is more 'special', but the Type-R is a technically better car. And in the states they are now, the Type-R has the mods etc, which I'm sure you'd do some of anyway....So that's what I voted for :)
Will Gill said:
ffs :p

50 / 50 almost literally

at least its a bit of fun for the week, funds clearing soon, when they do I will buy the winner :D

/bribes a Don to add a convertible Nissan Micra in pink to the poll and give it 60 votes

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