Countdown to competition...

Quad is still broken - not showing any signs of improving yet... :(

POWER CLEAN (5) 60-80-80
SG SLDL (5) 80-110-110
KLOKOV PRESS (10) 40-40
REVERSE FLY ss/w 21s Yes.
Still no joy from my hip flexor... :(

POWER CLEANS (5) 60-80-85
SLDL (10) 120-125-125
BARBELL ROW (10) 80-80-80
GIMP SQUAT (10) 20-30-40-50 Like a partial front squat, but with heels up on 25kg plates. Why? So I could get SOME quad work in without flexing my hip. Think of them a bit like a poor man's sissy squat. And they weren't actually too bad once I got the weight right.
I would have said no, as it would involve attaching my name to their name...

But nobody believes anything posted on the Internet, so it's all good this way. :D
Fuelled by Christmas dinner and associated food...

BOR (10) 70-70-70
DELTS ss/w TRIZE (10) Loads.
SLDL (10) 120-130-130
SNATCH GRIP PUSH PRESS (8-10-10) 60-65-65
WEIGHTED PUSHUP (12) +10/+10/+10 Nice to vanquish my nemesis...

Rec fem is still hurting but it isn't quite so bad now... I might be squatting again in February at this rate... :(
Another rec fem groan story. It is getting better - I managed full quarter squats before it started hurting! :D

The irony being it isn't healing properly, probably because I keep poking it. Oh, well... Might have to try a month of bench... If only I actually benched... And had a bench. :D

PUSH JERK (5) 40-60-70 Just because I haven't done any proper leg work and am feeling annoyed.
SLDL (10) 100-110-110
BARBELL ROW (10) 60-70-70
QUARTER SQUAT (10) 60-100-120 No pain, but probably shouldn't do any of this stuff again for a while... :(
HANG SNATCH (10) 40-40

60 second rests for it all to get it over with quickly and to get them there hormones circulating...
So... No legs at all. Ok... This will be weird.

Training chest at home always gives me a headache as:

a) I don't train chest and
b) because so don't train chest, I have no bench, which makes things complicated...


I stacked up some 20s and used them as a bench (do not try this at home. Please). Genius.

LOLBENCH (10) 40-50-50-50
ABZ (12) Some weird thing...

And that... Felt gooooooooood.
I'm lost, have you massively injured yourself recently? I remember you complaining of a random pain then you going on to squat 140 for reps or have that injury really flared up now?
Weird back session without deadlifts or anything involving (sort of) legs...

NO LEG MUSCLE SNATCH (10) 40-50-50 Didnt finish the full muscle snatch; up to the point my back stopped actively contracting. This hurt a lot, actually. :o
BARBELL ROW (10) 75-77.5-77.5
INVERTED ROW (10) BW-BW-BW Interesting; haven't done these in around four years! Nice gentle burn going here...
SNATCH GRIP TRAP PULL (10) 80-80 Like a second high pull, but not very fast as it is all traps...

A bit of an odd session, but I am still trying to work out what I can do in my home gym (I.e bar, plates and squat stands) without really working my legs... End result is some nice DOMS from muscles that haven't been worked in such a way for a loooooong time.

Another couple of weeks of this and hopefully my leg will start behaving... :(
Working out on a stomach full of all-you-can-eat Indian... Just like Christmas, but with added reflux. :cool:

Rests under a minute (50 seconds)...

SEATED OHP (10) 40-40-40(7) Disappointingly hard.
BENCH (10) 50-55-55 This doesn't hit the chest too well but smokes my triceps...
DECLINE PUSH-UP (10) 10-10-BW Now these are unpleasant...
DELTSUNTRIZE (10) So much pump.
PLATE OULLOVER (10) 10-15-20

Another improvised chest session. Pump is still awesome but not sure how worthwhile it is/was. Good fun, mind. :)
I am running out of interesting ways to exercise with a whiny leg. :(

The irony being that benching with only the shoulders resting on something flat is actually pretty hard on the legs... *derp*
Gave my leg a big stretch out and some BW squats to see how it behaved: almost to parallel! Just another two weeks to go... :rolleyes:

Had a health check on Thursday, and blood pressure and cholesterol are fine (good, even). BMI is still 27.5, but hey. :D I also weighted in, fully clothed, at 90kg. :( My legs are withering away to nothing. :mad:

Upper body isn't too bad, but still apparently 21% BF... :(


Otherwise, gym attendance is rubbish; work is very busy so...

BARBELL ROW (10) 75-80-80
INVERTED ROW (10) BW-5-10 I am impressed at the burn, here. :)
SINGLE ARM T-BAR ROW (10) 15-20-20 Using a barbell like a dumbbell for single arm rows... Pretty awesome.
REVERSE FLY (12) 5-5-5 Because.

Forgot broceps but pfffffft...
Will start a new long to please Steedie... :D

After I log today's workout. ;)

SEATED OHP (10) 42.5-42.5-42.5(9)
BENCH (10) 52.5-55-60
WEIGHTED PUSH-UPS (10) +15/+15/+15

Found the offending leg muscle - looks like a deep adductor rather than a quad. Irritating as I did this almost three years ago, but doing deadlifts. Still, it is getting better, so I will keep resting and stretching...
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