Countdown to competition...

Busy week...

POWER SNATCH -> 2*HANG SNATCH 60-60-70-75-75-80(2f)
BACK SQUAT (2) 120-120-120-120-120-120
SNATCH FIRST PULL (3) 120-130-140
SNATCH PUSH PRESS (5) 60-80-90

Yuck... No time at all this week! :mad:

BACK SQUAT (6) 120-120-120-120-120-120 Pretty sure the last three sets had seven reps in them, but pfffft.
PENDLAY ROW (5) 100-100-100 One minute rests...
Oh, look... Moar back squats.

Cheeky session today, taking advantage of a lull in meetings.

BACK SQUAT (5) 130-130-130-130-130 Easier than I thought it would be, given I have missed a day in the cycle and am up2.5kg (fractional a are a nuisance.
PUSHPRESS 60(5)-80(3)

Done. Next meeting...
Yay for Squats :D and weightlifting stufffffff :D Are you running any particular protocol for squats?

Russian Squat Routine... It is relatively easy (normally, when not cutting), and fits in with my current regime.

My preference is for 8-6-3 (two weeks of each twice a week, based around respective RMs) which is savage and leads to enormous legs and oh-so-much pain... But it would be really hard to do on a cut.
When's the cut end? Thought the end was in sight a while ago!

It should have, but figured I would just keep it up until washboard time. Nearly there, but the last bit of 30 year-old flub is still hanging around. I should really be a bit more diligent with my workouts to max out flub reduction, but I am lazy... Cutting is dull, so it is happening of its own accord.

Lame. I know...
Finally back in the gym. Yesterday was - literally - a pain because of something daft with vastus medialis on my left leg going *ping* but it didn't seem to trouble me today...?

BACK SQUAT (4) 140-140-140-140 Well... That was easy...? :confused: For two sets. Last two were not great, but not unhappy given it is +5kg and I am in a calorie deficit...
FRONT SQUAT (5) 60-80-80
SNATCH HIGH PULL (3) 80-90-90

Squatting is not going badly at the moment... Will see how my big psychological 150kg barrier goes on next week. A triple, perhaps?
Not a great week of training. Even though cutting, diet and sleep were poor last week and came home to roost this evening.

Was reverting to hypertrophy routine and trying for 8-6-3 on squats and for some reason my rec fem decided to play silly... 1.5 sets in. So did some SLDLs and packed it in.

A week off quad exercises, here I come... :(
Turns out gains were nowhere to be seen this week.

Loads of work, little sleep and rubbish diet meant trainimg has been out. Also means my leg is not really healing. :(

Have been doing some chins and pressups in the ahort evenings I have been havimg, but hopefully next week will be better! :(
DOMS feom last Sunday just about wore off this morning. My conditioning must have really sucked. :eek:

SLDL (8) 120-120-120 Better.
BARBELL ROW (10) 70-72.5-72.5
NO LEG MUSCLE SNATCH (8) 42.5-42.5 SLDLs clearly smoked my traps...
DELTS ss/w TRIS (10) Lots
BYZE Even more.

Quad is still borked. It is better, but still can't get beyond quarter squat without serious pain. :(
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