If Monkeypox ever becomes airborne I shall fully support anti mask anti vaxxers in their god given right to catch it.You should tell Surgeons they don't need to wear their masks because it's pointless, doesn't do anything
If Monkeypox ever becomes airborne I shall fully support anti mask anti vaxxers in their god given right to catch it.You should tell Surgeons they don't need to wear their masks because it's pointless, doesn't do anything
Some of the make shift masks were hilarious. Best one was a lady wearing a CD ROM with anti virus on it. Second was the elderly couple wearing sanitary towelsI decided months ago that it's now every man for himself and the conscientious will think of other's well being as much or more so than their own.
Others will not and that's the way it seems it will be for the foreseeable future.
Many here undoubtedly think me a ******** but I am a ******** who will neither cough all over you, nor mock you for whatever self preservation lengths you feel obliged or desire to go to
I often think back to when photographs of people in makeshift masks were mockingly posted on social media, and a few short months later the vitriol started when people WITHOUT a mask were seen in crowded environments
No evidence masks stop you from getting a virus & give a false sense of security(via the BBC)
Coronavirus: Should I wear a mask to stop the virus? - BBC News
Feeling confused about whether you should wear a face mask to protect yourself and others from coronavirus?The World Health Organization clearly states that ...youtu.be
Surely even you elite little lot still hiding in your basements must realise that for the vast majority the mask wearing ship has pretty much sailed.
Only a tiny handful of people still wearing them in shops or on trains and no amount of calling people stupid or selfish on here is going to change that.
Flew to Florida and back recently - no mask wearing on the aircraft or very little seen during the two weeks there - didnt catch Covid, the world didnt end.
Just had 3 days in a very crowded Cornwall, again not a mask in sight anywhere.
Time to get over this endless mask debate and move on.
And?Surely even you elite little lot still hiding in your basements must realise that for the vast majority the mask wearing ship has pretty much sailed.
Only a tiny handful of people still wearing them in shops or on trains and no amount of calling people stupid or selfish on here is going to change that.
Flew to Florida and back recently - no mask wearing on the aircraft or very little seen during the two weeks there - didnt catch Covid, the world didnt end.
Just had 3 days in a very crowded Cornwall, again not a mask in sight anywhere.
Time to get over this endless mask debate and move on.
A colleague’s 2nd grandchild was born a week before the first lockdown. She saw him once - day after he was born. He had no other contacts with other people outside the household for 3 months. Colleague was able to form a support bubble with son’s household as she lives alone.Yay for lockdowns
Likely cause of mystery child hepatitis outbreak found
UK experts believe they can now explain the recent spate of mysterious liver problems in young children.www.bbc.co.uk
A colleague’s 2nd grandchild was born a week before the first lockdown. She saw him once - day after he was born. He had no other contacts with other people outside the household for 3 months. Colleague was able to form a support bubble with son’s household as she lives alone.
He has picked up more colds and other infections than his older brother (5 years older) because of the lack of interaction with other people.
Would be interesting to see how many babies born March 2020 - March 2021 will get health problems in later life. Talking 8+I posted about this at least one year ago on the subject of Covid babies.
Some of the deniers on here could use a dose of sexual dysfunction as that could mean we don’t get polluted in the future by their offspring spouting the same rubbishPersonally I think I'll keep trying to avoid it for as long as possible. Other options are available.
Hair loss and sexual dysfunction join list of long COVID symptoms
Two million people in the UK are estimated to be suffering from long COVID, the Office for National Statistics reported in June.news.sky.com
More likely to be Covid than flu at the minute, it can take a few days of symptoms before the LFT starting flagging positive.Are there any flu viruses spreading through the UK population at the moment?
We've both come down with something, no coughing, but lots of aching and fatigue that could be flu or covid. Negative lfts yesterday, only been up less than an hour so far today, so yet to do another lift.
Neither of us have knowingly had covid since the very start in March 20, better half could feel this new infection above her long covid after i had struggled through work yesterday.
It can definitely take a few days for LFTs to show positive.We've both come down with something, no coughing, but lots of aching and fatigue that could be flu or covid. Negative lfts yesterday, only been up less than an hour so far today, so yet to do another lift.
It's pretty normal for babies and toddlers to be constantly ill tbh.A colleague’s 2nd grandchild was born a week before the first lockdown. She saw him once - day after he was born. He had no other contacts with other people outside the household for 3 months. Colleague was able to form a support bubble with son’s household as she lives alone.
He has picked up more colds and other infections than his older brother (5 years older) because of the lack of interaction with other people.