COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Not like it is a binary situation - there are things we can do to improve the situation while largely continuing to live normally and doing so also reduces the risks of things developing so we need to bring back more significant, impactful on our lives, measures.

The government, people have done what they can (or forced to do). There is only so much what can be done to reduces the risks, if its going to spread, then its going to spread.

We cant control everything on this planet and we definitely cant control nature.
The government, people have done what they can (or forced to do). There is only so much what can be done to reduces the risks, if its going to spread, then its going to spread.

We cant control everything on this planet and we definitely cant control nature.

Learning and mitigation are what makes society progress. Giving up certainly doesn't.
The government, people have done what they can (or forced to do). There is only so much what can be done to reduces the risks, if its going to spread, then its going to spread.

We cant control everything on this planet and we definitely cant control nature.

BS people have done as much as they can - fair enough most went along with the rules when they had to. Sadly the vast majority seem unable or unwilling to utilise appropriate measures of their own volition and it has to be said.
BS people have done as much as they can - fair enough most went along with the rules when they had to. Sadly the vast majority seem unable or unwilling to utilise appropriate measures of their own volition and it has to be said.

People have the memory of a goldfish given by the mask usage dropping to near zero and the looks you get if you wear one now. This is more worrying than the virus, tbh.
The government, people have done what they can (or forced to do). There is only so much what can be done to reduces the risks, if its going to spread, then its going to spread.

Wait, what? The Government have literally done nothing, they’ve washed their hands of covid and left it up to us

They have done the bare minimum they could get away with since the start, in fact less than the minimum by actually infecting people on purpose
Wait, what? The Government have literally done nothing, they’ve washed their hands of covid and left it up to us

They have done the bare minimum they could get away with since the start, in fact less than the minimum by actually infecting people on purpose

So rather be like China have lockdowns every 5 minutes? They was one of the first countries to do lockdowns and they are still doing it now in various regions.

Good the government have washed their hands of covid and left it up to us, people need to learn to be independent, use some common sense and stop looking at others for instructions especially from the government. Its like people want to be policed 24/7.

At times the UK looks so soft compared the other countries just getting on with covid or defending their countries from being invaded when covid is the last thing to be worried about.
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The government's, the WHO's and the BMA's guidance and rules have been assimilated by me, and I have followed the guidance and law to a near 100% level, and now that the government suggests we have to live with this virus, I will make safeguards based on what seems appropriate. Even as a simple spanner twirler i believe i am capable of following developments and taking ongoing useful risk aversion measures. Unlike my wife who puts personal convenience, social gatherings and her holidays way before anything else, but we all have our crosses to bear :) She's off on a jolly this week, not looking a gift horse in the mouth I will make use of her departure to erect a new aerial in the back garden without hindrance or moaning :)
So rather be like China have lockdowns every 5 minutes? They was one of the first countries to do lockdowns and they are still doing it now in various regions.

Good the they’ve washed their hands of covid and left it up to us, people need to learn to be independent, use some common sense and stop looking at others for instructions especially from the government.

Sadly lacking from the Covid experience so far.
So rather be like China have lockdowns every 5 minutes? They was one of the first countries to do lockdowns and they are still doing it now in various regions.

Good the government have washed their hands of covid and left it up to us, people need to learn to be independent, use some common sense and stop looking at others for instructions especially from the government.

At times the UK looks so soft compared the other countries just getting on with covid or defending their cities from being invaded when covid is the last thing to be worried about.

Ask the families of the 160,000+ dead if they’d rather have lockdowns and thier family member still alive
Ask the families of the 160,000+ dead if they’d rather have lockdowns and thier family member still alive

Sorry, lets not go down that path, its been beaten to death in previous posts about covid and people dying. As if they wasn't going to die anyway. Very, very, very small percentage died of covid who were fully healthy.

All the people I know had covid, some more than once.!

No magical fairy is going to swoop down to the earth and case covid away. No person can either. This is the reality now, no point blaming the government for "What if's" They was too busy having parties to give two hoots about covid and measure they put in place. To so called, protect others.
Sorry, lets not go down that path, its been beaten to death in previous posts about covid and people dying. As if they wasn't going to die anyway. Very, very, very small percentage died of covid who were fully healthy.

All the people I know had covid, some more than once.!

Look at the UKs excess deaths. End of conversation and onto my ignore list
Ignore list!......what strange person. Again, People! Soft!

Clearly doesn't get out in the world socially.

Never knew an ignore list even existed, not that I even cared to use it!
Ignore list!......what strange person. Again, People! Soft!

Clearly doesn't get out in the world socially.

Never knew an ignore list even existed, not that I even cared to use it!

The fallacy that people still concerned about Covid are soft hermits who shun a social life is utter guff. I don't know what's "soft" about being aware and active about this virus, but it sounds like the antithesis of "hard"? There is nothing "hard" about not being able to cope with common sense precaution and surveillance if you mean that as a tough guy. I know some people had a hard time non-medically, maybe they lost income, couldn't visit relatives or just weren't able to enjoy themselves but those problems don't exist any more so I still fail to understand why people are still whinging about the impacts of a novel virus.
Sorry, lets not go down that path, its been beaten to death in previous posts about covid and people dying. As if they wasn't going to die anyway. Very, very, very small percentage died of covid who were fully healthy.

All the people I know had covid, some more than once.!

No magical fairy is going to swoop down to the earth and case covid away. No person can either. This is the reality now, no point blaming the government for "What if's" They was too busy having parties to give two hoots about covid and measure they put in place. To so called, protect others.

But not everyone who died from it, would have died in the last two years that's why they are called excess deaths.

Great that your first hand experience isn't early death but for others it would have been. From my first hand experience it very nearly killed my dad who was 62 at the time.

Last year, even with the most at danger groups vaccinated and age adjusted the excess deaths in 2021 was nearly 30,000.

That's 30,000 people who died earlier than expected.
Don't worry the virus will stop "normal" life soon enough, even for the people ignoring it and going about things as if it doesn't exist.

In fact the more and more people going about life as if it doesn't exist will simply accelerate the process.

The country is already creaking under the sheer numbers being infected every week. On top of this is a variant circulating that doesn't seem to offer much protection from re-infection. This means numbers are going to keep going up and up to the point society won't be physically be able to function with so many off sick at any one time - hospitals will be on skeleton staff and unable to provide anything but basic care, emergency services won't have enough staff in to get to accidents, life threatening conditions, fires etc. Shops, pubs, bars etc won't be able to open due to lack of staff so there will be no where to go. We'll end up with a lockdown type scenario without the need of the government implementing one anyway as everywhere will be shut down.
Sorry, lets not go down that path, its been beaten to death in previous posts about covid and people dying. As if they wasn't going to die anyway. Very, very, very small percentage died of covid who were fully healthy.

All the people I know had covid, some more than once.!

No magical fairy is going to swoop down to the earth and case covid away. No person can either. This is the reality now, no point blaming the government for "What if's" They was too busy having parties to give two hoots about covid and measure they put in place. To so called, protect others.

Eh - around 6-8% of COVID deaths were only COVID but around 80% of COVID deaths it was a contributing factor and 70-80% of those it was the underlying cause even if they had comorbidities. Only about 20% of COVID deaths were people with a likely remaining life expectancy of 2 years or less.

I think those stats have changed a little with Omicron and vaccines in play but it is still around that.
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