Full face powered respirator is defo the same as a cloth hanky that's man handled all day and put into pockets/handbags and worn again.
Data says they did nothing for kids, I wear a FFP3 for my work thats properly face fit (Half Mask and Full Face powered) be salty more though.
Problem is the limits of the different types of masks and people and even the governments weird stubbornness as to working with that.
Basic masks work in situations involving crowd mobility, when all parties are wearing masks and distancing is involved as per the example I've used previously if shopping in a supermarket. They don't work for example if someone is sitting in and/or working around an office for 8 hours, or if people are sitting watching a theatre performance for 2-3 hours (I had to facepalm at that one).
N95/P2 work for say if you are doing a 10-15 minute consultation on someone in a medical setting or sitting for 1-2 hours on a train with passengers reasonably spaced, but again won't stand up to sitting in close proximity for several hours.
FFP3 or similar will give robust protection for much more intimate and longer periods.
Obviously there are issues with adherence, application and procedures, etc. and in critical situations the usefulness is much eroded if not fit tested and so on, but if people work with it they will significantly reduce transmission of a disease of this kind of nature which benefits everyone and can avoid the pressures which might lead to a lockdown, etc.
On the flip side when schools first went back and some rhinoviruses started to circulate the procedures in schools did very little to reduce the spread, but then those viruses are also very easily spread via surfaces/touch compared to COVID as it turns out. The other side of that is, colds in general and especially flu saw a massive hit from measures intended to combat COVID, ironically even more so than COVID did, with the flu season at the start of the pandemic shortened by something like 6 weeks IIRC.