I found this explanation by an Australian senate on what Pfizer didn't tell us about the vaccine interesting. I also didn't realise this vaccine used such new technologies.
If you had an auto immune condition and your medication stopped working so had to change or you developed an auto immune condition then this video contains a sort of explanation. Watch from 7m 20
It was made very clear that the technology in use was "new", when they started working on them (or rather this was the first time it had been used in humans on a large scale), but "new" is highly subjective. I'm not sure how you missed all the news about the fact that pretty much every pharmaceutical company, medical research lab and university R&D department that did anything with drugs were throwing resources at both developing a vaccine and finding any possible existing drug that could have helped. IIRC at one point pretty much every supercomputer and computing cluster that could be turned over to it was, a use of resources for one project that we, as a race have rarely if ever seen before.
IIRC the research behind MRNA went from a handful of small teams that were not really sharing their full information because it was a potentially massive thing in vaccines, to pretty much every company in the world turning over vast amounts of their resources to do it, and sharing the information widely.
A quick history of MRNA vaccines, they started research on them back in the 70's (within a decade or so of them finding RNA), they had test vaccines for mice (usually first step towards human trials) back in the 90's, they were working on them continuously but at a very small scale for something like 40 years, they had a Human Rabies test vaccine about a decade ago, and they'd been working on vaccines using it for things like Ebola, Malaria and Aids all that time.
Basically as a technology the basic theory, and even "carrier" was in place 30 years ago, what was "new" was getting it into mass production* and finding the version that would work with covid, the latter of which was also an issue faced by "traditional" vaccines.
The main reason it wasn't in large scale use 10+ years ago is that we didn't need it, so there wasn't the large scale investment to get MRNA vaccines through development to full routine use, although every time there was something like a SARS or Ebola outbreak funding would increase for a while, then it would slow down, as MRNA vaccines can be mass produced much faster, and more consistently than "traditional" ones that can take months, so no great rush to spend money until there was a new disease that threated to break out.
It was "new" as in the first widespread use of the technology, not "new" as in completely new and never before seen or heard of.
Also given how "odd" we know some politicians can be it's not necessarily worth anything more than anyone else's views except he's got a nice impressive title in front of his name, a title that requires the massive intellectual effort of potentially just campaigning for a few months to get 1 more vote than anyone else in the race (I'm cynical, but I've seen far too many politicians, including very senior ones who are scientifically and medically as qualified as a pile of rocks, and many more that I wouldn't trust to be able to find their own backside without a map and guide).
*It's one thing to get a sample of a vaccine or medication in a lab, it's another to be able to produce millions of doses a week, and in this the governments basically footing the bill really helped as it meant they didn't have to worry about angry shareholders when they did things like built 3 different production facilities knowing the chances were that at least two of them wouldn't be suitable (but not which ones at that point) without major, expensive changes, and then started to produce the vaccine in bulk as soon as the first human trials said it was likely ok (again something the shareholders normally frown on, as if you run into a problem and have to dump it that's more money down the drain).,