COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Millions, maybe even billions of people now have had the vaccine and had no adverse or ill effects at all. Some people will react badly to aspirin it’s just the nature of the human body.

There certainly isn’t any conspiracy.
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He said a lot more in that conference which you selectively chose not to quote. Also saying froth regularly is lame:cry:

I was selective because someone else bought up the fact he talked about injecting bleach. He’s not a genius by the way, he’s a thick monster.

You mean pesky “nurse” Campbell. He’d still be doing Jim Bowen tribute acts if it wasn’t for his millions of followers who follow him because despite most of what he says being misinformation, it’s what they want to hear :D
He said:

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

My original "misinformation" quote from my post was "Injecting bleach anyone?".

I'll put my hands up and say I got that sort of wrong (although my post doesn't literally said he told people to inject but it is implied :)). He asked during a press conference whether it was possible to inject bleach. That's still probably not something he should have said, given that he's not a meidcal expert and also his hardcore followers take everything his says as gospel, and some did apparently inject themselves with disinfectant (reported cases of poisoning increased). So some people did take his statement as being a potential remedy.

Forgive me for thinking this guy spreads misinformation, he who claims the election was rigged, when most people who got caught trying to change/fiddle with votes were from his own party from what I recall.

No, he didn't, and now you're actively lying about it, spreading more misinformation you KNOW is 100% false and we all know that you're doing it on purpose because you even quoted yourself that he never, ever, said not even once anything about bleach, not once. Nor did he imply it because asking a question to the medical professionals there with you is not "implying" anything, its asking a question.

Liars like you are why we can't have nice things, because you'd rather openly lie and spread dangerous misinformation just because you hate the guy rather than tell the truth, its pathetic!
Pesky Dr John Campbell, uploading videos to his millions of subscribers on youtube, full of froth, based on government provided facts and figures which question the media driven narrative. How dare he, the swine:cry:

It's been done to death why Campbell is a fraud (with lots of proof and denouncements from actual medical doctors earlier in the thread) who started off good, but then began pushing dangerous narratives because his viewer base became sceptic frothers (because everyone else moved on) and that is who he pushes his content to now.

However, since you're one of those it is no surprise you still like him.
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It's been done to death why Campbell is a fraud (with lots of proof and denouncements from actual medical doctors earlier in the thread) who started off good, but then began pushing dangerous narratives because his viewer base became sceptic frothers (because everyone else moved on) and that is who he pushes his content to now.

However, since you're one of those it is no surprise you still like him.
He isn't a fraud just because he has a different opinion. There will be medical doctors who also agree with Campbell.

He had the vaccine himself and recommended it. I think he regrets it since further analysis came out but I doubt he's alone in that, I regret it too.
The only risk with the delivery system is that people with certain existing conditions can struggle to breakdown the lipids and if you need a treatment intensive enough it can cause a toxic build up for anyone, it was also something which was creating difficulties with using mRNA therapies before the breakthroughs which made the mRNA COVID vaccine possible.

It is actually still a problem with the COVID vaccines in that while pretty much anyone can tolerate a small to moderate number of doses, it doesn't take many before a small number of the population starts to run into a toxicity problem with them, and regular use of the vaccines would quickly start to cause a problem for a not insignificant number of the population - probably one of the reasons they've backed off the vaccination campaigns a lot.

(Like with artificial colours and flavourings, a small subset of the population have hypersensitivity to them).
On the backing off vaccine campaigns, my hypothesis is that the government are nervous that there maybe more to the side effects that's not been understood so are now targeting the campaigns to the elderly, those are the only ones that should have had the vaccine anyway.
He said a lot more in that conference which you selectively chose not to quote. Also saying froth regularly is lame:cry:

“Bring the light into the body”

“in spring the Virus will magically disappear”

Trump is a very stupid man who’s stupidly killed many people.
There are definitely vaccine side effects:

I know someone who is experiencing them (well, that's what they think is the cause) and their life in the normal sense is essentially over. Unfortunately there are side effects of all medications - in this case the uproar is that we were told that the vaccines were safe.
A good read thanks for sharing.
I reckon if someone went up and down the country visiting the RA clinics and getting anonymous opinions from the consultants they'd draw the same conclusion, they are not allowed to say so publicly.
I'll keep listening to my consultant who tells me both publically and privately to keep taking the vaccine every time it's due.
I suppose I could get my medical advice from the internet, but it doesn't seem like the best idea.

Below my office is the Infection Control Department or I could use Bob on the Internet.
Just when I thought COVID was a thing of the past , I'm sure today that I have it again :( as I feel like crap

I'm surprised that anyone thinks COVID-19 has gone away. For most people it shouldn't be a big deal though, as long as everyone keeps their vaccinations up to date and some nasty new strain doesn't emerge.

On the topic of long lasting health impact I know a number of people that say they suffering with long COVID following them going down with a bad case of it. This seems to be backed up by actual medical professionals. I have only had dealings with one person who was adamant that they were suffering long term ill effects of the vaccine itself. They were being supported in this belief by what can only be described as unlicensed practitioners who were charging them for private quack treatments to do things such as "removing toxic metals that the vaccine introduced to their bloodstream and mainstream medical science can't detect". I don't know whether they did have anything physically wrong with them, but over time I gained the impression that the biggest issue was their mental health and that they were being conned out of their money by people exploiting this.
Yesterday and this morning - horrible non stop chesty cough with phlegm with bits of yellow and green. TMI.

Coughing has subsided but pain across back of lungs.

Still negative. Still toying about going to the doctor as probably got chest infection. So prone to chest infections since getting Covid in March 2020.
I'm surprised that anyone thinks COVID-19 has gone away. For most people it shouldn't be a big deal though, as long as everyone keeps their vaccinations up to date and some nasty new strain doesn't emerge.

It has actually been really quiet on the COVID front around me, I'm surprised it didn't pick up a bit in late November onwards but maybe between the relatively mild weather and a few outbreaks at the end of the summer holidays, meaning recent immunity, the key spreaders aren't propagating it.

Though we are going into the period where outbreaks of these kind of diseases pick up post Christmas and New Year.
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