the list of "contributing causes" on the death certificate will always state them in the order in which they affected the death.
For example my mum's stated Alzheimers as the primary (chronic/ongoing) and Pneumonia from memory.
It was the Pneumonia that actually killed her, but the Alzhiemers was what made her vulnerable to it.
You can also see the effect in the death stats, just looking at the number of deaths and the age groups shows a huge excess, and even after the initial "vulnerable" died that excess didn't go down for a while, and from memory we're still at least hitting the "normal" pre covid death levels which given we've lost a lot of people "early" means we're still having more die than we should.
And as I've said before, America, thanks to Trump and the other Republican death cult has shown quite bleakly how much of an effect Covid has on the population, as IIRC unvaccinated people are still dying of Covid at a much higher rate, and the cult of Trump has decided that vaccines are bad and covid is a lie, and for some reason their death rate is much higher than the democrats living in the same areas (D's are far more likely to have the vaccine/be taking at least some precuations).