COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

No I literally said the opposite on this very same page! I've no issue with responding to such situations and I myself at the time was cautious! Who wouldn't be!!

But the situation evolved and the response to it did not. Intact it became increasingly disassociated with the facts as time went on.

The situation was never going to evolve a rational response the minute it became political. And I mean this from both sides, from the numpty vaccine deniers to people wanting complete suspension of everything forever.

Ultimately, our culture is one of individualism and we as individuals do not give a rats ass about other people, that much this pandemic has proven. If something is a minor inconvenience to us (such as wearing a simple respirator), then we won't do it and will cry and fight about it all day. It's a true 'I'm alright, Jack' mentality all over the place.
The situation was never going to evolve a rational response the minute it became political. And I mean this from both sides, from the numpty vaccine deniers to people wanting complete suspension of everything forever.

Ultimately, our culture is one of individualism and we as individuals do not give a rats ass about other people, that much this pandemic has proven. If something is a minor inconvenience to us (such as wearing a simple respirator), then we won't do it and will cry and fight about it all day. It's a true 'I'm alright, Jack' mentality all over the place.

No I disagree we are not indivualistic as was evidenced by the excellent support given to the various health care communities and with general adherence to protocols at the beginning.

I don't think people had issues "doing their part", the bit that made no sense was calling people racist for wanting to close borders one month, closing domestic travel the next month. Closing individuals shops, allowing huge chains to stay open. Throwing health care workers into unknown difficult situations at beginning and getting rid of them once they didn't kotow each new line.

You can say there were numpties (?) On each side, but there was only one "side" in power who did not show themselves to be professional or competent.

Clearly we are never going to agree on any points and it's fine, I'm happy to be relegated to the crackpot division. I will bow out of this thread as i seem to be winding people up. But I really am convinced that this whole chapter of life has really messed people up big time, robbed a lot of people of a sense or purpose and has caused a massive malaise in the hopes and expectations of the population. I am also convinced (along with highly proprietary market knowledge alongside my own beliefs) it fits hand in hand with a broader shift in social acceptance and changing norms over a broad spectrum of topics but more of interest to myself around privacy and the financial system.

Anyway I'll sign off as I'm charging car in some **** hole and ready to set off again!
People had no qualms doing their part initially because it was new and exciting, that's about it. Once mental fatigue set in people very quickly couldn't be arsed putting in effort anymore.
People had no qualms doing their part initially because it was new and exciting, that's about it. Once mental fatigue set in people very quickly couldn't be arsed putting in effort anymore.

Once people realised that the video footage of men and women falling over dead in China, at the start of this, and being carted away by men in white suits wearing breathing apparatus, wasn't happening anywhere else and did not happen anywhere else in the world.....
Once people realised that the video footage of men and women falling over dead in China, at the start of this, and being carted away by men in white suits wearing breathing apparatus, wasn't happening anywhere else and did not happen anywhere else in the world.....

Some of that stuff was just bizarre but something which seems to have slipped under the radar is that in Wuhan in the early days there was already L and S type versions of the virus - one of them was milder, but more infectious and went on to become Alpha, the other was more severe, but less infectious, resulting in a more typical 3 week infection vs the 1 week more typical for Alpha and descendants. The more severe version only ever made up something like 13% or 17% or something of cases in Europe at its peak and was virtually extinct by December 2020 though we continued to react to it for a long time after that. (It was the source of most of those early cases in Italy which hospitalised a lot of people - with the pictures of corridors of people on supplemental oxygen).

Another factor which seems to have slipped under the radar is the work which went on between British and Italian doctors, off their own bat, in the early days to advance ways of treating the disease, significantly reducing the number of cases in hospital which developed into severe cases.

EDIT: Some of the way the Chinese reacted though should concern people - it tends to indicate they've got some nasty stuff somewhere, not necessarily Wuhan, but didn't know what or if something had got out :s
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Once people realised that the video footage of men and women falling over dead in China, at the start of this, and being carted away by men in white suits wearing breathing apparatus, wasn't happening anywhere else and did not happen anywhere else in the world.....

Yes it did, perhaps not falling over dead bodies as you exaggerated but I'll take you back to Italy at the beginning where all health staff were wearing space suits and let's not forget the coaches full of people in this country where the drivers were wearing full PPE.
You also didn't have the pleasure of watching colleagues dressed up as spacemen at the start.
Your memory is faulty but like any CTer you will only watch and believe what you want, people like you make me sick.
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There were definitely videos at least pertaining to be from China at the start which showed people dropping in the streets.

Yes, but the obvious explanation from that is fever-induced fainting. Good luck verifying any of those people actually died on the spot, because it's near impossible. If they were poorly enough from COVID to die on the spot, they wouldn't be walking in the first place.
Yes, but the obvious explanation from that is fever-induced fainting. Good luck verifying any of those people actually died on the spot, because it's near impossible. If they were poorly enough from COVID to die on the spot, they wouldn't be walking in the first place.
Yep probably, my only point though was that the videos did exist and they were spun by some as "look people dying in the streets".
I never saw any but probably because I wasn't following Roy on You Tube.
It wasn't just Roy

You can't really blame people for their reaction when this was being shown... With Hindsight yes.. But not at the time!!!!
Your memory is faulty but like any CTer you will only watch and believe what you want, people like you make me sick.
Not that faulty was it:cry: Seems like your memory is jaded.
It wasn't just Roy

You can't really blame people for their reaction when this was being shown... With Hindsight yes.. But not at the time!!!!
let's not forget the coaches full of people in this country where the drivers were wearing full PPE.
Full PPE? Like this bus driver? Fret not, he got 10 full days off. I might make you sick but at least i view things from all sides. People like you are so indoctrinated it makes me sad.

Or these..

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Full PPE? Like this bus driver? Fret not, he got 10 full days off.

Yes I got that wrong and got this person mixed up with the drivers but your exaggeration of people falling over dead bodies is way off.
I remember the mass graves the Chinese were digging and I remember emergency staff in full PPE in China and then Italy.
I then remember all my colleagues in full PPE for months on end and I had to do it for only 2 days while watching a string of dead bodies leaving in front of the Reception Desk..
My job decrees I look at things from all sides, only last Wednesday I had to send one of the Solicitors to ICU to witness the will of an unvaccinated patient who was going to die imminently - this is still happening but you close your eyes.
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As was pointed out to you, i did not claim there were piles of dead bodies lying in the streets that people were tripping over so quit with that exaggeration.

and as someone pointed out, with Covid you don't just suddenly be walking and fall over dead, the quickest I witnessed from infection to death were around 2 days.
I used to think COVID was a load of rubbish.......until I got it. I had a headache so bad,it felt like my head was gonna explode. I literally couldn't move at all in bed. Any minute movement would make it pound relentlessly. I was so ill my parents were on the verge of calling an ambulance. Btw this is just before all the media coverage. So it was going around long before the biased bulls*it corporation started their propaganda. Thanks China!
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