COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Sceptics vs Sheep.

Only neither of your groups actually read the scientific papers.

As someone who has read scientific papers. I'm firmly on the side of the supposed "sheep" and think the "sceptics" aren't actually sceptical, they're just sheep who don't even follow the evidence, they just like parroting scary sounding numbers like "the WHO said it caused MS in 1 in 300 vaccinated people" without actually being sceptical of even such a ridiculous claim.

That's great, but realistically how many people are going to source and read scientific papers? I'm certainly not going to, and I probably wouldn't understand them if I did ;)
As reported by the Beeb..

The CIA on Saturday offered a new assessment on the origin of the Covid outbreak, saying the coronavirus is "more likely" to have leaked from a Chinese lab than to have come from animals.

Make of that what one will.
Of course it did. Why else would China refuse entry to their lab for soo long? Anyone who swallowed the 'wet-market' hypothesis is/was gullible.
Because you claimed I was a sheep following my peers.
I'm still working with it dude.
A month ago I had to send a Solicitor to a patient on a Ward to witness a Will because they weren't jabbed and were now suffering really badly - they thankfully came through it.

I didn't claim you were anything. But you don't seem likely to be in the silent majority I was referring to anyway.
Flu jabs are great in curbing infection (surprise), everyone really should be getting them. I don't but I know I should. I got the flu last year (like actual flu, not just a bad cold) and it knocked me out for a solid week. Times that by at least 10 million a year and that is a lot of lost economic activity and increased pressure on health services.

Well not really. Andrew Wakefield's work was well and truly discredited the moment it was released. If you actually read the papers they are disgustingly inaccurate, based on weak sample sizes with a large attempt to pin the vaccine on pre-existing conditions that were present in many of the individuals .. It honestly is staggering that it gained so much traction and is a discredit to human intelligence that certain individuals believe it to this very day. He is a fraud of the highest order.

That would be fine, but it became a blind leading the blind situation. A great many people were talking about it whilst having absolutely zero medical or biochemistry knowledge. Some choose to trust them over a medical professional that had decades of experience and knowledge. That's absolutely mental.

No one in my family has ever had the flu so I guess until I realise how bad it is I probably won't feel it necessary! i know that's a silly way of looking at it. I just don't like being jabbed with stuff when I don't see the need - but that's personal perspective, not backed by rationality of course. It's like health supplements, i don't believe there's any need to pop dozens of supplements - especially when there's no clear need or evidence for it. I'm not expecting to convince nor am I trying to convince people not to get their flu jabs by the way! I'd rather they gave them to those that desperately need them.

As for MMR i know it was discredited, that's what I mean, but, there was still a LOT of debate and had OcUK had the same voracity about it as covid back in the 90s there would be probably a 100+ page thread on it. However in spite of that, enough doubt was cast... now with 2025 social media and chatbots and so on I fear that the MMR debacle would have been a lot bigger than it was. I remember friends being worried about it. I'm just using that as an example before social media and mass hysteria, it still caused a lot of debate / issues. It still took time for people to accept it was well and truly false even at that time. This is is the example I'm drawing parallels to based on modern society and connectivity.

Oh I agree that blind leading the blind is dangerous - but at the same time when you see debates from MDs and other PhDs and there's not always agreement it's only fair that people feel it worthy to cast a little bit of doubt no? You're not going to stop people discussing things which fall within their bias or confirmation bias, there may even be a bit of cognitive dissonance, but the mind is a funny thing!
Personal choice that's all, and from the data we have now it's clear that for someone like me it wasn't really necessary.
Well yea and i respect someone’s right to choose, however as i said before it's not just about if it's really necessary for the individual.

It's about, for example, people undergoing cancer treatment, people with HIV, and people who can't take the vaccine because they have compromised immune systems.

As drastic as it sounds, and my intention isn't to use an appeal to emotion fallacy, when you made that choice did the fact, all be it slim, that there was a possibly you could kill someone enter into the equation?
I think mainly covid itself causes heart problems. One of the major symptoms of long covid is tachycardia. This can go on for years.

In my own situation, soon after getting covid I started having tachycardia. My heart rate going up 150bpm when I could still walk. Now it goes to 100bpm daily and I'm literally in bed 24/7.

I've has a heart monitor and they said it didn't detect anything. I've had a ct scan which didn't see anything. I'm due to have an echocardiogram within 6 weeks.

Prior to covid I never had any heart issues.

PS I suspect it's causing tachycardia because covid can disrupt the autonomic system of the body, primarily via the vagus nerve. So anything our bodies do automatically can be disrupted, even breathing.
BowdonUK (a user on here) has the same thing due to Long COVID and it's also pretty common in ME/CFS (which as I've said before is very similar to Long COVID).
Well yea and i respect someone’s right to choose, however as i said before it's not just about if it's really necessary for the individual.

It's about, for example, people undergoing cancer treatment, people with HIV, and people who can't take the vaccine because they have compromised immune systems.

As drastic as it sounds, and my intention isn't to use an appeal to emotion fallacy, when you made that choice did the fact, all be it slim, that there was a possibly you could kill someone enter into the equation?

That thought never entered my mind as I don't see it as cause and effect. That said, something more overt, like putting on PPE when visiting a cancer ward (which i did waaaaay before covid - back in the 2000s) felt absolutely sensible and normal.
And it's not my job to try and convince you. If you're serious about researching the facts behind COVID and the vaccines then go and create an account with PubMed and look up the studies yourself. But I suspect you won't because you're not open-minded and prefer to believe in journalistic opinion pieces instead.

You make a claim, you back it up. I've looked up the studies, I've linked quite a few here in the last few days. Have you? Where's your links to the papers showing your claim? I can post as many papers as I like that don't meet your claim, I cannot find one that does meet it.
That's great, but realistically how many people are going to source and read scientific papers? I'm certainly not going to, and I probably wouldn't understand them if I did ;)

And yet it's the people who deny the science and accept any old claim, that are labelled the sceptics? And the sheep are the ones who merely "follow" the science?

People have developed heart damage on varying timelines both post COVID and post vaccine. I'm trying not to go into too much detail as a certain amount is speculative but in the case of my gran it is very very unlikely she had COVID before she passed away due to the medical supervision, and isolation, she was under and very very likely it was the AZ vaccine which caused her death, despite a specialist pathology team saying otherwise, again due to the medical supervision she was under which was half the reason the coroner asked for a specialist to look at the case (the other half due to seeing a big increase around that time of similar cases - many of which are likely due to COVID itself).

I tend to take notice of these kind of things where others often don't - I might be wrong about some stuff but I'm usually right as to the general trend of things. Generally IMO the AZ vaccines were responsible for a more significant, even if not widespread, amount of heart related issues than is allowed for.

Why would a specialist pathology team lie? The coroner was absolutely right to ask for it, but you are claiming now that a specialist team deliberately lied and manipulated the facts? They simply don't work that way.
I think mainly covid itself causes heart problems. One of the major symptoms of long covid is tachycardia. This can go on for years.

In my own situation, soon after getting covid I started having tachycardia. My heart rate going up 150bpm when I could still walk. Now it goes to 100bpm daily and I'm literally in bed 24/7.

I've has a heart monitor and they said it didn't detect anything. I've had a ct scan which didn't see anything. I'm due to have an echocardiogram within 6 weeks.

Prior to covid I never had any heart issues.

PS I suspect it's causing tachycardia because covid can disrupt the autonomic system of the body, primarily via the vagus nerve. So anything our bodies do automatically can be disrupted, even breathing.
Yes, you likely have POTS which is a form of dysautonomia. I had this following COVID but thankfully mine has substantially improved ( I don't have a fast heart rate at all now ) with time and treating underlying MCAS - again caused by COVID. Good luck with finding a specialist in the UK ; there are very few - and most of those are down in southern England. It's important to have tests like an echocardiogram etc to exclude other conditions but they won't show anything in relation to POTS. The gold standard test is a tilt-table, but unfortunately most hospitals in the UK don't have them. As an alternative a simple standing test ( for 15 mins ) can suffice - if your heart rate increases by 30 bpm or more then you probably have POTS. I'd also strongly recommend you speak to your doctors about MCAS ; 70% of PACS sufferers have MCAS as a comorbidity. The most experienced people in dealing with MCAS are immunologists, but again the UK is lacking in them.
You make a claim, you back it up. I've looked up the studies, I've linked quite a few here in the last few days. Have you? Where's your links to the papers showing your claim? I can post as many papers as I like that don't meet your claim, I cannot find one that does meet it.
Stop bleating and go and look up the articles on PubMed. A cursory search on Google, where the majority of serious articles on COVID have been removed/curated, won't suffice. If you are genuinely interested in learning and reading the full articles you'll do as I said. But you won't because you are just trolling.
And yet it's the people who deny the science and accept any old claim, that are labelled the sceptics? And the sheep are the ones who merely "follow" the science?
Not what I was saying at all. I'm saying neither of the made-up groups I came up with, that I suggest make up the silent majority (i.e. most normal people), are likely to source and read scientific papers.

Don't see why that would be controversial, I'd suggest it's undeniable??
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That thought never entered my mind as I don't see it as cause and effect. That said, something more overt, like putting on PPE when visiting a cancer ward (which i did waaaaay before covid - back in the 2000s) felt absolutely sensible and normal.
And that's kind of the point I'm making, people say it's my choice and like i said i respect that however how can someone who's made that choice know that they’re not going to pass it onto someone with a compromised immune system?

It's not like people on immunosuppressant drugs go around with a sign around their neck or that we should tell them they need to isolate themselves until their immune system recovers whenever that maybe.
Why would a specialist pathology team lie? The coroner was absolutely right to ask for it, but you are claiming now that a specialist team deliberately lied and manipulated the facts? They simply don't work that way.

They may not have deliberately lied, especially as it was a developing situation at that time - I wasn't present for that part but the coroner wasn't happy with the findings and asked the immediate family if they wanted to pursue it further but they understandably declined.
And that's kind of the point I'm making, people say it's my choice and like i said i respect that however how can someone who's made that choice know that they’re not going to pass it onto someone with a compromised immune system?

As much as a sheep I am, Freefaller having the jab wouldn't have stopped him getting Covid and passing it on.
I've had all mine + every booster and I've had Covid 3 times.
It was never meant to stop you getting Covid, just lessen the severity of which I'm eternally grateful.
Stop bleating and go and look up the articles on PubMed. A cursory search on Google, where the majority of serious articles on COVID have been removed/curated, won't suffice. If you are genuinely interested in learning and reading the full articles you'll do as I said. But you won't because you are just trolling.

Which articles?

This review:
This one:
This one?:
This one?

I dislike that last one though. Very small groups, no one in the control developed any neurological conditions, and yet somehow they manage to claim that the vaccine is a risk factor towards causing MS. I assume they did this because some of the MS sufferers were triggered. Terrible setup, there should have been at least a 3rd group of MS sufferers who didn't take the vaccine, to try and get an idea of background rates (again, sample size was probably too small for this anyway), and another control of people who didn't have MS and didn't take the vaccine (though I guess the fact that no one who didn't have MS, and took the vaccine, developed symptoms removes the need for it somewhat).

The 2 reviews are fairly low numbers as well, and the actual case study of patients who developed MS after the vaccine, point out that there's no evidence actually linking the MS with the vaccine (out of their 7 cases, 4 of them already suffered similar demyelinating diseases already). It's very possible that they developed their MS symptoms coincidentally around the same time as the jab.

Where's yours with the 1 in 300 rate for causing MS.

I'd recommend google scholar by the way, but that's personal preference, easy to access, easy to do a big search etc, covers all the bases that way.

Not what I was saying at all. I'm saying neither of the made-up groups I came up with, that I suggest make up the silent majority (i.e. most normal people), are likely to source and read scientific papers.

Don't see why that would be controversial, I'd suggest it's undeniable??

It's what you said... Sceptics vs Sheep. I class sheep as people who just do as they're told with no investigation, and it is a derogatory term. I class a sceptic as someone who questions, I do not consider this a derogatory term. Both groups in your descriptions are potentially sheep. Only one group trusts recognisible authorities on the subject matter (I wouldn't class behaving that way as being a sheep), the other trust people with no recognisable authority.
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As much as a sheep I am, Freefaller having the jab wouldn't have stopped him getting Covid and passing it on.
I've had all mine + every booster and I've had Covid 3 times.
It was never meant to stop you getting Covid, just lessen the severity of which I'm eternally grateful.

By lessoning the severity you shortened the duration when you were contagious and risked spreading to immunocompromised people.
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