Interesting how quickly it has dropped off here again - after a few weeks where it was going around like wildfire, workplaces heavily impacted, schools having half the kids off, etc. etc. and now suddenly no one seems to have it (aside from a small number who are probably using it as an excuse). In some respects that isn't unlike the seasonal impact of colds and flu only the situation here is a bit different especially if it is far less tightly tied to seasonal patterns.
However the floor never seems to go down - every iteration seems to build upwards - previous dips for numbers in hospital for instance:
875, 5712, 6490, 7250, 10582, 14929
Not sure where that ends, even assuming the percentage of that number in hospital due to COVID is decreasing against the number in hospital with COVID it presents serious, never ending, challenges for the NHS. (at a rough guess from the ICU trends percentage of those in hospital with COVID due to COVID has dropped from around 80% to around 40% over that time). Also likely means future surges are going to be increasingly larger in impact even though it only seems to last a relatively short time.
It ends when 100% of the population is infected all the time, of course!
Will have to see how bivalent vaccines impact the infectivity of variants this winter.