Might be entirely coincidental but I'm not liking the up-tick in people I know, young (20-46) and healthy with no previous problem, developing heart problems in 2022 so far. All having had at least 1 bout of COVID within the last few months and triple vaccinated. One of my colleagues had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, another is in a serious condition with a heart murmur, infection scarring, resting heart rate 120BPM and blood pressure off the chart*. Been several incidents with friends or acquaintances having events when cycling or running recently leading to discovery of a heart condition.
Whether coincidence, related to COVID, the vaccine, something else I don't know but not known so many incidences so close together before - or maybe a consequence of people being less active over the last couple of years with lockdowns and so on - I know some of them went from active lifestyles to practically sedentary over the pandemic then back to very active in recent weeks - possibly pushing themselves too far.
* Been a bit of drama at the hospital due to it - can't remember the numbers but he was admitted with blood pressure something like 135 or 139 over 90 something and the doctor sent him home, was brought back in next day in an emergency with 180+ over something and they had to call in a support unit and the doctor dealing with him is in trouble.