COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

i'm currently unvaxed, i had covid in january recoverd fine but i need to get vaxed to travel, i'm not up to date on the latest vaccine info, does it matter which one i get?

Depends on where you are going, some have an “approved list”. Some also require 3 shots which might take some time to comply with. The requirements for your destination should be easily findable.
i'm currently unvaxed, i had covid in january recoverd fine but i need to get vaxed to travel, i'm not up to date on the latest vaccine info, does it matter which one i get?

As you are an anti vaxer, clearly it wont make any differance at all.....

whos 2nd account is this?
Updates at are about to become weekly from Friday 1st July, while despite the lack of free testing there are numerous local areas with 400+/100k positives on the map when zooming in and hospital admissions are over an average of 1000 a day just for England.

Deaths don't look concerning at this stage, but deaths lag hospitalisation and infection by weeks.

Generally bucking UK summer trends of the pandemic, but then we are spreading variants freely around the world again by plane etc. and often without compulsary mask wearing or social distancing, while there is still a huge variation in vaccination policies around the globe and it's now been 6+ months since many of the non-vulnerable under 75s UK population had their booster jab.

Watch this space, if Boris allows us.
i'm currently unvaxed, i had covid in january recoverd fine but i need to get vaxed to travel, i'm not up to date on the latest vaccine info, does it matter which one i get?
loads of places you can go unvaxed i am too.
this time next year it will all be scrapped and you can go anywhere.
loads of places you can go unvaxed i am too.
this time next year it will all be scrapped and you can go anywhere.

Although it is very important if where you want to go requires it, and if your conjecture is correct, you don't care about going until next summer.

Meanwhile, if vaccinated, you can go anywhere now (except China probably).
Updates at are about to become weekly from Friday 1st July, while despite the lack of free testing there are numerous local areas with 400+/100k positives on the map when zooming in
I had covid a couple of weeks ago, couldn't record the fact I had a positive test anywhere as it wasn't an old NHS test but one of the paid ones. Wonder how many cases there are out there which were the same...
Lol. Adult make decision on vaccination you don't agree with, "WE'VE GOT AN ANTI-VAXXER, GET THE PITCHFORKS OUT!!"

He has had every opportunity to go and get vaccinated, instead decided to leave it until the the last minute, when he has no other choice....

He did not know that he goes abroad on holidays?
Rhyl's nice apparently.
People have choices, but if that choice makes it knowingly harder for them, then that was the choice they made.

In other news, an interesting study about covid and fat cells:
Currently in the middle of a 2 month trip to thailand and it's only when I check this forum that I'm reminded there is such a thing as covid in existence.
Currently in the middle of a 2 month trip to thailand and it's only when I check this forum that I'm reminded there is such a thing as covid in existence.

Well you can't be looking very hard. Half the people I know have currently got it and health warnings are being issued left, right and centre.

Try again.

So you didn't have to show Covid vaccination status or a negative test at check in and when you arrived in Thailand?

Foreign Office says you need that to enter - ha.
Well you can't be looking very hard. Half the people I know have currently got it and health warnings are being issued left, right and centre.

Try again.
He's in Thailand, I imagine the messaging and level of infection is slightly different there. So he may well hear nothing about it until he logs in here.
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