
AtomicBanana said:
Try getting the 4th level SUV up there ;)
i do have to ask how the heck do you get a car up there? i mean you have to climb the windows to even get up so holding the vehicle and climbing those are outta the question.
dalepearson said:
finished the single player bit now, was good fun.
Just tried to climb the ageny building, fell off right near the top :(

I made it to the top and then done a base jump into the water :D

4th level suv is when your driving skill is at level 4 and you get in the agency suv.
dalepearson said:
finished the single player bit now, was good fun.
Just tried to climb the ageny building, fell off right near the top :(

I did this this morning and as I have a fear of heights it really got to me... lol :p

Near the top when I had to jump from one tower to the next I nearly pooped myself and needed to go have a quick rest.

Did it though, stop laughing...
McDaniel said:
Yup :(

498/500 gone around each island about 4 times now :(

I've only got 200 ish so far and only about 50! hidden orbs. I was under the impression the agility ones are all out in the open so I was hoping I'd stand a good chance of getting them all. Good luck on your missing 2 :( how you doing on the hidden ones?
smcshaw said:
I've only got 200 ish so far and only about 50! hidden orbs. I was under the impression the agility ones are all out in the open so I was hoping I'd stand a good chance of getting them all. Good luck on your missing 2 :( how you doing on the hidden ones?

198 Hidden i think, something like that - but tehre is a mpa for them, so it helps a little :(
I think the orbs is the hardest achievment iv seen since find all the kittens on the superman game... but there was only 100 of them! Iv only just found the maps for them today but still it doesnt help with knowing which ones you already have.
the_dead_parrot said:
I think the orbs is the hardest achievment iv seen since find all the kittens on the superman game... but there was only 100 of them! Iv only just found the maps for them today but still it doesnt help with knowing which ones you already have.

you got a map for green?
Iv got the IGN guide as a pdf which has a map on the left to show where on the islands you are and then a pic directly next to it in game showing the exact location and surroundings etc... and thats for all the agility and secret orbs
Was in the Volk district, not far from the little park area - one was pretty easy to get to but on the corner so hard to see, the other is half way up a very tall building that you have to scale the side of the wall to get too
Nice one mate!! thats well impressive :cool:

im still totally addicted to the achievements on this game, they're gettin quite tricky now though...but im determined to get them all and not do by usual thing of getting bored and not playing the game again hence wasting my money :D
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