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Gibbo - why does the package state vertex 2 and not 2E?
When I oredered this in the past, the box stated 2E.

Are you absolutely sure it said "2E" on the packaging?

I ordered a Vertex 2e 60Gb a few years back and it didn't say "2E" anywhere on the packaging. The packaging is also different to my new 120gb Vertex 2E. After a little bit of digging, I've found that the difference between the "2" and the "2E" appears to only be noticeable in the serial number i.e. oczssd2-2vtx120g and oczssd2-2vtxe120g. The new 120gb drive has the e serial number. I should say that my argument is based on the assumption that my first SSD was the "2E" version (I almost made the mistake of ordering the older "2" model before ordering the newer drive, so I'm pretty confident in saying I have a "2E").

If you could clear this up though, Gibbo. It'd be appreciated.
Hi there

Nowhere does packaging or drive have 2E written on it, only on the part code.

RMA rate, no higher than any other drive, since Friday we've now sold close to 5000 of these 2E drives. :)
No problems over here :) Well aside from wanting to RAID but bit of a faff for reinstall etc.

One question... Currently have a Vertex 2E as my OS drive and I just did some benches.
The Max read performance compares to my new drives. but the Min is signficantly lower than the new drives... something like this...

New drive Min: 230 Max: 260 Average: 240
Current OS drive: Min: 160 Max 250 Average 180

Any reason for the difference?

edit; and the seek time is slower on the current OS drive compared to the new drives.
Got a problem with mine as well, started off fine and updated the firmware on it to the latest 1.37 which is ment to sort out problems with sleep mode. So I did exactly that put it into sleep mode to test but had a BSOD coming out of sleep. After a restart windows or bios now doesnt detect it tried in two computers.
Benchies on laptop say its twice as quick as the 40gb Vertex 2 it replaced :-)

Wonder how it compares to the sandisk ultra I have in our gerts laptop?

Starting to wish I'd ordered 2 now!
Got a problem with mine as well, started off fine and updated the firmware on it to the latest 1.37 which is ment to sort out problems with sleep mode. So I did exactly that put it into sleep mode to test but had a BSOD coming out of sleep. After a restart windows or bios now doesnt detect it tried in two computers.

I get BSOD resuming windows from sleep.

Any way to solve this?
40GB Vertex 2

120GB Vertex 2E

I'm happy with that.

Sure there must be a bit more speed in the new drive but this is an old E5400 Dell work horse.
Hoping to install mine tonight, just been so busy working these last few days!!!
Looking for to having my favourite Steam games on it :D
Still no luck with mine I have done everything they suggest on the OCZ forums, left it disconnected overnight with no power and cleared the CMOS but still not recognised in the bios so cant see it at all.
Still no luck with mine I have done everything they suggest on the OCZ forums, left it disconnected overnight with no power and cleared the CMOS but still not recognised in the bios so cant see it at all.

I think your ssd is dead m8 rma is the only way.

I read this on the net this drive has a high failure rate due to a "panic lock" where the drive is no longer seen in the BIOS and the data is unrecoverable.
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