Creative = For Shame

Claims to get DD and DTS to work, I aint got it to work, nor have I got it to work using the Dell drivers months ago.

I always knew the DD and DTS not working in Vista was down to Licence's as is the mp3 plug in for ripping CD's to mp3 using MediaSouce Player 5.0.
Bunch of morons! DO they not want to remain in business?

Never touching a CL product again! Absolutely disgusting behaviour from a bunch of twits who wouldn't know customer service if it jumped up and bit them in the rear.

Sigh, let us hope this opens a niche in the market someone can fill.
Absolutely shocking.

However, it does show a rather large gap in the market. Any electronic engineers want to form a new business and show Creative that it is possible to make decent hardware and have open driver support?

Well if any of you guys need photos of the card being taken then you know who to mail ^_^
I have to say I was getting pretty angry reading Creative's responses in that thread. Fortunately I stopped using any of their products a while ago now although the after this I can happily say they will never get one penny of my cash ever again.

We do seem to be increasingly seeing major component manufacturers halting advances and abusing their customers due to almost having a monoploy in their respective fields and not pushing themselves to due a lack of competition. The good side is that such behaviour like this can only go to redressing that balance as people switch to other brands. There's no way I'd even consider another Creative product again now. I seriously hope these Vista issues are the beginning of the end for them.
i would never by a creative sound card then and i sure as hell wont be buying one now or ever

im still using my 5 year old terratec dmx6 that they released vista drivers for

creative are scum
Glad I moved away from that shambolic company. Good cards, god awful drivers and they even admitted this with the release of vista. It opened up my ears to how poor sounding some of their cards really were.

/me pats his Azun Meridian
On that Inquirer link someone left a comment with a link to Creative's forum, which just about sums up their attitude towards end users when it comes to drivers:

Personally I think their software is a complete joke - very much a case of 'if it works, great... if it doesn't, lol too bad'. They proved how incompetent they were when they released the 0003 Vista driver for XFI a few months ago. It clearly hadn't been tested on Vista 64-bit systems, as it would cause a guaranteed BSOD for EVERYONE on exiting any game that used OpenAL. Despite this, the driver was still left up freely available for download for at least a week.

I guess this would also explain why the drivers are always digitally signed by Creative themselves - there's no way Microsoft would let them pass WHQL testing.
I think CL's behaviour on this matter is appalling. So many other companies go out of their way to improve their drivers and customer experience. Creative decide to do their utmost to annoy all their customers. Sickening. I'll avoid Creative stuff from now on.

Any electronic engineers want to form a new business and show Creative that it is possible to make decent hardware and have open driver support?

*raises hand*
Creative's reply to that petition would be "go fool yourself"

agreed they dont care about the little man just so long as the money keeps rolling in, the only way we can hurt creative is to stop buying there products :mad:
Are these third party drivers needed for X-Fi Extreme Music? Or just for Audigy?

from what i've read they are needed to get the full functionality out of any Creative card on windows Vista, because creative intentionally crippled the drivers of their cards in order to force people to upgrade.
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