Creative = For Shame

I like the fact Newegg got in on the madness! haha

It was fake.

I love the ad. Somebody has been reading. :D
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Nelly on Creative Forums said:
I have been buying Creative Soundcards for around 10 years, if you cannot support your current soundcards for support with operating systems but one person can modify your drivers so their are no problems in Vista, I suggest that you recruit new software engineers capable of doing so because obviously the ones you have do not deserve to gave a job or maybe they are intentionally told not to make them fully compatable, either way you have brought down your own downfall.

Having read the Microsoft pages which show certified drivers in XP & Vista for a X-FI II, it just goes to show that Creative's only concern is giving campatability to future products & not what people use at present.

I for one will NOT be buying anymore products from Creative - EAX or no EAX I have past caring to be honest, I hope you go bankrupt / insolvent - would be better if your technology as well as that you have scavenged from putting other companys out of business be developed by other companys willing to give full support for soundcards.

Well looks like Creative not bothered with X-FI or prior models anymore because they are going to Release a SB X-Fi 2. X-Fi 2&oid=24 X-Fi Surround 5.1&oid=24

As taken from a post in the Creative forums it looks like they will be Windows XP & Vista certified.

I for one will NOT be buying an X-FI 2, I suggest that everyone else does not as well, the silly thing is if they had given support for current soundcards I would have been interested in X-FI 2.
What exactly do people find useful about EAX anyway? Because I found it to be a load of crap fullstop. Mind you I haven't used it since v2.0 but still, I prefer normal sound as opposed to modelled audio to simulate different environments. I find it overrated on the whole.
Got Dolby Digital Live enabled on any X-Fi card. To clarify, I still didn't manage to enable DDL on Audigy cards.
A friend of mine bought a X-Fi, so I could test it, it really works.
The only current X-Fi based card that supports DDL is the Auzentech Prelude.

i never knew this.....
Aren't the Auzentech's basically X-fi's though? Well, the tech anyway?

That could stir some trouble up with Auzentech if what your saying is the case :p
it's certainly a strage turn of events. creative always furiously denied having any interest in DDLive and said they wouldnt do it with the x-fi's. along come auzentech and combine x-fi with a DDL encoder, people go crazy over them. what if it was always there from the start? that would just be another massive lie from creative.
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I cant wait for the X-Fi 2 Elite Pro to come out then i can get the full functionality of my X-Fi Elite Pro on vista when i use the hacked modded driver ;) as this is the last creative product that i will ever buy i will make the most of it.
I have the xtreme fatalit1y edition, and would be mega phished to know that they are disabling features when it is what I paid for (2nd hand however). (thankfully ati drivers are stopping Vista from even working so can't use Vista anyway with my 3870 d'oh!)

That DDL on the X-FI is interesting though. Does that mean this feature is the same as the old Nvidia NF2 Sound Force chips that encode to DDL on the fly so you can output to a proper DD amp?

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