Creative = For Shame

Managed to get all of the Dan K files, there are two files that when clicked show X-Fi.


What exactly are these? Are they for 32bit/64 bit Vista? Why would I need them, what do Dan K drivers offer over standard? What has Dan K fixed/added (or what has Creative removed from Vista drivers)

Thanks for finding which ones were for X-Fi :).
This is extraordinarily badly timed by CL. Just after Asus released a sensibly priced Xonar that looks to offer everything the X-Fi does apart from hardware acceleration (which, let's face it, is not going to change framerates much). I'm glad my X-fi was 2nd hand - I still can't get it working with 4GB in Vista x64.

I'll be heading for a Xonar at the earliest oppurtunity.
Im still using a hercules game theater, i think im gonna stick by it for a bit longer! i was eying up a XFI.
Whgat ever happened to Turtle Beach/Santa Cruz?
can someone syonp the sotry please?

so far i know:

CL asked Daniel_K to stop
people got mad
more people got mad
they said some of his stuff could be reinstated

now what? there seems to be comments that the mod posted off his own back?
going to get an asus xonar when i get paid as thats the straw for me with creative my bloody xfi card just broke on my ffs :mad: getting no sound no card been seen at all and this is in xp
You won't regret it. I was gobsmacked by how stunning my meridian sounded - and that was on a piffly 2.1 setup. The card is well OTT for my needs but the clarity of audio just really hits you hard.
You won't regret it. I was gobsmacked by how stunning my meridian sounded - and that was on a piffly 2.1 setup. The card is well OTT for my needs but the clarity of audio just really hits you hard.

The X-fi isn't really very good when it comes to sound quality... There are lots of cards which give better sound quality for the money... Good to hear you are getting better sound now. :)
Im not to well up on the sound card market but i understand Creatives monopoly on this, i also understand what creative have been doing and what it means to customers so creative hang your head in shame even though we know you wont!

now for the next bit, what are the features creative have been holding back and what differance does this make to the cards, i only ask because i have a audigy 2 on a vista 64 machine and im not sure if i should be scoping out some differant drivers!
now for the next bit, what are the features creative have been holding back and what differance does this make to the cards, i only ask because i have a audigy 2 on a vista 64 machine and im not sure if i should be scoping out some differant drivers!

Well when I had my Audigy 2 ZS on Vista, the best I could get is 2.1. I had to mess with dll's to get 5.1.
So its basicly fatures being added that were withheld, or would these drivers increase performance/quality of sound from the sound cards ?
ill grab the audigy drivers for vista and give them a whirl though i have an untrained ear.
Also, hardware acceleration was killed off with all, unless you got an X-Fi to use ALchemy. Creative want you to pay for ALchemy for any Sound Blaster. They gave it free to X-Fi customers.
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well installed the hacked drivers, theres a few new menu's and im not sure weather it is just me/machine conditions but tracks picked randomly from differant folders seem to load quite a bit faster than they used to so seem sa bit better to me though it may just be me imagining things.
Hardware acceleration. Right, which do I install - the latest on their website, two versions prior to that release which I still have a copy of - or the two modded by Daniel-K? :)
So...What are Creative doing to this Daniel_K exactly? Had a little read, are they threatening him with legal shindizz? Like your not allowed to distribute this software etc?

If so they're just silly really, they need a slap.

Whats this about the cards breaking though? ^^^
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