I tell you right now what crysis' biggest flaw was, it was the fact it was made and marketed at a demographic of gamers who expect the world and moan when they dont get a stick for it to go on.
Pc gamers seem to be the most fickle and ungrateful gamers to stalk the internet, which incidentally gives this demographic a voice which try as u might, cannot be ignored and only spreads like some horrible game of chinese whispers.
If you can honestly say you sat and watched all those crysis videos and though "yup, that will run at full whack on my rig" then im sorry, you got what you deserved.
And furthermore, those who thought a 100mb patch would make it go from crawl to lightspeed, again, if thats how you think im not going to help you.
I swear more gamers would enjoy games if they didnt act like they where owed something all the times, saying things like this...
tbh Crysis is Pathetically ****. Can't be arsed with this over-hyped pile of garbage anymore. Not even going to download the patch.
Simply saying the repercussions of this are going to be massive, more failed promises from Crytek and EA. There is going to be hell on. Take my advice and put your tin hat on.
i mean why? specially that last statement? it reminds me if the little spindly kid everyone had at school who leapt around a fight like a tasmanian devil, getting everyone all riled up, then skulking off when the teacher arrived, you actually get a kick out of thinking this is all going belly up dont you? you find it easier to just give it two fingers and almost hope it fails, i mean, heaven forbid you eject the cynycism and just be more optimistic, just not "the way" is it.
This whole situation just puts a magnifying glass over the fanboy nature of the pc community, everyone acts as if every pc game has to be gods gift, but then rip it apart, what really makes my head spin is how everyone will then moan when games then become console only ater the devlopers recieve nothing but venom from pc owners.
Sorry to go on this rant, im not trying to upset anyone, it just bothers me such a small thing recieves such venom from people that think they know better then they actually do.
Its just a crying shame and a waste of good conversation
Stay groovy guys.