Crysis 1.1 is here

To the people who say the game is too advanced for the hardware. If you look at the developer vids that were on the net, the guy says "we are woeking closely with both Intel and Nvidia to make the engine highly optimized" LOL. Also, "the game will run smooth at very high settings on a top end PC, there is a hidden ULTRA setting that will bring current hardware to its knees"
no, i think one of the BF2 patches is more deserving of that. man, some of those were so bad.

well theres a massive difference, you see BF2 was simply a great game which millions of people enjoyed (and thousands still do) because it put game play first. Crysis promised the world and conned everyone, it was a shallow experience with a crap multi-player effort tagged on, no matter what your system is/was .

Do graphics make a game better than others ? no not really ; theres a reason why elite , pac-man or space invaders where so popular and thats because they were fun regardless of specs or patches ..

oh and tonytank, no PC gamers are not the most fickle, they don't bitch half as much as the kids on console debating topics, its more about hardware/compatibility problems of a system not designed to run games , whereas on consoles its just general 'sony > xbox crap' .... (and we all know Nintendo are the true kings)
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you actually get a kick out of thinking this is all going belly up dont you? you find it easier to just give it two fingers and almost hope it fails, i mean, heaven forbid you eject the cynycism and just be more optimistic, just not "the way" is it.

As far as rants go, I rather liked yours. And I think the bit above is true for quite a lot people. Strange logic and certainly not mine.
I guess it's just easy to hate for some types of people
Er...keeps asking me to insert the Crysis disk when it's and working :/

It popped up "Please insert Crysis DVD" (this popped up when validating install).

The disk is in and working...:/

Doesn't work for me. It just asks me to insert the Crysis DVD.

Well I get getting the good old:

"Please insert the disk: Crysis DVD"

I take it it's asking for the dvd then.:D

On a serious note, did uninstalling and reinstalling fix this? :)
for those still curious about configs, do what i did, print out this (CLICK ME) and the make a auto exec with nothing but a command to unlock the console, go ingame, find a nice stop where you can test the looks on a lot of things, and command by command, type them in,ad different values to see what looks best. make a note of what youve done when you found the lot that make the game smooth and look amazing

I tell you right now what crysis' biggest flaw was, it was the fact it was made and marketed at a demographic of gamers who expect the world and moan when they dont get a stick for it to go on.

Pc gamers seem to be the most fickle and ungrateful gamers to stalk the internet, which incidentally gives this demographic a voice which try as u might, cannot be ignored and only spreads like some horrible game of chinese whispers.

If you can honestly say you sat and watched all those crysis videos and though "yup, that will run at full whack on my rig" then im sorry, you got what you deserved.

IIRC, we were told these screen shots were created in dx9 and the game would run fine on nvida 7XXX series cards. So owners of 8xxx series cards and c2d thought they would be getting the descent eye candy, because thats what was eluded to by Crytek.

PC gamers expect more from games, because they pay more for their kit and take pride in their own creations. Where as a console is a toy you buy from a toy shop. A console game will work (or should) on the console its designed for. What was Crysis designed for? A computer which does not exist as yet. A console game would not sell very well if there was no console to play it on.

So I can see the point to the people who are moaning about the game.

I don't personally expect to feel like I am actually there yet, but there are parts of Crysis which are so poor, I regret buying it.

The patch promised an increase in performance, this has also failed to deliver.

COD4 ran perfectly fine, smooth and great graphics, this is what PC gamers want.
COD4 has far less complicated graphics than Crysis though and Crysis runs fine on the majority of gamers PC's. It scales remarkably well, if you cant run it at acceptable FPS you turn down settings, PC gaming has been that way for donkeys years and always will be. There are people out there that cant play COD4 at 1900x1200 with loads of AA and full settings, its exactly the same with Crysis but to a higher degree due to its greater graphical detail.

Dunno why people moan PC gaming has always been this way.
And it always will be. People just like to moan.

Also not sure why people compare it to COD4, sure that looks good but everyone must see that there is a hell of a lot more happening on a Crysis level.

Both games play and look great. If your having problems with Crysis turn it down a bit and get over it :)
And it always will be. People just like to moan.

Also not sure why people compare it to COD4, sure that looks good but everyone must see that there is a hell of a lot more happening on a Crysis level.

Both games play and look great. If your having problems with Crysis turn it down a bit and get over it :)

Why shouldn't people moan? Crytek said the game will be smooth on a C2D and 8800gtx/ultra at very high settings an clearly its not.Yes, its a very good looking game and if Crytek hadnt said what the game would run on at very high detail, people wouldn't be moaning but they did so thats why people have the ump.
Why shouldn't people moan? Crytek said the game will be smooth on a C2D and 8800gtx/ultra at very high settings an clearly its not.Yes, its a very good looking game and if Crytek hadnt said what the game would run on at very high detail, people wouldn't be moaning but they did so thats why people have the ump.

I'm not disputing this claim at all--in face I think I can remember hearing it myself before the release of Crysis--but does anyone have a copy of the video or interview where a Crytek representative made this promise?
I saw it on TV, not sure which programme. They said you would not need a DX10 card due to it all being coded on dx9c and this type of card would suffice. Regrettably, I do not have any links as such, no doubt they would be removed now anyway.

I am not moaning myself, I simply found COD4 better in may aspects even though its a little more like running on the rails. TBH, I am bored with all games at the mo, I think I am getting too old to enjoy them like I used to. I like a bit of C&C 3 on-line though.
Crysis is in a different league compared to COD4, if you have the kit to play crysis on "high" then crysis is a few years ahead of COD4. even when comparing cod4 to bioshock you can see how dull cod4 is.

the 1.1 crysis update has improvded play a small amount :D and i don't get random crashes anymore :D
It doesnt work for me. It comes up with some random error message. I searched and found it was because of modified content but i put the movies back, moved saved games etc from my documents and removed the edited config cfg file. Still get the error.

Might try uninstalling and reinstalling tonight if i can be bothered
Why shouldn't people moan? Crytek said the game will be smooth on a C2D and 8800gtx/ultra at very high settings an clearly its not.Yes, its a very good looking game and if Crytek hadnt said what the game would run on at very high detail, people wouldn't be moaning but they did so thats why people have the ump.

It runs perfectly smoothly on very high settings on my 8800 GTX. Depends on resolution I guess :)
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