Crytek has announced Homefront: The Revolution

This was quoted from, looks like its still on :).

Deep Silver parent company Koch Media has bought the Homefront intellectual property from Crytek and re-purposed Homefront: The Revolution developer Crytek UK into Deep Silver Dambuster Studios.
I really enjoyed the first one, nothing ground breaking on the single player, just a fun story to play through, but the multiplayer was great. I never had any issues with it tbh ran really well.

I think it suffered from being 2 weeks before a COD release then all the COD fanboys letting there vitreol rip like only a COD player can.
Oh co-op multiplayer mode confirmed, I'm glad there is some online aspect to the game. Although a strong long campaign would have done me just fine. I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed Homefront's multiplayer, just a shame that their servers were awful.
Trailer looks amazing, but has no one learned anything from watchdogs!?

If it looks and plays like that, I will eat my own feet.

Watchdogs did play and look like it did in the trailer, it's just that the consoles couldn't handle it so Ubisoft took it from ALL versions including PC and gave us this half assed crap we have now.

Crytek aren't that dumb, just look at Crysis 3, beautiful.
I'm hoping it'll be good as I want a decent single-player campaign to keep me busy, but we'll have to wait and see...
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