Crytek in danger of bankruptcy

800 people and they only put out a game about once every 2-3 years? That's crazy! Why not let some of them go? I don't think people realise just how bad this news is, Crytek have some amazing technology behind them.
Can you really blame them though? They have to go where the money is, especially with company that size. Pointless making PC games for a niche crowd when the potential to make 40 times as much exists elsewhere.

Except that there's plenty of money in the PC market, Steam is testament to that. I don't suppose Origin and Uplay are doing too bad either. Look at all the sites selling PC keys that have started up in the last few years.

Making great games makes money, no matter what format they're on.

Maybe they should be concentrate on that than trying to make COD with Nano suits.
Got to be honest - given their games output is what, a game every 2 years or more, they would have been as well sticking to PC, bringing out stunning games that catered purely for that audience and raking it in from that market. Instead of trying to diversify, make games that are more focused on console style gameplay.

Due to this, they have alienated a great many of their PC audience and sales on that platform will undoubtedly have suffered as a result. Now they are relying primarily on console sales, a market where they are competing with COD and Battlefield (I know these IP's exist on PC also). Whereas if they were making a PC only title they could do things even more innovative and would have no competition since COD and BF are very console style shooters also.

All IMO.
Original crysis I enjoyed very very very much
You could really tell it had been designed for Pc
And warhead

I played crysis 2 and didn't like it at all
Was wondering if 3is any Better

I actually don't buy many games now as my favourites
Civ, red alert/CandC
Aren't as good as older versions

I dunno. Maybe is because I play offline exclusively that new games aren't appealing so much
What do they have other than the crysis games? Why is there not more innovation in creating new games if they have 800 employees? Maybe they were relying on cry engine being used more by other developers
Crysis 3 is better than 2, its just a pity they changed so much from 1 to 2. Their reasons for the alien design changing apparently was to do with the fact they got a lot of feedback saying people didn't like the Alien fights so they became bipedal and it was more like fighting regular footsoldiers. Sorta like faracry a lot of people were of the opinion the game went downhill once the mutant things came into it.

They really messed up with not continuing the story properly with crysis 2, nomad gets killed in a comic series and it just felt like the game hadn't much of a connection to the first, essentially a reboot so console players would have an idea of what was going on. Had the makings of a great trilogy but so much changed it was like Crysis and warhead were totally separate from the rest of the series aside from references to the island in 2 and 3.
id imagine a large part of their business plan was leasing and selling of the crytek engine, much like it was with ID softs quake Iterations down the years.

Not sure how successful that was for them, but with the high end development leveling out to very few new ip's, and a near non existant middle market, id imagine it's a tough sell.

You're only going to lose if you can't crawl back the massive development costs of something crytek, a single ip wouldn't have cut it for any of the players in the market... unreal, id's tech, dice... costs too much. Makes you wonder how bohemia get away with it, maybe they don't change that much:/
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