Crytek in danger of bankruptcy

Supposedly they refused to do Ryse 2 because MS wanted the IP rights, meaning the deal got canned when they desperately needed some funds. Using the same engine and many of the same assets and writing a new series of levels with a few graphical tweaks. MS would be desperate for another exclusive at this point and while not massive the number of consoles sold has increased significantly so it could/should do better.

Even if they want to keep the IP at this stage it seemed stupid to pass it up, keep them going till they can get a couple games out and let people go as projects finish, start from a small company again.

Unless they can get PS4 to fund the next Ryse game, which well, if Sony nicked a previously XO exclusive so soon, it would look great for them.
Really don't get people being happy about their potential demise.

"Oh good, less developers, awesome" - isnt exactly what comes to mind for me.

Welcome to the real world. You can't employ 800 people and release okay-ish games and expect gamers to weep when it doesn't work out.

They should have made another Timesplitters game.
Crysis was amazing. It was clearly designed as a labour of love and it showed. The gameplay was awesome, the graphics were second to none and the sound was decent too. It was the benchmark for all other games and brought anything under a 8800gt to its knees.

Then they ditched all the awesomeness, made their games into linear corridor runs and dumbed them down to be played with a joystick, on DX9. I was so disappointed with Crysis 2, never bought 3 as it was more of the same.

Graphics aside, Far Cry and Crysis were great games, but after that Crytek just sold out to the console peasants, a decision that in my opinion, signalled the end.
crysis games just wernt fun enough.

visually some of the best games ever made , funwise pretty much boring.

thats why they struggled. just re downloaded crysis 2 just amazing looking :D
Big shame, I think the graphics engine Crytek use is streaks ahead of some others. I know this is the PC section but Ive got Ryse on the Xbox One and its stunning to look at. The visuals are so cinematic.

They need to make a Crysis 4 and make it really good! :D
Yep UK staff haven't been paid in 'months' by all accounts can't blame them for walking out. Time to start looking for a job I would think.

Crytek only have themselves blame they agreed to produce Ryse Son of Rome as an Xbox1 exclusive, well Ryse turned out to be a below average game and marginalised 90% of the gaming market by making it an exclusive on console that's struggling to gain traction with the public.

When your setup with the numbers of staff Crytek employ you only need one flop to send you over the edge and it looks like Ryse dis just that. I would imagine Rockstar are the same, the amount of cash they spend on producing GTA games could easily for nish them off if they had a couple of bad GTA releases back to back.
800 people and they only put out a game about once every 2-3 years? That's crazy! Why not let some of them go? I don't think people realise just how bad this news is, Crytek have some amazing technology behind them.

Give a thought to their 800 employee might be why they have some amazing technology. It's easy to say 800 employees is too many but without them their product might not have been so good.

Maybe some of the pay at the top was to much, rather than sheer number of employees. We don't know.
Good, they should have stuck with Farcry and Crysis development for PC instead of being greedy

Making Crysis 1 as good as the first preview videos showed it would have helped them a lot. Instead of making Warhead, Crysis 2, Crysis for consoles etc.
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