CS:GO Discussion

I dont really see the point

exisiting players dont want anything to change and non players want new things to entice them in / update (IMHO) dated gameplay

you cant please either at the same time!
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Isn't this just a Counter-Strike game made to satisfy people that enjoy the Call of Dutyesque, match making, ranked style of play? Don't get me wrong, I love Modern Warfare, and the ease of match making, but I loved Counter-Strike: Source, as well. The latter being the antithesis of the former, and if one plays Global Offensive, simply expecting an improved version of Source, then surely disappointment will ensue?

Global Offensive has been designed to offer a different kind of gaming experience than Source, so don't expect the gameplay from Source, and perhaps you'll be happy.

And I say this as someone that has enjoyed Counter-Strike since v1.6. :D
CS:GO is basically Source but for Cross Platform PC / Consoles

Isnt this going to be one of the first games to allow cross platform play between PC and Consoles on the same servers?

Otherwise it just feels like a re hash of source.. they could have just updated the current maps if they wanted to make it look better.
CS:GO is basically Source but for Cross Platform PC / Consoles

Isnt this going to be one of the first games to allow cross platform play between PC and Consoles on the same servers?

Otherwise it just feels like a re hash of source.. they could have just updated the current maps if they wanted to make it look better.

As far as I'm aware it was going to be PC players could play with PS3 players but they came out and scrapped it a while back
Played 1.6 at a high standard for years, hated source, hate global offensive.

I'm not some 1.6 elitist either, i really, really wanted to like CS:GO because i haven't got into CS for ages and want to get back into the clan scene again. 1.6 is full of cheaters/scripters now and slowly dying.... both Source and CS:GO are just terrible.
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So many dislikes :eek: kinda normal though i suppose, when CS:S was released there was a lot of hate on that to, and still is.
This is the first time I played in ages (almost a year!) and I still got it :P

well i think its quite good tbh,random spray patterns and odd scopes make it quite funny/rageing? im sure you have all bought games before that are in the category of dog**** and paid premium prices, well this is beta so i expect some things to suck but valve are boss tbh as long as they dont go down the same road as dice or activision or treyarch then i could forgive them for anything literally. and still love source <3
Just fired it up for the first time and played about 20 minutes. Where is the MP5? :(

IMO the X-hair is terrible! There is nothing positive about it.

I'll put in a few more hours and update.
Really? I think it looks stunning. Graphics are sweet and clean, and it's not crammed full of blurry ****.

Agree on the sound thing, but it's being worked on.

yeah it looks clean and runs amazing but it looks very dated as well, the sauce engine is well past its prime.
Fair comments here ladies and gents.
Because CS has been out such a long time and only had 2 others releases you kind of expect this one to be AMAZING! But yeah like you all i look forward to seeing what comes of the final release.
It's got me playing CS:S again, ok badly but least it's playing :D

lol same here! Figured I have not got a beta key yet, so would download and fire up CSS. Used to be a very capable player, OMG I'm awful now :(
Forget at how good people are on that game!

Too used to COD, BF3 etc and dominating ;)
Once you get the old crosshair set up it isn't so bad, reasonably impressed with the overall looks. It's no 1.6 though, still missing that gun/hit feedback that seems so hard to reproduce, but a decent effort I think.
I am getting use to it and it does look quite nice now I have turned the settings up a little and tinkered with other config tweaks.

For those that get the floaty feeling with the movement do you have vsync on? I had to roll back Nvidia drivers due to some strange issues that don't appear to bad now. But I tried vsync on and off and the difference is huge! Off is so much nicer even with the triple buffered like they suggest. Much sharper and quicker.
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