CS:GO Discussion

Cs is a proper team game as well unlike most fps games if you get matched against a team with good com's and tactics and your team are not talking you are 9 times out of ten going to lose
Played this game after all the rage, seriously... why are people so hooked? I must be missing something... it just doesn't appeal as a game at all?

Filled with awps, and people on corners of each map waiting for heads to pop out in common spots... is that about as fun as it gets?

I felt the same when I first started mate, there is so much to learn, be it map awareness, gun sprays, tactics etc etc. its certainly not like COD or BF were you can run and spay to your hearts content, but tbh anyone can do that!

I find CSGO both rewarding and soooo annoying at the same time. Take last night. I have been playing a lot of late and thought I was improving, however I played with a few guys quite a bit higher in ranks than me and I was terrible. What ever I seemed to do did not work, I basically got owned (we still won however, thanks to the other guys carrying). It put me in a mood all night and my lass even commented that I was sulking after that game lol

Saying that Raider is very good to me and always points me in the right direction to improve my game, which I hope I can do. Its all about wanting to get better for me, if you want a game you can just walk into and own for the offset then CSGO is not for you, but if you are dedicated to work on your game/weaknesses with a view of getting better then I dont think there is a better game! I know I will never be great at CSGO as I dont think I have the skills in me but I know I can get better than I currently am (could not get worse really lol).

Anyway im out of my little sulk so back to practice :D
need a good team. I have been bottom on kills last 10 games which are all wins and gone from gn3 to MG1 since I have either defuse dor planted bomb for mvp. Feeling a bit of a faker though really. Was surprised on rank up.
Thing is Cuffy, you have learnt loads in the past few weeks such as positions, rotations and just general game sense . The only real thing you need to practice atm is aim and movement. The Steel "how to aim better" vid I linked you last night is an absolute must for people looking to learn.

Confidence is a big part of this game, you need to believe you can out aim / play your opponent and from that (and applying DM aim practice) you can do it.

Crosshair positioning is another thing you can work on (apply's to all of us Silver 1 - Global). Your crosshair should never be at ground level, always aim where your enemy can come from (plus allow some distance from the edge of the corner for reaction speed). Sometimes just moving around an empty map in offline mode just to practice crosshair positioning can be very beneficial. Imagine the "enemy" will be in any and every spot on the map and move around keeping that in mind, check your corners, pre aim the common spots etc.

You can even use the command bot_place to put bots in the common spots then move around the map keeping your crosshair at head level (which you can determine by placing bots everywhere). There is also THIS handy guide on imgur that helps for head level on different maps and also has a few nice tricks in it as in cache saving spot.
need a good team. I have been bottom on kills last 10 games which are all wins and gone from gn3 to MG1 since I have either defuse dor planted bomb for mvp. Feeling a bit of a faker though really. Was surprised on rank up.

Is there a good match-making and ranking system for this game or would i get chucked straight in at the deep end as a new player.
Thing is Cuffy, you have learnt loads in the past few weeks such as positions, rotations and just general game sense . The only real thing you need to practice atm is aim and movement. The Steel "how to aim better" vid I linked you last night is an absolute must for people looking to learn.

Confidence is a big part of this game, you need to believe you can out aim / play your opponent and from that (and applying DM aim practice) you can do it.

Crosshair positioning is another thing you can work on (apply's to all of us Silver 1 - Global). Your crosshair should never be at ground level, always aim where your enemy can come from (plus allow some distance from the edge of the corner for reaction speed). Sometimes just moving around an empty map in offline mode just to practice crosshair positioning can be very beneficial. Imagine the "enemy" will be in any and every spot on the map and move around keeping that in mind, check your corners, pre aim the common spots etc.

You can even use the command bot_place to put bots in the common spots then move around the map keeping your crosshair at head level (which you can determine by placing bots everywhere). There is also THIS handy guide on imgur that helps for head level on different maps and also has a few nice tricks in it as in cache saving spot.

Cheers mate, good advice as always.

quick question for you guys. If I am holding apps on Inferno (CT side) and I am just in the apps from balcony peaking the corner to the stairs, I find that first round I do this I usually pick someone off as they come up the stairs, second round they obviously know I am there and pick me off or I have to fall back.

How do you guys deal with that? Do you just move to another position to keep them guessing or do u hide around corner till u hear them and jump out and try and get the pick? Or something totally different?
Is there a good match-making and ranking system for this game or would i get chucked straight in at the deep end as a new player.

First 10 games it looks for your skill. After that it should be close but it only gets better the more you play.
Cheers mate, good advice as always.

quick question for you guys. If I am holding apps on Inferno (CT side) and I am just in the apps from balcony peaking the corner to the stairs, I find that first round I do this I usually pick someone off as they come up the stairs, second round they obviously know I am there and pick me off or I have to fall back.

How do you guys deal with that? Do you just move to another position to keep them guessing or do u hide around corner till u hear them and jump out and try and get the pick? Or something totally different?

You absolutely have to change up your position for playing apps.

You can play aggressive and go for an early kill before dropping back, or you can hold it more defensively from the balcony, pit or A site.
Just started playing this competitively after buying it on release. I've tried all sorts of settings on my SS Rival mouse but still find my aiming to be rather bad, using a QcK+ mat as well.
I love CS:GO... Some games are just plain ridiculous:

From this:

To this:


Just started playing this competitively after buying it on release. I've tried all sorts of settings on my SS Rival mouse but still find my aiming to be rather bad, using a QcK+ mat as well.
Whatever your sensitivity is, chances are you need to lower it. What is your DPI and ingame sensitivity? People tend to be around 1.3 ingame 800dpi.

Beyond that it is just practice practice practice.
Silver 1 -> Silver Master Elite
jrwagh333 -- SwaggyWaggy - Silver Elite -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000966687
cuffylad -- cuffy -- Silver 2 --- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050249471
NvidiaDan -- [OCuK] Dannnn -- silver 4-- http://steamcommunity.com/id/dannnnuk/
Jony27 -- jony_bobo -- Silver elite Master -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/jony_bobo

Gold Nova 1 -> Gold Nova Master

silversurfer -- SabreTT -- Gold Nova (something) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/SabreTT
joelk2 -- joelk2666 -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/joelk2666/
robbobloke -- robbo -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrobbo
Jester* -- Jester** -- Gold Nova 4 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/jester1986
HybridX -- Hybridxs -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/hybridxs
N/A Hybrids Friend -- Sarge-- Gold Nova 2
ED209 -- ED209 -- Gold Nova 1 - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966896481/
rjkoneill -- rjkoneill -- Gold Nova 3 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/rjkoneill/
Nah-- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/nah-uk/
Woogie -- Woogieuk -- GN4 http://steamcommunity.com/id/woogieuk/

Master Guardian 1 -> Distinguished Master GuardianBanksy IV -- Banksy IV -- MG1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029495792/
The__Malteser -- ✪♛ NiKMic ♛✪ -- Master Guardian Elite (MGE) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/NiKMic/
Stument -- Stuu ッ -- Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/stument
MoDe -- m0de -- Master Gaurdian 1 (MG1) -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975604863
IC3 -- IC3 -- Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045759768/
Cookeh -- Cookeh -- CT Global / T Silver 1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cookeh_/
TWST -- MGE/DMG -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/TwsTy/
Neodite -- neoDite -- Master Gaurdian 1 (MG2) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/neoditecs
Disco Boy -- Disco You -- MG2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078236980
ruffneck -- carl -- Master Guardian Elite (MGE) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/carlisleet
adamwri -- my name sparr0w -- MGE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/sparr0wplays
bJN -- 5R -- MGE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/bnjn
JGStonedRaider - Raider - DMG - http://steamcommunity.com/id/JSRaider/
Trox -- Trox -- MG2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/knightrox

Legendary Eagle -> Legendary Eagle Master

Supreme Master First Class -> The Global Elite
Kemistry -- kemistry -- GE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/dealio

Other details:
OcUK CS Group (not really used): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocukcsgo
ClutchOr!Kick (OCUK CS Groups, not really used): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ClutchOrKick_CoK
Unofficial OCUK TS Server (mostly used):
Official OCUK TS Server (not really used):

Basic tips list - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=401320446
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yeah I accepted :) Was frustrating last night, Had 3 games with my brother, We were absolutely dominating for about 7 rounds, Then the other team turned it up to 11 and we ended up in a tie which caused me to be demoted.

Then won the next game with another friend then lost the next game :( Mixed bag.
I've got back in to this recently starting afresh and I'm up to GN1. My previous account was around MGII / MGE but I am so far off that standard now it's unbelievable.

Let me know if anyone fancies a game, I normally play Mirage/Nuke/Dust 2.
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