Congrats! solo queuing is brutal at times.
tell me about it, I haven't played much lately and when I solo its a nightmare
Yeah solo queing can be bad but definately think its better in the higher ranks, ive gone from gn2 to mge all solo que without downranking once. Maybe ive just been very lucky though. Its definatley worse early morning so prob best to avoid it then.
If there is anyone who i havent already got as a friend though around mg1-dmg please feel free to drop me a add
If anyone is around nova1-nova4 then drop me a add on my 2nd account, will pop the link on here later once im on the pc and not my phone.
Everytime i solo q i get tripe team mates @ GN2.
Everytime i solo q i get tripe team mates @ GN2.
I spectated some of your cache game last night. Did you manage to tie it in the end?
Sometimes I get the sound of constant footsteps if I stop to listen. It's not like they are faint either - it sounds like a player running in circles or strafing in places where there isn't anyone, or in places that are out of the map. It's got me distracted and killed a few times because I'm chasing phantoms when in a 1on1/1on2 etc.
To start with I thought it was a type of decoy grenade.
Phantom footsteps could be when a player takes control of a BOT. Could be what you are referring too.
(bottom one in that list)
150 mm wins to get overwatch. Not heard of any other link. 10mm wins can be eagle, no special cap100+ games til I move up the ranks?
weakness in my aim more?