CS:GO Discussion

tell me about it, I haven't played much lately and when I solo its a nightmare

Yeah solo queing can be bad but definately think its better in the higher ranks, ive gone from gn2 to mge all solo que without downranking once. Maybe ive just been very lucky though. Its definatley worse early morning so prob best to avoid it then.

If there is anyone who i havent already got as a friend though around mg1-dmg please feel free to drop me a add

If anyone is around nova1-nova4 then drop me a add on my 2nd account, will pop the link on here later once im on the pc and not my phone.

EDIT: my 2nd account is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198217313448/
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Yeah solo queing can be bad but definately think its better in the higher ranks, ive gone from gn2 to mge all solo que without downranking once. Maybe ive just been very lucky though. Its definatley worse early morning so prob best to avoid it then.

If there is anyone who i havent already got as a friend though around mg1-dmg please feel free to drop me a add

If anyone is around nova1-nova4 then drop me a add on my 2nd account, will pop the link on here later once im on the pc and not my phone.

Everytime i solo q i get tripe team mates @ GN2.
I had 2 very poor games last night due to lag (whether this be on my side or the server I'm unsure).

All of the sounds were wrong, so for example CT on mirage I was at the A site and would hear sounds to my right when the T's were rushing B. Normally you wouldn't hear the sounds and would need to rely on the radar/grenede notifications but the sounds were strong as if shots were fired close by. The radar seemed to be accurate as I'd see red dots but nothing else was consistent. I'd also die without seeing anyone shooting me or hearing gunfire.

A lot of players had high pings and were complaining about their connection which leads me to think it was server side.

Really strange, never seen this before but happened very badly on mirage and to a lesser extent on dust2 but nowhere near as bad.
yeah I was suffering from lag last night but my ping was 30ish, I was getting blood splatter but no hits, was driving me crazy! maybe something was up last night.

Ive updated my post above with my 2nd account ID which is around the GN2 mark but not assigned a rank yet (should get one today as on 9 wins with it)
Here it is again though if you cant be bothered to scroll up lol

I spectated some of your cache game last night. Did you manage to tie it in the end?

no we lost. did you see the score? guy on there team was @ 27k after the first half, rest of the team were hovering around 6. he seemed to have a total disregard for walls.

was still fairly close though. would have been a total white wash if he wasnt playing.
Sometimes I get the sound of constant footsteps if I stop to listen. It's not like they are faint either - it sounds like a player running in circles or strafing in places where there isn't anyone, or in places that are out of the map. It's got me distracted and killed a few times because I'm chasing phantoms when in a 1on1/1on2 etc.

To start with I thought it was a type of decoy grenade.
Sometimes I get the sound of constant footsteps if I stop to listen. It's not like they are faint either - it sounds like a player running in circles or strafing in places where there isn't anyone, or in places that are out of the map. It's got me distracted and killed a few times because I'm chasing phantoms when in a 1on1/1on2 etc.

To start with I thought it was a type of decoy grenade.

Same here, the sound positioning in this game is really bad...

I usually do voice_enable 0 as too many low players rage which gets me distracted, seems to work as I get stats like this. With voice_enable 1 yesterday I had 17:8:15 stats and quitted the game as it was lost anyway, 3 bottom players had 4-6 kills... If you care about your rank don't play solo. I don't so I go solo, but I don't waste time when I know its going to be a lost game :)

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I think it's a glitch or problem on my end - it's as though footstep sounds are triggered and looped for some reason.

I don't think the footsteps actually belong to other players as I've noticed it in 1on1s where I hear them at say, Tspawn on Inferno and just after the remaining T will plant the bomb at A.

Or my headset is haunted!

Edit - on another note; is it possible to import all the people I've PREVIOUSLY played against in to the VAC/Steam bans site?
I'm going through a stage at the moment where I feel like I've forgotten how to aim, anyone else had this?

Thinking it could also be now that I'm facing MGE-DMG now it's showing the weakness in my aim more?
Or maybe I'm just playing too much lately.
This game is so frustrating.

When I get a good team I'm flying along (ranking top easily).

But more often than not, I'm placed with some stupid ****ing Russian people who seem to find it hilarious to **** around.

Or if they're not ****ing around they're generally absolutely terrible.

I've won 22 games, and still on silver elite master. Is this because I team killed a few people out of frustration, or is it 100+ games til I move up the ranks?

Is the sound broken in this game? I remember in previous Counter Strike games that it was pretty spot on.

Now there seems to be no coherent directions to the sounds (eg you can hear footsteps in cobblestone A Long at the bottom of the stairs from the little hay stack etc)
3d sound doesnt work in the game, its inferior to css apparently. Stereo works.
Its far worse then bf2 which had echo effects based on landscape with a xfi, so pretty bad i guess

100+ games til I move up the ranks?
150 mm wins to get overwatch. Not heard of any other link. 10mm wins can be eagle, no special cap

weakness in my aim more?

I find pistol can be a lot easier as the shot will be on the dot most of the time so you can just concentrate on everything else, a headshot is a headshot pretty much.
Handling the rifles and movement vs accuracy can be difficult with higher ranks. Im pretty bad at the moment, I might go full default crosshair like summit he says its good to learn.
Tried the 5-7 and yep its awesome, so accurate. Its better then cz in the right hands, even when I died I still hs the awp just wasnt a kill but since AK47 doesnt fire to the centre dot quite often the pistols compare very well I think
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