CS:GO Discussion

3d sound doesnt work in the game, its inferior to css apparently. Stereo works.
Its far worse then bf2 which had echo effects based on landscape with a xfi, so pretty bad i guess

150 mm wins to get overwatch. Not heard of any other link. 10mm wins can be eagle, no special cap

I find pistol can be a lot easier as the shot will be on the dot most of the time so you can just concentrate on everything else, a headshot is a headshot pretty much.
Handling the rifles and movement vs accuracy can be difficult with higher ranks. Im pretty bad at the moment, I might go full default crosshair like summit he says its good to learn.
Tried the 5-7 and yep its awesome, so accurate. Its better then cz in the right hands, even when I died I still hs the awp just wasnt a kill but since AK47 doesnt fire to the centre dot quite often the pistols compare very well I think

But how do I move up the ranks so I can play with better(or at least more serious people).

Also (this sounds lame I know), how does the hardware actually affect gameplay? I'm running a crappy old 24" monitor at the moment. Would a 144hz 2560x1400 monitor actually make a difference? I'm running off mobile internet with an average latency of around 70, so not great, but could be worse....

Edit: AK47 is shockingly inaccurate now. CSS and CS1.6 it was a one shot killing machine. Now its pretty dire. Sounds bad as well. AWP is overpowered as hell, I purposefully don't use it, as it just frustrates everyone else. P90 is also mad overpowered.
CSS and CS1.6 it was a one shot killing machine.
I played all the versions and csgo is easier, I think its less random. Maybe they fixed a few bugs, stopped people over modding settings like old bunny hop allowed . Its more predictable then it used to be for me, in targeting I mean
So everyone has a better chance to get lucky now, so that forced them to make ak47 inaccurate
smokes were never this good, thats another thing maybe helps counter awp and yea awp is far easier far more accurate on movement. Walking around a corner and noscope kill with it is possible by anyone

144hz 2560x1400 monitor actually make a difference?
I dont think its essential but I'd love this:
I run low res and not using 1080p lets me go from 60hz to 75hz in game. 16:9 makes me car sick now :o
Divide 1000 by whatever numbers and you can see the difference in ms response and its not much. This small thing doesnt matter at nova, its a slight advantage where most games are lost on big failures in teamwork etc
60hz is 16.66ms 75 is 13.3ms 120 is 8.33ms 144 is 6.94
At most 10ms which is like a big deal for pro, it might be more technical then that but I dont think its holding anyone back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJtdbOCt16M

move up the ranks so I can play with better(or at least more serious people).
add your profile to this threads list of players and you can join a full lobby of people which helps a lot if its less random.

Silver 1 -> Silver Master Elite
jrwagh333 -- SwaggyWaggy - Swag Elite -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000966687
cuffylad -- cuffy -- Silver 2 --- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050249471
NvidiaDan -- [OCuK] Dannnn -- silver 4-- http://steamcommunity.com/id/dannnnuk/
Jony27 -- jony_bobo -- Silver elite Master -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/jony_bobo
Jordan711 -- Jordan -- Silver Elite -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031028790/

Gold Nova 1 -> Gold Nova Master
silversurfer -- SabreTT -- Gold Nova (something) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/SabreTT
joelk2 -- joelk2666 -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/joelk2666/
robbobloke -- robbo -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrobbo
Jester* -- Jester** -- Gold Nova 4 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/jester1986
HybridX -- Hybridxs -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/hybridxs
N/A Hybrids Friend -- Sarge-- Gold Nova 2
ED209 -- ED209 -- Gold Nova 1 - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966896481/
rjkoneill -- rjkoneill -- Gold Nova 3 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/rjkoneill/
Nah -- nah -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/nah-uk/
Woogie -- Woogieuk -- GN4 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/woogieuk/
Adam -- MyFriendDoc -- GN1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170405770/

Master Guardian 1 -> Distinguished Master Guardian
Banksy IV -- Banksy IV -- MG1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029495792/
The__Malteser -- ?? NiKMic ?? -- Master Guardian Elite (MGE) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/NiKMic/
Stument -- Stuu ? -- Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/stument
MoDe -- m0de -- Master Gaurdian 1 (MG1) -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975604863
IC3 -- IC3 -- Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045759768/
Cookeh -- Cookeh -- CT Global / T Silver 1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cookeh_/
TWST -- MGE/DMG -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/TwsTy/
Neodite -- neoDite -- Master Gaurdian 1 (MG2) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/neoditecs
Disco Boy -- Disco You -- MG2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078236980
ruffneck -- carl -- Master Guardian Elite (MGE) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/carlisleet
adamwri -- my name sparr0w -- MGE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/sparr0wplays
bJN -- 5R -- MGE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/bnjn
JGStonedRaider - Raider - DMG - http://steamcommunity.com/id/JSRaider/
Trox -- Trox -- MG2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/knightrox

Legendary Eagle -> Legendary Eagle Master

Supreme Master First Class -> The Global Elite
Kemistry -- kemistry -- GE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/dealio

Other details:
OcUK CS Group (not really used): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocukcsgo
ClutchOr!Kick (OCUK CS Groups, not really used): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ClutchOrKick_CoK
Unofficial OCUK TS Server (mostly used):
Official OCUK TS Server (not really used):

Basic tips list - https://t.co/3PYcpL40hj
Inferno smokes - http://t.co/0bpWoAiYB9
Mirage smokes - https://t.co/qrSmMc2U6h
Tip videos - http://t.co/qEJVl4DUId
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And back to 120-150fps


I played all the versions and csgo is easier, I think its less random. Maybe they fixed a few bugs, stopped people over modding settings like old bunny hop allowed . Its more predictable then it used to be for me, in targeting I mean

that but I dont think its holding anyone back

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120mb update.

Operation Vanguard has come to a close.

Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool.
Nuke has been moved to the Reserve map pool.

Smoke grenades are now more reliably kept track of on the client to prevent mismatches between smoke particle visuals and screen overlay visuals.
Fixed players being able to double stack inside a smoke to peek out of the top (and be really hard to see from outside the smoke).
Updated expiration of the smoke screen overlay to match more closely to the visuals of when the third person particles expire and vice versa.
Updated the vertical position slightly of the smoke particles to reduce seeing though edges of the smoke (particularly at the bottom).
Fixed spectator sometimes not getting the smoke overlay for the player they are spectating when that alive player is inside smoke.
Improved spawnpoint selection code to not spawn at occupied spawn points or spawn points of a different team.
Tagging values have been tweaked slightly to increase tagging on higher mobility weapons, and updated values for tagging on multiple hits to make it more effective (Added a guide to explain how tagging works: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=412879303)
Increased price of the M4A1-Silencer from 3100 to 3200 to align the weapon’s price with its utility.
Increased Tec-9’s damage fall-off to reward players that close engagement distance.
Lowered Tec-9’s magazine size to 24 to reward more discriminate firing.
Lowered scoped movement values for AWP and Autosnipers.
The accuracy of the MP9, MP7, and Mac-10 have been improved.

Trade up contracts work on StatTrak weapons.
There is now a StatTrak swap tool available for purchase. It swaps the StatTrak value between two of the same weapon.

Fixed the server browser showing the map workshop path in the “Map” column.
Added a sortable column to the server browser to display whether a server is running a map from the workshop or not.
Added a sortable column to the server broswer that displays icons for popular game mods running on that server.
Server browser will save the layout changes made between game sessions.
Updated the first time server browser pop up message.

Fixed scoreboard hiding at match end when you bring up a player’s Steam profile.
Added a game option in team options section to control whether lobbies get created with public access or private requiring invites for friends.
Added Flavor Text to the Bank collection.

Add surround sound support (quad/5.1) on Linux.
Marked nav commands as a cheat to protect against potential server exploits.
Chicken kills are now logged in CS event logs on game servers including attacker and weapon information.
HE grenade detonations are now logged in CS event logs prior to logging player deaths from corresponding HE grenade explosion.
Added sv_reliableavatardata 2 game server setting for LAN tournaments production. In this mode the game server will load player avatars from corresponding csgo/avatars/76512345678-.rgb files (or csgo/avatars/default.rgb if the corresponding SteamID avatar is missing), and avatars will be recorded in GOTV demos. To produce avatars rgb files tournament operators can place 64×64 png player avatars as csgo/avatars/76512345678-.png and run the client-side command cl_avatar_convert_rgb to convert all 64×64 png files into rgb format.
Optimized the process of logging in players to matchmaking backend during game updates.


Opened up skybox around Long A double doors, Catwalk and Short
Improved visibility around blue car in Long A
Fixed render distance on a crate in CT spawn


Opened up skybox around back of apartments
Simplified sides of CT sniper window in mid
Raised cover slightly in upper mid
Fixed visibility through a crate in Bombsite A


Opened up and simplified Bombsite A
Added back stairs to pit near Bombsite A
Opened up semi-open door in bathrooms, fountain side


Smoothed out movement in Bombsite B
Removed corner on left side of T tunnel into Bombsite B
Haystack near Long A now requires a jump to get on top

Train (Thanks c0tton and adreN!)

Various optimizations
Removed collision at top of ladders
Pushed Bombsite A further back towards CT side
Added a third train car to A site to reduce amount of long sightlines
Added a peek-position inside T main
Opened up area on the left side of T main exit
Moved dumpsters in Ivy
Raised crane in Bombsite A
Blocked extremely tight angle from lower CT ramp towards T ramp in Bombsite B
Prioritized CT spawn positions


Fixed an exploit boost at A
Added a decal indicating the boundaries of the A bombsite’s plantzone
Made white tarps on crates more spammable (Thanks Mod645!)
Fixed shadows casting into A main shed from boost spot
Improved readability from middle to A site container


Added back to map rotation
Some interesting updates there. Wonder how significant the changes to the Tek9 will be and if it makes the other SMG's more effective?
tradeups on stattrak guns has added £30 value to my inventory from people pushing the prices up.

so naturally I just smashed £30 into my steam wallet and purchased ten MAC-10 | Malachite FN at sub £3 per unit.

tradeup contract opportunities of the following:

FN P250 | Muertos @ £16
FN AK-47 | Cartel @ £34
FN M4A4 | 龍王 (Dragon King) @ £60

fairly risky as I could have halved my money. but I unlocked the dragon king.

cheers valve.
tradeups on stattrak guns has added £30 value to my inventory from people pushing the prices up.

so naturally I just smashed £30 into my steam wallet and purchased ten MAC-10 | Malachite FN at sub £3 per unit.

tradeup contract opportunities of the following:

FN P250 | Muertos @ £16
FN AK-47 | Cartel @ £34
FN M4A4 | 龍王 (Dragon King) @ £60

fairly risky as I could have halved my money. but I unlocked the dragon king.

cheers valve.

damn why did I not think of this! all prices have gone up now!

So if you trade up on all FN you get FN? i always thought it was totally random
yes. all FN means an FN return.

I just waded in on ten FN Nova | Koi at £1.50-£1.90

options of:
FN Glock-18 | Water Elemental @ £32.31
FN Five-SeveN | Fowl Play @ £19.13
FN Desert Eagle | Conspiracy @ £12.27

got the desert eagle :(
I just stick all my guns on the market place at the price it says on the graph. Seems like a waste of time doing anything else with them (and probably addictive :D)

That saying, I got a flurry of guns the other day when playing, so I traded 10 of them in.......and got some crappy gun back, so in future will just sell.

Most valuable one I had was a franklin one with dollar signs on it. Worth a couple quid.
yes. all FN means an FN return.

I just waded in on ten FN Nova | Koi at £1.50-£1.90

options of:
FN Glock-18 | Water Elemental @ £32.31
FN Five-SeveN | Fowl Play @ £19.13
FN Desert Eagle | Conspiracy @ £12.27

got the desert eagle :(

I attempted one with a bit more of a gamble. SSG slashed. They are cheaper though. 1/7 for a USP Orion.

Currently trying to trade my way up to a knife again, its horrible not having one especially after having so many high tier ones before.

Got 20 keys in my inventory and 2 cobblestone packages.
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Ok, I found the cause of my FPS drops, its my Xbox 360 controller. When its plugged in my fps drop by 50%, so I usually have 300-330fps stable and once I connect the controller it drops to 150-168fps... WTF?
Some interesting updates there. Wonder how significant the changes to the Tek9 will be and if it makes the other SMG's more effective?

I tried tec9 after and its fine. I think they trimmed the more ridiculous stuff like 1 shot kills down the length of d2 long A . The big change was awp apparently
Ok, I found the cause of my FPS drops, its my Xbox 360 controller. When its plugged in my fps drop by 50%, so I usually have 300-330fps stable and once I connect the controller it drops to 150-168fps... WTF?


Please tell me they have reduced the damage of the awp. Ridiculously stupid weapon.

Are you insane? Is this your first CS game?

Are you insane? Is this your first CS game?

The weapon is out of place in my opinion. I understand headshots entirely, and 2 shot chest kills. Having a weapon that kills you 99% on your body means that it reduces a lot of situations down to pure luck which is just stupid. If you're good with an awp you can control most situations.
The weapon is out of place in my opinion. I understand headshots entirely, and 2 shot chest kills. Having a weapon that kills you 99% on your body means that it reduces a lot of situations down to pure luck which is just stupid. If you're good with an awp you can control most situations.

If your good with a nades you can beat most awpers of similar skill to you.
If your good with a nades you can beat most awpers of similar skill to you.

Unless you have no nades. Or are on an eco round, long distance etc

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand the need for such a gun, but it can turn extremely overpowering very quickly, especially when there are limited places near the end of the round.

-novid -high -threads 4 -freq 144 -refresh 144 -nod3d9ex -console -nojoy -noaafonts +mat_queue_mode 2 +mat_vignette_enable 0

I had these for ages now, not surprised that it doesn't work... like most things in this game. They've done something to the weapons AWP feels different and ak47 feels different as well.. :mad:
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