CS:GO Discussion

you smash a few games, the queue up again but instantly leave/play badly/troll/sabotage and be a general idiot. Some people enjoy this, believe it or not.

I've watched my girlfriends first few games, out of the 10 games she had played only 2 have had people appropriate to the rank she was assigned, the rest all had someone dropping 30+ kills
you smash a few games, the queue up again but instantly leave/play badly/troll/sabotage and be a general idiot. Some people enjoy this, believe it or not.

I've watched my girlfriends first few games, out of the 10 games she had played only 2 have had people appropriate to the rank she was assigned, the rest all had someone dropping 30+ kills

If this is the case I struggle to see how the new "Level 3 before matchmaking" can really stop this, these players are willing to play badly/troll/sabotage for whole games of matchmaking just so that they can rank down. I can't imagine taking the time to get to level 3 is a big deal for them.

With instantly leaving games then I assume the competitive cool downs would stack to the point of the accounts becoming pretty much unusable?
Level 3 won't stop them entirely, no one ever said it would however it will stop plenty of others buying new accounts to grief on a short term basis. If it was level 10, even more so. No solution is going to stop a determined cheater, griefer or smurf. At least it should take a hefty chunk of time between buying a new copy of this game and being able to play competative match making.

I've said it three times now: It slows the idiots down, it will even dissuade some people. This is a net positive in my eyes. Even if a few legitimate people are locked out of MM, for a short while.

As for the cooldown from leaving, I've never purposely wanted to derank but im sure if I wanted to I could just afk/grief till I'm kicked/leave some games/sabotage games. Not that hard to imagine.
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The community in CS:GO is horrendous, it's far more likely you'll be playing with a bunch of idiots than some nice, decent, courteous people who just want to have a good time and play the game it's meant to be played.

How difficult is it to say "well done" or "nice try" as a form of encouragement. I feel I'm in the minority doing so. Most people would rather scream in to the mic if you didn't do things their way and happen to mess it up.

The point is, a level cap means people have to invest time to play. Suddenly their £5 CS:Go account's aren't throwaways as it may make them invest another 10 hours to play competitive games again. Putting smurfing and hacking aside, that should hopefully improve things.

I've mentioned before that if you don't play for a while there is a very steep learning curve to get back to the standard around your rank. Casual is a waste of time so there needs to be something in the middle. Previously I found just spending £5 and working your way up to be the best way to get back in to the game. Yes it's smurfing but getting smashed and coming bottom of your team isn't much fun every game.
Just played an infuriating game the back seat drivers as such when dead making it a pain to concentrate/listen whilst providing incorrect info = nightmare.

The two bots are because 2 guy's who looking at the ranks were LEM/+ didn't even scrape double figure frags. and left before ranks were shown...

I must be close to LEM atleast.

Least you got a case, right?


The community in CS:GO is horrendous, it's far more likely you'll be playing with a bunch of idiots than some nice, decent, courteous people who just want to have a good time and play the game it's meant to be played.

Yup, only LoL has a more toxic community than this.
Use bind "l" "toggle voice_enable"

If I wanted to derank I'd just play normal lol Actually I'd play deagle a lot which I'm so so bad with but I would try still, the XP thing just makes being lazy a bit more pain its not a big deterrent to anything

Can somebody explain what this op bloodhound coin is all about. I've read mixed things and am confused.

Coin money goes to map makers. I really like they try and make new maps, so we dont play dust2 forever

Apart from that you got like super small chance of getting a dragonlore from holding a coin. This is once a week from now till sept so its tiny but believe it or not, that skin sells for thousands.
You can get other minor skins, like I got bamboo shotgun and I basically hate it but hey its new.
Main deal is you get the new case drop (upto 2x a week) which others will buy from you, in effect you can get all your money back buying the coin and still support the game. I have done this now, on the breakout coin I got so many cases I bought a couple steam games as well
I got accused of wallhacking last night when doing the 32 round wins on resort. I stated that I don't hack in game and the accusing party added me on steam, to which he threatened that him and his 200 steam friends would all report me and get me banned. I again stated that I don't hack and asked that he watch the demo (he was a rank above me at LEM).

I went back and watched it through the 'highlights' feature, if viewing it with having at the back of your mind 'is this guy walling?' it might look a bit shifty for a few of the kills, but it was simply good play!

Now, I genuinely don't hack and never have done, however I am worried about Overwatch interpreting my play as some kind of walling.

I had a great game and my reactions were spot on, we had great voice comms/team work in a group of randoms (very rare for me).

Should I be worried? I'd actually be more comfortable with Steam running some kind of synchronous application on my machine to determine if I'm hacking or not as opposed to a public vote which is simply down to a matter of opinion.

Again - I don't hack to any extent of the word.

Got back upto LE a couple of nights ago and have 2 losses/4 wins since, hopefully sat comfortably in the rank now :)
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I wouldn't be worried, I believe multiple people have to "convict" you via overwatch so the chances are slim.

I was playing casual yesterday on one of the AWP Bloodhound missions and just by having a sense of timing and gamesense it appears you are hacking to the general population. For example, I know that I can reach jungle quicker on mirage as CT than a T, so I was waiting for the 3x AWP'ers every single round and could almost prefire them as I knew exactly when they would be peeking around the corner. If you get killed in that way I'm sure you can't explain that one at the time, I was just better than them :D
Obviously it's not great that valve couldn't filter out those who already had over X Amount of wins/time In the game prior to Implementation, but I wholeheartidly disagree that it is an ineffective measure against smurfing and cheating (to a lesser extent).

A decent level cap will stop a lot of people from getting a new account just to stomp some worse players for a few games, will also stop people rage hacking on a new account for giggles and finally it makes boosting people with hacks a whole lot less profitable. I've not seen one person obviously boosting with hacks since the change, although that's a combination of the overwatch change and level cap.

17 hours for a complete beginner to get level 3. That was within 1 week, weekly bonus resets help a lot too. An experienced player could DM it in 9 hours, with just one weekly bonus, easily. it's not the end of the world.

Unranked MM and level 10 cap to ranked MM should be a thing.

It does absolutely nothing to catch cheaters and smurfs. It would have been effective if smurfs and cheaters never get to the full thing. That would be effective. Anti-drug smuggling measures are not considered effective if drug trafficking takes 2 days instead of 4. It is considered effective it it drops the drug trafficking by 50% (for example).

Valve should implement a mix between the LoL system and CoD system. You get to rank up 30 times in unranked MM, which is identical to ranked mm. 30 levels will takes bloody ages, potentially 150 hours for an average player. Once you get rank 30, you can chose to either go into ranked matchmaking (where you get a rank based on your previous games) or stay as unranked.

Unranked people can queue with unranked people only, and they can only play unranked mm. Ranked people can queue with ranked people only and they have all the modes available BUT they will play ranked players only. Even if they play official DM, they will face ranked players only.

With this system, you can have 2 accounts, one ranked and one unranked. It would cut smurfs off the ranked portion of MM, and blatant spin botters/cheaters will hopefully get banned until the 150 hours finish, giving a cleaner ranked MM. Additionally, you will never get high rankers smashing low rank games, since rank 30 players will just be matched with rank 30 players (and even then, nobody is losing anything, you can only gain XP to rise a rank, kinda like the CoD prestige thing).

EDIT: Casual teaches you nothing at all. The only things I see in casual is camping with awp in Dust 2 spawn, p90 round corners and pushing constantly. It teaches you nothing on how the game should be played. The only grenades you see are smokes which block mid doors on D2. That is not learning. To learn CS you need to play CS, real CS, which is not this. I was once terrible at CS, silver 4, and I pushed my way up to LEM. I didn't need casual to do it. Grinding real play is where you learn.
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I got accused of wallhacking last night when doing the 32 round wins on resort. I stated that I don't hack in game and the accusing party added me on steam, to which he threatened that him and his 200 steam friends would all report me and get me banned. I again stated that I don't hack and asked that he watch the demo (he was a rank above me at LEM).

I went back and watched it through the 'highlights' feature, if viewing it with having at the back of your mind 'is this guy walling?' it might look a bit shifty for a few of the kills, but it was simply good play!

Now, I genuinely don't hack and never have done, however I am worried about Overwatch interpreting my play as some kind of walling.

I had a great game and my reactions were spot on, we had great voice comms/team work in a group of randoms (very rare for me).

Should I be worried? I'd actually be more comfortable with Steam running some kind of synchronous application on my machine to determine if I'm hacking or not as opposed to a public vote which is simply down to a matter of opinion.

Again - I don't hack to any extent of the word.

Got back upto LE a couple of nights ago and have 2 losses/4 wins since, hopefully sat comfortably in the rank now :)

I wouldn't worry about it.

I had the same thing the other night where I had got 27 kills in total which for me is really good and I just had a good game, this was on mirage.

I just ignore any hacking comments as I know I am not hacking otherwise I wouldn't be stuck at GN4 for ages now. people try and add me to steam during matches but again I press ignore and don't bother accepting their invites
I press ignore and don't bother accepting their invites
I dont agree that most of mm is bad. The majority are still battling through the crap, most just dont use voip or cant because of language divides.
You can always add someone and remove them later if it doesnt turn out any use in future lobbies. Ive added people who were clearly class in teamwork, etc and found they had a whole crew of quality people just like ocuk has that list so that's really useful

For example, I know that I can reach jungle quicker on mirage as CT than a T, so I was waiting for the 3x AWP'ers every single round and could almost prefire them as I knew exactly when they would be peeking around the corner. If you get killed in that way I'm sure you can't explain that one at the time, I was just better than them :D
My very first overwatch case was just this, perfect chokepoint timings to ace with p90 and I admit I thought this guy is too good to be true. But he was just quality overall and the main thing I really flag up people who derp so badly but know exactly when to peek. They nade themselves, their movement is bad, they cant make jumps they look silver but they frag dmg. Laziness is really the key, not many really look everywhere they'll centre on the definite target they have
Start of the round, ignore that as it can be timed but mid round and just perfect peeking as the enemy comes round a corner I find hard to forgive if its repeatedly done. That sounds bad because I dont know its not voip but its not one thing, nobody does that.

Give me your demo code from the scoreboard and I'll give you my Spanish inquisition opinion, I bet you not even close to iffy looking

Now, I genuinely don't hack and never have done, however I am worried about Overwatch interpreting my play as some kind of walling.
I probably get in trouble for being too hard, I think the majority give a pass unless its obvious. That is basically how its supposed to be, only the worst. I watch it twice, Im that picky and often record, framestep, useful for skipping afk parts also
But the hackers do small tricks, like the off center flick so he knows you there but he will wait till their elbow is seen then immediately do a perfect flick of the sights to a headshot as you corner. That is a play on reactions, it gets progressively harder to tell the more skilled they are but the pre flick part is silly as they not looking anywhere useful often and so on
After a while of looking this is more obvious, I could be wrong but Im pretty sure they are told to do this or there are guides to hacking they certainly have forums

You get to rank up 30 times in unranked MM, which is identical to ranked mm. 30 levels will takes bloody ages,

I think they will do this eventually. Also the XP rank is harder to get then the mm rank, for hackers. MM gives LEM after just 10 games but even with hacks level 30 is gonna take a while, its possible there becomes some kudos and worth attritbuted and so their attentions are diverted from mm (since they dont care about the game itself) They'll trade these high level accounts for money no doubt, its possible this system develops some use in time anyhow
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Overwatch is simple, if it's isn't blatantly obvious then it's reasonable doubt.

Yea, only had one I said was hacking and that was a guy looking at the floor and popping heads all over the place, had a couple that were dodgy but were either lucky or just very good. But could have been hiding their hacks well.
Low tick rate (was 16 until recently, now 32) and not being able to hear voice comms just 9/10 times makes overwatch pointless for anything other than blatant stuff.

Getting false positive bans is quite unlikely however a professional players smurf got banned recently from overwatch, that being said it was screaM and his aim is stupid, seeing that aim on 16 tick would look very weird I bet. The average non cheating player has nothing to fear from overwatch. Even though I'm quite decent at the game and some times do some realllllllly dodgy looking stuff I spend the rest of the game trying to prefire/aim/shoot smoke/etc when people aren't even close to standing.
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It was scream on a nova account I think? so novas saw him going crazy and thought he was an aimbot. Very rarely I tick that box and I dont see it in my games that often. A genuine global ac got banned for scout jumping but he was also flicking his sens up high and pretending to be a spinbot so yea dont do that I guess

How many got xp from overwatch, I havent :(

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You only get XP for one's you get right iirc whether unproven or proven

edit... "Overwatch Investigators now have an opportunity to gain an XP reward by submitting a sufficient number of accurate verdicts while participating in Overwatch."

If you aren't getting XP, it's because you are wrong lel
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