I got accused of wallhacking last night when doing the 32 round wins on resort. I stated that I don't hack in game and the accusing party added me on steam, to which he threatened that him and his 200 steam friends would all report me and get me banned. I again stated that I don't hack and asked that he watch the demo (he was a rank above me at LEM).
I went back and watched it through the 'highlights' feature, if viewing it with having at the back of your mind 'is this guy walling?' it might look a bit shifty for a few of the kills, but it was simply good play!
Now, I genuinely don't hack and never have done, however I am worried about Overwatch interpreting my play as some kind of walling.
I had a great game and my reactions were spot on, we had great voice comms/team work in a group of randoms (very rare for me).
Should I be worried? I'd actually be more comfortable with Steam running some kind of synchronous application on my machine to determine if I'm hacking or not as opposed to a public vote which is simply down to a matter of opinion.
Again - I don't hack to any extent of the word.
Got back upto LE a couple of nights ago and have 2 losses/4 wins since, hopefully sat comfortably in the rank now